Tirzepatide (or Semaglutide) stacked with MOTS-C and Tesamorelin?


New Member
Can you stack Tirzepatide (or Semaglutide) with MOTS-C and Tesamorelin at the same time for weight loss? Has anyone tried this combo and what was your experience?

I was thinking 5mg MOTS-C in the morning every other day for 4 weeks, then every 5 days for 4 weeks and 2mg Tesamorelin taken before bed and 90 minutes after last food intake 5 days per week for 8 weeks. Then at least. 4 to 8 weeks off. Is this a good dosing regimen? Thanks.
Not sure what the interaction of MOTS-C and Tirz or Sema will do together (hunger and metaboliism), but would recommend starting low on all to determine if tolerable and how you feel regarding hunger and metabolism. Cycling off on a 5/2 days and then 8 weeks is consistent with others for the tesa, but not necessarily what I've read for sema/tirz (depending on your goals). Typically one uses a GHRP with a GHRH, so makes sense to add ipamorelin. Interested in knowing how it goes.
Can you stack Tirzepatide (or Semaglutide) with MOTS-C and Tesamorelin at the same time for weight loss? Has anyone tried this combo and what was your experience?

I was thinking 5mg MOTS-C in the morning every other day for 4 weeks, then every 5 days for 4 weeks and 2mg Tesamorelin taken before bed and 90 minutes after last food intake 5 days per week for 8 weeks. Then at least. 4 to 8 weeks off. Is this a good dosing regimen? Thanks.
Too early to tell how things are going to work, but here is where I am with testing. I have been on tirzepatide for a year next week. I am starting my 3rd week of Ipamorelin/CJC1295 no DAC. and just completed the first week of MOTS-C.

My dosages:
15mg Tirz weekly
MOTS-C 5mg Monday, Wednesday, Friday
CJC 200 mcg nightly, fasted before bed
Ipa 300 mcg nightly, fasted before bed

Again too early for results, but night one, the CJC/Ipa had a HUGE impact on my sleep. I am sleeping harder/deeper than I can ever remember in my life. I have always been a light sleeper. I tried Melatonin, and cannot go over 2mg per night or I feel groggy all day the next day. But with CJC/Ipa, I sleep so hard, but wake up quickly and refreshed. I have to believe this is a positive impact on my health, even if they are not doing anything for IGF1 increases.

MOTS-C, after only a week is hard to say I can tell any difference. Potentially my cardio workouts seem easier to go harder/longer, but not sure if that is because I am sleeping better. From what I have read, MOTS-C really only helps for people with mitochondrial issues. Not sure if I do, but will give this a few months to see if it helps.

Did not really answer your question, but wanted to share my early results.
Appreciate the replies, I won't be getting my tesa, ipa and MOTS-C for a few weeks so I would love to hear an update in another week or two to see how things are going. Thanks.
Can you stack Tirzepatide (or Semaglutide) with MOTS-C and Tesamorelin at the same time for weight loss? Has anyone tried this combo and what was your experience?

I was thinking 5mg MOTS-C in the morning every other day for 4 weeks, then every 5 days for 4 weeks and 2mg Tesamorelin taken before bed and 90 minutes after last food intake 5 days per week for 8 weeks. Then at least. 4 to 8 weeks off. Is this a good dosing regimen? Thanks.
IMO you don't need to pair anything with Semaglutide. Not sure about Tirz but with Sema alone you should be able to lose plenty of weight without adding any other weight loss drug.
Do you not effectively lose weight when you are on semaglutide alone?
IMO you don't need to pair anything with Semaglutide. Not sure about Tirz but with Sema alone you should be able to lose plenty of weight without adding any other weight loss drug.
Do you not effectively lose weight when you are on semaglutide alone?
Started on Semaglutide, switched over to Tirzepatide, currently at 7.5mg and I have slowly been losing weight with no side effects. Figured the MOTS-C could help increase energy and Tesamorelin/Ipamorelin could increase weight loss, especially in the stomach area as it is known to help reduce visceral fat.
Started on Semaglutide, switched over to Tirzepatide, currently at 7.5mg and I have slowly been losing weight with no side effects. Figured the MOTS-C could help increase energy and Tesamorelin/Ipamorelin could increase weight loss, especially in the stomach area as it is known to help reduce visceral fat.
Oh, so you have lowered energy? Is that a side effect you think?
Have you had any side effects from sema?
I take Tirz, MOTS-C, Tesa, and Ipa. I sleep well. I have plenty of energy. Generally elevated mood. My body has been slowly but surely recomping. Particularly in the last month, I've noticed my face get more chiseled. I've become more vascular. More definition in my arms and legs. A bit more shape to my waist. I've gotten to a weight that I'm not really looking to move the scale at this point. I'm 6'7" and weigh around 195 nowadays (a year ago I was 284). At this point I'm just trying to lose any remaining fat and add a bit of muscle while staying under 210. Not looking to add too much muscle as I like a long, lean look, and I ride a sport bike, which means mass is the enemy.

