Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Those of you that remember me talking about my bro finding a girl dfifferent from the rest? He asked her to marry him last night. So happy for them.
Make sure to keep an eye on the left ventricle. Just one major side effect of using caber.

How does one “keep and eye on his own left ventricle” without the aid of a cardiologist or ultrasound? Lol. “Hey doc, l think I’m having some problems with my left ventricle. No, not the right one. I said left. Jesus.”
I agree with you, I think it keeps the blood levels steadier with ED. A lot of people do EOD because they say it helps with the sides

That sounds solid, and I would do the 3/3 combo. Do you ever add NPP for joint support?
ICEMAN question... let’s say I do the ED and I start getting sides what are the sides you’re talking about that get you to back down?????!!!!
Is it this nauseated fucking feeling that I feel ???
other than that I don’t get sides and no gyno shits been gone for 20 years
ICEMAN question... let’s say I do the ED and I start getting sides what are the sides you’re talking about that get you to back down?????!!!!
Is it this nauseated fucking feeling that I feel ???
other than that I don’t get sides and no gyno shits been gone for 20 years
You probably just have bad heartburn. Eat some tums and or throw in 20g l-glutamine a day. @Roger rabbit saved my life with the glutamine recommendation.
Dude I have never fucking heard of that draw at 21 that shit must of went over my head ( down syndrome and all ) at some point quite a few times but that’s the way to do it and push with 25 that’s smart as fuck .. kind of expensive though well maybe not really two boxes for one
My friend sent me an 18 @Masters Power to draw so I use that.