Timing of hGH with early AM workout

My plan is to start with hGH for the first time soon, I got the OK email from TP so I guess my Mauve tops will arrive shortly.

With the reading I have done so far it seems good practice to pin it straight away in the morning and then remain fasted for another couple of hours.
The issue is I get up at 5:30 AM, slam in a bowl of cereal and a protein shake to be at the gym by 6:00 AM. Setting an alarm at 3:30 AM just to pin hGH or doing my workout fasted is something I'd like to avoid.

Restdays is no issue, I will just get it in as soon as I wake up and eat my first meal a couple hrs later at work. Anyone has good advice on a protocol for workout days?
I take mine about 6am and then go lift. I don’t eat anything until 11am to 12pm. My dose is 2.5 - 3.5iu/daily and goal is fat loss/anti aging.

I don’t think you’re supposed to consume carbs within a few hours of dose. Not sure as I’m always fasted.
Don’t ruin your sleep trying to peak gh at the right time

just have it ready for the am, you wake up at 5 now, you wake up and immediately pin your gh, then you use the restroom and brush your teeth, then eat and go train don’t overthink it the gh will work
The difference in gains from timing these drugs I think will be negligible, u less maybe you’re a high level competitor, just get it in to ya whenever, one dose a day, 2 a day, 1 every other day, 3x a week.. whatever..
With the reading I have done so far it seems good practice to pin it straight away in the morning and then remain fasted for another couple of hours.
The issue is I get up at 5:30 AM, slam in a bowl of cereal and a protein shake to be at the gym by 6:00 AM. Setting an alarm at 3:30 AM just to pin hGH or doing my workout fasted is something I'd like to avoid.

What you read is correct. Main reason being because you need to keep your gh away from food. Also, because most have found better results from doing it this way. Especially with adding semi-fasted cardio to the morning schedule.

Waking up at 5:30 and slamming a meal and hitting the gym within 30 minutes isn’t ideal at all

What dose you planing on taking?
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I take mine about 6am and then go lift. I don’t eat anything until 11am to 12pm. My dose is 2.5 - 3.5iu/daily and goal is fat loss/anti aging.

I don’t think you’re supposed to consume carbs within a few hours of dose. Not sure as I’m always fasted.
Isnt it affecting your workouts to do it in a fasted state?
Don’t ruin your sleep trying to peak gh at the right time

just have it ready for the am, you wake up at 5 now, you wake up and immediately pin your gh, then you use the restroom and brush your teeth, then eat and go train don’t overthink it the gh will work

The difference in gains from timing these drugs I think will be negligible, u less maybe you’re a high level competitor, just get it in to ya whenever, one dose a day, 2 a day, 1 every other day, 3x a week.. whatever..

Thanks for the input, gains wise it maybe wont matter but health wise it is better to keep hGH away from food because of decreasing your insulin sensitivity.
What you read is correct. Main reason being because you need to keep your gh away from food. Also, because most have found better results from doing it this way. Especially with adding semi-fasted cardio to the morning schedule.

Waking up at 5:30 and slamming a meal and hitting the gym within 30 minutes isn’t ideal at all

What dose you planing on taking?
Yeah that is exactly why I need a way to not become insuline resistant. On rest days I plan on doing fasted cardio.

I know my morning routine is not be ideal but it works fine for me. I prefer to work out in the morning before work instead of after work.
Dose wise I plan on starting with 2 iu ED, up over time to 3 and then maybe 4?
Isnt it affecting your workouts to do it in a fasted state?

Thanks for the input, gains wise it maybe wont matter but health wise it is better to keep hGH away from food because of decreasing your insulin sensitivity.

Yeah that is exactly why I need a way to not become insuline resistant. On rest days I plan on doing fasted cardio.

I know my morning routine is not be ideal but it works fine for me. I prefer to work out in the morning before work instead of after work.
Dose wise I plan on starting with 2 iu ED, up over time to 3 and then maybe 4?
No but I’ve always preferred fasted training first thing AM. So it just works with my schedule/routine/goals. I Also experimented with taking a larger dose at night every other day. That actually worked well too. But I think it helps with leanness most preworkout or super early AM.
Thanks for the input, gains wise it maybe wont matter but health wise it is better to keep hGH away from food because of decreasing your insulin sensitivity
It’s actually not true, contrary to common forum jargon

the presence of carbs messes with your natural production of gh, so if you were using ghrp’s or ghrh’s you’d apply this, but not the case for exogenous gh
did you ever try fasted training? u would get all the benefits from the gh like you would do cardio fasted in the morning if you skip your breakfast. Eating 30min before going to the gym is contraproductive anyway, because the meal is still not digested.
I dont see any benefit in eating 30min before your workout anyway
did you ever try fasted training? u would get all the benefits from the gh like you would do cardio fasted in the morning if you skip your breakfast. Eating 30min before going to the gym is contraproductive anyway, because the meal is still not digested.
I dont see any benefit in eating 30min before your workout anyway
It's not even uncommon to go hypoglycemic from fasted intense training, and it definitely lends itself to being weaker. There is digestion of the meal immediately postprandially and intra-session. Basically everything you said here is wrong and biased by what apparently works fine for you.
The only rationale for avoiding eating post-rhGH bolus would be insulin resistance. Since rhGH stimulates lipolysis and causes insulin resistance within 1-2 h, and these effects disappear after approx. 8 hr (this is not to say there is not summation of these effects and increased basal IR from chronic rhGH admin.) This, then, is a rationale (among others) for nighttime administration... or, given stimulation of FFAs and ketone bodies, an argument for eating within 1-2 h of the bolus.

