Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Try NPP 100 a week. It’s what I’ve heard the magic number is , but I’m just trying to get some more confirmation

Yea that’s number I’ve came across with that most people run with when it comes to joint relief. I think my next blast is going to be a combo of the cycles you recommended

Test @ 300mg 12 weeks
Tren a @ 400mg 8 weeks
Npp either at 100mg or 200mgweek
Dbol @ 50mg 4 weeks
ARKILEAS51 fuck u might damn be right .. I just burped up some stomach fluid other day and I’ve been completely nauseated 24 hours a day for the past week ..I’m on it ...where is that rabbit
Also, keep writing and ranting like a dumbass and I’m gonna treat you like @balco. Fuck @balco.
@TitaniumGear (TGI) doesn't need a shill.

What happened you burn through all that sasquatch gear you earned?
Shooting Mast P EOD and Mast E twice a week along with Cyp on Monday & Thursday. Quite the PITA to get them straight. I accidentally shot my Cyp & Mast E on Wednesday instead of Thursday this week.
Fuck , not excited for the calculus required to not fuck up this cycle.

@Oldschool glad to see your still an angry little man-let. Just got done recently picking all of sasquatches pubes out of between my teeth, thanks for asking champ.
It sucks man. I create a log in Excel to keep track, but even that proved useless in Wednesday. Wish I would’ve gotten the blend so I could save my delts an extra CC of oil.
Do you (or anyone else) know of online anonymous documents? Don’t want a spreadsheet on my computer lol.

Would google docs work with a throwaway gmail?