Long story short though... no negative sides unless I overeat. But that's the same issue I have with any GLP-1 even by themselves. I've been on this combo for a couple months now.
I take Tirz, MOTS-C, Tesa, and Ipa. I sleep well. I have plenty of energy. Generally elevated mood. My body has been slowly but surely recomping. Particularly in the last month, I've noticed my face get more chiseled. I've become more vascular. More definition in my arms and legs. A bit more shape to my waist.
Do you attribute this recomposition to the weight loss generally or to a particular peptide?

I’m concerned about anything that may negatively impact sleep and you mentioned you’re sleeping well. Did you have any negative or positive impacts on sleep (and which peptide or anything else do you attribute that to)?
I've gotten to a weight that I'm not really looking to move the scale at this point. I'm 6'7" and weigh around 195 nowadays (a year ago I was 284).
Congrats, massive change! You mentioned this is your combo for a couple months but this weight change has been over a year; what was added recently and what impacts did the recent additions have?
Curious about any updates from OP and others who had recently started adding to their Tirz: how has Ipa/Tesa, IPA/CJC, and/or MOTS-c worked out for weight loss (and limiting muscle loss while cutting)? Very helpful info on sleep impacts by the way.
Can anyone recommend whether to take Tesa/Ipa or CJC no DAC/Ipa first? Any reason not to take MOTS-c at the same time as any/all of those?
Curious about any updates from OP and others who had recently started adding to their Tirz: how has Ipa/Tesa, IPA/CJC, and/or MOTS-c worked out for weight loss (and limiting muscle loss while cutting)? Very helpful info on sleep impacts by the way.
Can anyone recommend whether to take Tesa/Ipa or CJC no DAC/Ipa first? Any reason not to take MOTS-c at the same time as any/all of those?
The first few weeks of MOTS-C, I definitely felt and increase in energy levels for the rest of that day. That feeling subsided after 2 weeks. I did that for 6 weeks and cycled off for a month and did another 4 weeks with minimal feels. My hope is that it 'repaired' any mitochondria inefficiencies I might have had. I also did a 4 week cycle of SS-31 with no 'feels'.

The CJC/Ipa combination was outstanding. I did that course for 3 months while continuing my 15mg weekly Tirz. The absolute best sleep of my life. I do not know what my what my IGF-1 was when I started, but at the end of the 3 months, my IGF-1 was 206. I am 54 years old by the way, so very happy with that number.

The best news for me was during that time, I lost 28 total pounds (328 to 300) and my fat free mass (measured with Fit3dscan) was down 1 pound. Fat free mass went from 210 to 209. No one ever wants to lose fat free mass. But, I am extremely happy to have dropped 28 lbs and only losing one pound of lean body. Statistically, fat is actually 10-15% water...

Very pleased with the results. Now on rx TRT and ugl hgh (2iu daily) to take it to another level.

The only reason why I went with Ipa over Tesa was cost. The Ipa was about 1/3 the cost of the Tesa at the time.
As a follow-up to stacking with Tirz. I was stuck at 300 lbs for about 8 weeks. (Keep in mind I have lost 140 lbs in that prior 16 months). That point was 4 weeks of trt (140 test C weekly) and the very start of hgh. So stall was some water weight for sure.

Just under 3 weeks ago I started Tesofensine. Holy crap! Down 8 pounds in the past 2 weeks. Talk about breaking a stall.

Tesofensine absolutely destroys my appetite. Having been on 15mg weekly Tirz for about 7 months, day 6 and 7 appetite would come back. With Teso, I just went 14 days between Tirz doses. On day 14 food noise started coming back so I injected 10mg Tirz and 3 days later, I am still struggling to get all my protein in daily.

Started 250 mcg Teso daily the first 5 days and 500 mcg daily since, first thing in the morning.
I highly recommend some sort of GHRP/GHRH (or better yet real GH) with your GLP-1 if you’re running a steep deficit. It makes a massive difference on recovery. It’s been 3 days since legs, and they’re still annihilated. When I was on GH, I’d be ready to hit them again by now.