Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Want some energetic music? Emmure
Thanks Puckhog. I listened to some Emmure and JFK it had energy. Thanks for the suggestion but dude, can that really be called music? I mean, what key is it in? Guttural C Major? Wow. I appreciate the suggestion but I’m just not at that level yet. I encourage others to see what I mean.
Thanks Puckhog. I listened to some Emmure and JFK it had energy. Thanks for the suggestion but dude, can that really be called music? I mean, what key is it in? Guttural C Major? Wow. I appreciate the suggestion but I’m just not at that level yet. I encourage others to see what I mean.

That was...intense. lol.
Somebody just emailed me (gmail)...asked if we could chat on facebook or IG. Told them to get fucked. Now i am mistreating customers. Prepared email with blacked out data to tell the tale should it be brought up in the thread.
Thanks Puckhog. I listened to some Emmure and JFK it had energy. Thanks for the suggestion but dude, can that really be called music? I mean, what key is it in? Guttural C Major? Wow. I appreciate the suggestion but I’m just not at that level yet. I encourage others to see what I mean.
Yeah I listened to it when he first said it to you. Didn’t make it through 1.5 mins of the first song lmao.
Somebody just emailed me (gmail)...asked if we could chat on facebook or IG. Told them to get fucked. Now i am mistreating customers. Prepared email with blacked out data to tell the tale should it be brought up in the thread.

So dissapointed in you right now.

Don't you know the customer's always right?
Nah he’ll be back.
You and that damn narcissist word.
Somebody just emailed me (gmail)...asked if we could chat on facebook or IG. Told them to get fucked. Now i am mistreating customers. Prepared email with blacked out data to tell the tale should it be brought up in the thread.
YOU DID EXACTLY WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE!!!!!! And for what reason? For many fronts that was fucked up
Eminem Is music :(
I’m not a huge rap fan but I can do some Eminem! I like his new shit as well as his old.
‘Superman’, ‘The Way I Am’, ‘Lucky You’, and ‘Natural’ with Imagine Dragons is just a few off the top I can do in the gym. I also like MGK ‘Rap Devil’ (Eminem diss). Lol.

I like some of what’s on @Urgentfury12 death/kill music list as well. Damn UF12, how many lists you got!? o_O:p
It’s a fact, a good song can make you stronger in the gym!
I actually like country music but I can’t do that in the gym :D
Agree on Eminem. Some good stuff there on occasion. Love the way it hurts.
@HIGHRISK was this you?

"i would like the price list and some picture of your products if it not too demanding :D and is there a way we can chat instead of email ? i dont feel very confortable chatting by email hahah feels old to me ! if i can chat you on instagram of fb i wouldnt mind ! i feel very interest in your product my mannnnn"