Time for some size!


Back Rear Delts
Reverse Grip Rows Upstairs
Lat Pulldowns black Wide 130, 145, 160, 160 drop 140 drop 120
Lat Pulldown Plate Loaded 3 plates 3x10
Rear Delt 115,130,145, drop 130, drop 115
Smith Rows 2 plates high super set low grips, 2 plats, 2 plates, 2.5 plates


Tricep Ez Curl Pressdown 37.5x10,57.5x12,57.5x12,67.5
Bicep Dumbell Curls 35x10,40x10,45 drop 25,45 drop 25
Rope Tricep 60x10,80x10, 80x 10 5 slow
EZ Curl Bar 70 3x10 eccentric focused on last 4
V bar 3x10 60 lbs
Arnold Press 40 4x10
Lateral Arnsenal Flies 40x12front and back


Pinned VG
Legs 8/4

Legs Glutes Calves

Adductor 100,120,140,160
Abductor 140,160,180,180
Dead Lift 145x10,225x10,315x10,315x10,315x10
Hip Thrusts 3 plates 3x10
Seated Calf 2 plates 3x10 inner outer middle
Hammy Curls Light 130x3 sets 14 reps
Horizontal Calfs 170 3x10
Saturday 8/5 Chest/Triceps

Sunday 8/6 Off/Cardio/Foam Roll/Farm

Monday 8/7 Back/Shoulders
Tues- Legs Quad Focus
Weds- Chest only did chest to go slow focus on pec, careful

Doing fasted cardio in AM just walk.

I am also been focusing on posture alot, foam rolling and being aware.

So far i have been really on point,

Going to take ralox double dose for 3 weeks, then cut back.

My e2 was low i felt my joints screaming. I have 5 more days of anadrol then i am stopping all orals. But will be adding in a low aromatizing compound in a week or two, something to finish off the cut. But while being safe. Not sure what yet.

Also switching from deca to npp. This week.

Ez Curl Bar Bicep 40x10,60x10,70x10,80x10
Arnold Press 35x15,35x15,35x10,35x10
Tricep Rope 2x10, 1x10 drop, 1x10 drop
Dumbell curls 35x10,35x8,35x6 drop 30x6
EZ Curl Bar Triceps 42.5x10, 42.5x10, 42.5x10, drop 32.5, same drop again
Lat raises shoulder, Arsenal front and back
Hammer Curls 40 3x10, 35x10, 30x10 drop set
V Bar Tricep 3x10
Shoulder Press 50 3x10
Seated Curls Burn out sets Upstairs
Friday off
Saturday off
Sunday off

Taking a solid rest weekend/deload.

Have been burned the hell out. I ate and had some ice cream sandwhichs, and tomorrow one more gorge day, then back at it.

I got a BP cuff and will be checking daily.

I stopped anadrol yesterday so just hgh, deca and test now.

I will be swimming laps for cardio tomorrow, also adding more cardio in.

Also need to add more water in my day to day.

Will be doing 1/2 a gallon a day then upping as i get used to it.
Going to cycle for 7 weeks if i can.

Npp 420 mg per week
Tren A 420 mg per week
Test cyp 700 mg per week
Hgh 4 iu a day

.6 of npp and tren and .6 mL of each compound, i brewed 30 mL of each so thats 60 days of pinning

So 7-8 weeks then going to cruise/trt

.5 of test cyp 200 ed= 100 mg a day
.6 tren 100 and .6 npp 100 ed = 60 mg a day
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Legs 8/16
Glute and Hammy and Calf

Bike Warm Up 5 min

Addcutor 110,120,120,130

Abductor 150,170,170,180

Deadlift 135,225,315x12,315x12,315x12,315x12

Bulgarian split squat 45 4x10

Seated Calf 2,2.5,2.5 plates 15 reps

One legs Press Back 170 3x10

Horizontal calf press 170,190,210,210 12 reps

pinned right quad
Monday 8/21 Back/Shoulders-Right Delt

Tues 8/22 Chest and Arms-Left Delt

Weds 8/23 Legs Glute Focused-Left Glute

Thurs 8/24 Back/Core

Tomorrow and Saturday off days
How has the chest been holding up since the injury?
Been working on things that allow for growth. And doing chest now, been working hard to grow but stay safe.

I was told from PT i am good to work it, all that is important is to progress in a way that allows for growth and stays safe
After 2 days off

Thats all i took lol

Legs- Quad Focused
Leg Press
Hack Squat
Seated Calf
Leg extension
Horizontal Calf