Since the body adapts to fasted cardio by reducing TDEE later in the day anyhow (yes, it is smarter than you), all these fasted GH protocols are just bad bro science.
It’s actually not true, contrary to common forum jargon

the presence of carbs messes with your natural production of gh, so if you were using ghrp’s or ghrh’s you’d apply this, but not the case for exogenous gh
There is enough literature available that tells otherwise.
did you ever try fasted training? u would get all the benefits from the gh like you would do cardio fasted in the morning if you skip your breakfast. Eating 30min before going to the gym is contraproductive anyway, because the meal is still not digested.
I dont see any benefit in eating 30min before your workout anyway
I really need some food in my system to perform and see Type-IIx his comment below.
It's not even uncommon to go hypoglycemic from fasted intense training, and it definitely lends itself to being weaker. There is digestion of the meal immediately postprandially and intra-session. Basically everything you said here is wrong and biased by what apparently works fine for you.
The only rationale for avoiding eating post-rhGH bolus would be insulin resistance. Since rhGH stimulates lipolysis and causes insulin resistance within 1-2 h, and these effects disappear after approx. 8 hr (this is not to say there is not summation of these effects and increased basal IR from chronic rhGH admin.) This, then, is a rationale (among others) for nighttime administration... or, given stimulation of FFAs and ketone bodies, an argument for eating within 1-2 h of the bolus.

Since the body adapts to fasted cardio by reducing TDEE later in the day anyhow (yes, it is smarter than you), all these fasted GH protocols are just bad bro science.
Sooo long story short; what would you recommend? Night time like 2 hrs post last meal, right before bed? I do read, that at my age, it could have adverse effects on my own production. Dosing in the morning would possibly be better to have your own production at night time
Why don’t you try a HBCD&eaa or whey shake pre?
Cereal is already pretty easily digestible and I already have a whey shake. But this topic is not about my breakfast but about best time for r-hGH administration fitting in my schedule.
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The difference in gains from timing these drugs I think will be negligible, u less maybe you’re a high level competitor, just get it in to ya whenever, one dose a day, 2 a day, 1 every other day, 3x a week.. whatever..
This ^^. People overthink it way to much, just get it in your system and it will do its job. I’ve done it every way possible and the differences are negligible.
There is enough literature available that tells otherwise.

I really need some food in my system to perform and see Type-IIx his comment below.


Sooo long story short; what would you recommend? Night time like 2 hrs post last meal, right before bed? I do read, that at my age, it could have adverse effects on my own production. Dosing in the morning would possibly be better to have your own production at night time

Cereal is already pretty easily digestible and I already have a whey shake. But this topic is not about my breakfast but about best time for r-hGH administration fitting in my schedule.
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Im just tryna say I do the 5am training. I’ve done the wake up at 3 to pin gh the sleep till 4 eat and train at 5. I’ve also just taken it with food and my bg never was effected any different than it already was as I wasn’t using insulin at the time.

I came to the conclusion that sleeping all the way through was worth it (while growth oriented). Not trying to jump over backwards to not have gh around food when you’ve got to train early or nothing.
Isnt it affecting your workouts to do it in a fasted state?

Thanks for the input, gains wise it maybe wont matter but health wise it is better to keep hGH away from food because of decreasing your insulin sensitivity.

Yeah that is exactly why I need a way to not become insuline resistant. On rest days I plan on doing fasted cardio.

I know my morning routine is not be ideal but it works fine for me. I prefer to work out in the morning before work instead of after work.
Dose wise I plan on starting with 2 iu ED, up over time to 3 and then maybe 4?
I would just pin before bed if you don't want to wakeup early. No insulin resistance and you can keep the same schedule that you have been on.
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Im just tryna say I do the 5am training. I’ve done the wake up at 3 to pin gh the sleep till 4 eat and train at 5. I’ve also just taken it with food and my bg never was effected any different than it already was as I wasn’t using insulin at the time.

I came to the conclusion that sleeping all the way through was worth it (while growth oriented). Not trying to jump over backwards to not have gh around food when you’ve got to train early or nothing.
What was your GH dose?

Did you mean to ask me to cite studies?
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Sooo long story short; what would you recommend? Night time like 2 hrs post last meal, right before bed? I do read, that at my age, it could have adverse effects on my own production. Dosing in the morning would possibly be better to have your own production at night time
I actually have a great deal to say on this question. But I don't think it's feasible to just give you an answer in a forum post. Given the widespread dogma surrounding these protocols I've already started compiling what could be viewed as a strong argument against the current dogma, likely rooted in ChestRockwell's very old school piece on GH, backed by data for a few different principles (muscle anabolism vs. lipolysis vs. anti-aging vs. return from immobiliization/post-rehabilitation with some permutations based on limited dosages) of administration and giving (MAYBE) a reader the tools to understand why. I should probably put that out instead honestly.
My plan is to start with hGH for the first time soon, I got the OK email from TP so I guess my Mauve tops will arrive shortly.

With the reading I have done so far it seems good practice to pin it straight away in the morning and then remain fasted for another couple of hours.
The issue is I get up at 5:30 AM, slam in a bowl of cereal and a protein shake to be at the gym by 6:00 AM. Setting an alarm at 3:30 AM just to pin hGH or doing my workout fasted is something I'd like to avoid.

Restdays is no issue, I will just get it in as soon as I wake up and eat my first meal a couple hrs later at work. Anyone has good advice on a protocol for workout days?
A few months ago I started training early in the morning. I now pin the GH either right before or right after I train. Either way, I'm taking the GH with a meal. When I worked out later in the day I used to pin the GH first thing in the morning and not eat for a few hours. I haven't seen any difference in results.

Scott Stevenson did a podcast on whether it's necessary to take GH fasted and remain fasted after taking it to get the full benefits, based on the science of how GH works. Long story short, it seems to not matter from a scientific perspective, or at least not matter enough to be concerned over it. I've found that to be the case in my experience as well.