Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

So that others can be amused and feel better about themselves, I’m going to share with the MESO family.

Everything yesterday went fucking great. Great day at work, excited about kids all gone for the night at grandma’s house, packing for a Florida trip this week, wife happy with me, out for a couple drinks and dinner and came home to get a piece of ass with no kids in the house. But first, I had to pin.

So I’m standing naked in my bathroom, buzzed pretty good, talking shit to the stud in the mirror about looking fuckin good and how he was about to knock the bottom out of that ass. Then, I jabbed the pin in my ass and realized two things at the same fucking time:

1. I forgot to replace my 18 g draw needle with my 27g

2. I can yodel, scream, and cry at the same time.
And why would anyone listen to Hall and Oates? Why would you name your kid Oates? I’ll be thinking about this all night.
So that others can be amused and feel better about themselves, I’m going to share with the MESO family.

Everything yesterday went fucking great. Great day at work, excited about kids all gone for the night at grandma’s house, packing for a Florida trip this week, wife happy with me, out for a couple drinks and dinner and came home to get a piece of ass with no kids in the house. But first, I had to pin.

So I’m standing naked in my bathroom, buzzed pretty good, talking shit to the stud in the mirror about looking fuckin good and how he was about to knock the bottom out of that ass. Then, I jabbed the pin in my ass and realized two things at the same fucking time:

1. I forgot to replace my 18 g draw needle with my 27g

2. I can yodel, scream, and cry at the same time.
But did you have any PIP from TGI gear? THAT is the question sir.
So that others can be amused and feel better about themselves, I’m going to share with the MESO family.

Everything yesterday went fucking great. Great day at work, excited about kids all gone for the night at grandma’s house, packing for a Florida trip this week, wife happy with me, out for a couple drinks and dinner and came home to get a piece of ass with no kids in the house. But first, I had to pin.

So I’m standing naked in my bathroom, buzzed pretty good, talking shit to the stud in the mirror about looking fuckin good and how he was about to knock the bottom out of that ass. Then, I jabbed the pin in my ass and realized two things at the same fucking time:

1. I forgot to replace my 18 g draw needle with my 27g

2. I can yodel, scream, and cry at the same time.
Was it a blunt tip? If so that’s a feat in itself. That would be like slitting a pigs throat with a spoon
So that others can be amused and feel better about themselves, I’m going to share with the MESO family.

Everything yesterday went fucking great. Great day at work, excited about kids all gone for the night at grandma’s house, packing for a Florida trip this week, wife happy with me, out for a couple drinks and dinner and came home to get a piece of ass with no kids in the house. But first, I had to pin.

So I’m standing naked in my bathroom, buzzed pretty good, talking shit to the stud in the mirror about looking fuckin good and how he was about to knock the bottom out of that ass. Then, I jabbed the pin in my ass and realized two things at the same fucking time:

1. I forgot to replace my 18 g draw needle with my 27g

2. I can yodel, scream, and cry at the same time.



So that others can be amused and feel better about themselves, I’m going to share with the MESO family.

Everything yesterday went fucking great. Great day at work, excited about kids all gone for the night at grandma’s house, packing for a Florida trip this week, wife happy with me, out for a couple drinks and dinner and came home to get a piece of ass with no kids in the house. But first, I had to pin.

So I’m standing naked in my bathroom, buzzed pretty good, talking shit to the stud in the mirror about looking fuckin good and how he was about to knock the bottom out of that ass. Then, I jabbed the pin in my ass and realized two things at the same fucking time:

1. I forgot to replace my 18 g draw needle with my 27g

2. I can yodel, scream, and cry at the same time.
I’m going to bet you were flexing that bulldog or eagle globe an anchor tattoo ;)
I'm pinning 500/Wk. It just makes me wanna fuck more. Lol.
Which leads me to this nugget of wisdom from an (older wiser) perspective. There are only three things in my life that have led to “insensitivity”.
  1. Too much weed. Hard to believe I know.
  2. Coke in any amount.
  3. Beating off more than twice a day.

Look into number three in light of your previous comment.

Mic drop
Chick I was with awhile ago did a line off my dick. We literally fucked for seven hours and I couldn't bust. All three holes until I called it and just went home.

Fried hard.

For the record, I don't get off more than once a day if I'm not on cycle. I'll usually go a couple days actually unless a hard-on seriously impairs sleep.

Takes forever beating it too and I got better shit to do.
...And while I’m at it, @Kim, Ima calling you out on unsportsmanlike conduct. It’s like @HIGHRISK says with a bunch of blokes sitting around the ice shack with their dicks in the water hoping for a nibble (not even a bite)...you’re shooting fish in a barrel girl. Won’t call out the boys because they can’t get past the Tren but damn. Respect but damn.

Probably fun but not sure why you put up with it other than the sport.

Thoughts? Like I said...Respect.
...And while I’m at it, @Kim, Ima calling you out on unsportsmanlike conduct. It’s like @HIGHRISK says with a bunch of blokes sitting around the ice shack with their dicks in the water hoping for a nibble (not even a bite)...you’re shooting fish in a barrel girl. Won’t call out the boys because they can’t get past the Tren but damn. Respect but damn.

Probably fun but not sure why you put up with it other than the sport.

Thoughts? Like I said...Respect.
She likes the attention. She’s a good sport though. Not a bad thing to have women in these forums. Just remember lads, they typically live in a different state and already have steady dick.
Chick I was with awhile ago did a line off my dick. We literally fucked for seven hours and I couldn't bust. All three holes until I called it and just went home.

Fried hard.

For the record, I don't get off more than once a day if I'm not on cycle. I'll usually go a couple days actually unless a hard-on seriously impairs sleep.

Takes forever beating it too and I got better shit to do.
Then you might have other more serious issues to check into man. Circulation, diabetes, etc...