Time for some size!

You can pull way more huh? The extra oxygen your forearm and bicep take just to handle the strain can now go to the real working muscles. I like to alternate deadlift days with straps for heavy and use fat grips on non heavy to still get the arm activation so they don't lag too far. But I don't believe in letting my back not work to its max just cause my arm can keep up
Yes 100 more pounds

Double overhand with straps

Now i can train harder in that instance.

I did 465 for 2 but called it there.

I get 365 without straps for 10
I wanted to be caustious as now i can work muscles harder. I will trt a max one day. Soon once i ise straps more

As i can do 405 for 10 now
Stopped the epistane. Too much shedding.

So this is it for the next 15 weeks no more changing for at least 6 weeks.

Dhb 560
Test 490
NPP 420

Preworkout 30 mg adrol

O yea hgh 5 iu fasted in AM
Yes huge difference. And i feel my legs are going to grow fast using them. I was totally getting held back on my deadlift. I never 1 rm.

For example i can only get 400 1 time without straps. My hand cant hold. I did 10 reps or could do 10 reps now.
That sounds pretty nice for leg growth from a body building perspective. Does it impact the mechanics of the pull?

I used to have trouble with grip during 1rms so I decided to only use raw grip & chalk to get my grip stronger so now it isn’t a problem. but if it’s that big a difference on the target muscle group, it sounds really appealing from a muscle growth perspective and I don’t think I ever heard this mentioned before.
That sounds pretty nice for leg growth from a body building perspective. Does it impact the mechanics of the pull?

I used to have trouble with grip during 1rms so I decided to only use raw grip & chalk to get my grip stronger so now it isn’t a problem. but if it’s that big a difference on the target muscle group, it sounds really appealing from a muscle growth perspective and I don’t think I ever heard this mentioned before.
Chalk is good idea, just cant use it, and i am to worried about mixed grip with bicep tear, and the unevenness. Double overhand his upper back great also.

The onlt thing it effects is getting started. I am 6 foot 1. So once i wrap the wraps around the bar i am stuck and in this crunched positio , where without straps i start standing tall and get in my stance i 2 seconds. The wraps i have to wiggle around to get my body in a position. But thats not a big deal.

It is 100% worth it. And actually i think it made the pull even more a pull motion. Because your pulling from your back not my hands.

They are incredible. So glad i got then. Will still go to as geavy as i can without then use.
I have to agree, there's no point in allowing "weak" grip to prevent you from building other muscles to be bigger and stronger. Either learn how to hook, use mixed grip, or use straps. Straps are by far the least destructive to your body of the 3 methods I listed
Yea def looking good. Wish I filled out as good as you did I'm at 220 and still feel I'm looking flat. But that's dismorphia for ya lol. How tall are you?
Appreciate it, i am really going to hit the chicken and rice hard to finally get to a pooint that i have never been.

I am 6 foot-6 foot 1 ish. 235 lbs at the moment. To eat to get to 250 is so much. And when i get there, i end up fucking up and losing it.

Today is back snd shoulers

Did core yesterday, so will do traps and calfs
That sounds pretty nice for leg growth from a body building perspective. Does it impact the mechanics of the pull?

I used to have trouble with grip during 1rms so I decided to only use raw grip & chalk to get my grip stronger so now it isn’t a problem. but if it’s that big a difference on the target muscle group, it sounds really appealing from a muscle growth perspective and I don’t think I ever heard this mentioned before.
Straps are nice for sure…I honestly only use them when my grip starts getting weak. For deads I almost never use straps I want to know I can grip the weight especially getting close to the 1RM or 3rm. With RDL’s and barbell rows I’ll do them bare handed until my grip starts to get weak. At that point I’m more focused on not dropping the weight and barely getting and work done ya know? So they help me keep going to get the work done. Or if I go to a big gym and then knurling may as well not even be on the bar lol like trying to grip a chrome plated tube or some shit. Also perks of having a home gym with nice shit and knurling that will absolutely skull fuck your hands hahahah
So I find straps amazing but not in the same way most people probably do. I hardly use them for deadlifts unless I absolutely need them. But love them for rows or pull ups or pull downs. Accessory movements I don't need my grip being a factor. Especially since I like to run deads on back day as exercise one then move into pull ups or pull downs.
I am 220 lbs not one streak of water and not any fat, dont like it one bit. Going to be gaining again. Must be sub 10 %, and lost much of glycogen. From getting sick and taking a lasix pill, my estrogen is way low.
its amazing how much muscle glycogen and water retention i had in my body. Muscle glycogen is good, but way to much water. I had 10 lbs of water. Right now

I am holding about 3 lbs water. I am at 230 lbs, 6 foot 1. 12% bf.

I was a ballon animal! Which was great for strength, because my strength and joint are shit at the moment.