Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Those of you that remember me talking about my bro finding a girl dfifferent from the rest? He asked her to marry him last night. So happy for them.

Lmao I know I joke around about being your brother but I asked my girl to marry me last night too all jokes asides
You probably just have bad heartburn. Eat some tums and or throw in 20g l-glutamine a day. @Roger rabbit saved my life with the glutamine recommendation.
ARKILEAS51 fuck u might damn be right .. I just burped up some stomach fluid other day and I’ve been completely nauseated 24 hours a day for the past week ..I’m on it ...where is that rabbit
@ONDRUN , the sides vary from compound to compound.

But running short esters, it’s easier to dip out or lower dosage. Gyno is not the only negative side effect. There is acne, hair loss, high BP, the list continues
I just started on a 300/400/400 and it’s my first, so I got nothing, but it’s pretty much how I’m running mine, except the Tren will remain Ace instead of Enanthate. Test P is transitioning to Cyp, 250/week, Mast P transitioning to E 400/wk, Tren A staying at 400/wk. Taking 75 mg Var ED. After two weeks, the Var and Tren go on 2 week sabbatical, to be swapped out with NPP then wash, rinse, repeat.
How are you doing the mast p to mast e transition?
ARKILEAS51 fuck u might damn be right .. I just burped up some stomach fluid other day and I’ve been completely nauseated 24 hours a day for the past week ..I’m on it ...where is that rabbit
Yeah you aren’t nauseated you just have heartburn/acid reflux. Eat two tums once or twice a day and start 20g of glutamine (I do 10g morning and midday). Will take 2-3 days to kick in (or at least it did for me). Rabbit said that is different in most people depending on how depleted their current supply is in the stomach lining. @Roger rabbit