Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

@Kim definitely a good sport and I think most dudes here, like myself, just like to play around and nothing is made to be serious.
When she’s on a roll and throwing the shit back out is the best! Especially when her and TGI were going back and forth a while back. Shit cracked me up!
She’s also inspired some great crayon artwork for our entertainment.
It’s almost safe to say it wouldn’t be the same here without her.

I guess what I’m sayin is I love her! o_OSee, I got jokes!! :p :D
Easy with the L word :eek:
I’d do it for MESO but I only tried coke a couple of times when I was young. No desire to go there today thanks.
I like the fact that @Kim engages with MESO too. She’s been around a lot longer than I have...but putting myself in her shoes why would I put up with the attention/abuse and general male behavior. Must be a remarkable lady.
I think she’s good people, better to have her around rather than not to. regardless how some of these dudes act about there being a female around. It’s almost like a woman on a construction site
Right on Jerry Springer! It’s true though - nothing turns a woman on more than a man who is confident in himself. And of course the old adage is true: birds of a feather flock together. You get your stuff together and a woman who has hers together will be attracted to what you have. Psychos will too, but being confident in yourself will help you weed them out. Unless you like psychos.
Crazy pussy is the best pussy is what a buddy of mine used to say. All his girlfriend's we're next level bat shit crazy
Crazy pussy is the best pussy is what a buddy of mine used to say. All his girlfriend's we're next level bat shit crazy
Maybe true until you stop calling her and your come out one day and your truck windows are busted out and she engraved her name on all four sides of your truck.