Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Bloods on the sus250 .3ml mon wed fri with a slin pin. Estrogen was 36 using his aromasin one pill e3d.... Just started second vial been cruising. Bloods were taken about 26 hours after pin.


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Bloods on the sus250 .3ml mon wed fri with a slin pin. Estrogen was 36 using his aromasin one pill e3d.... Just started second vial been cruising. Bloods were taken about 26 hours after pin.
Don’t come in here in the middle of our conversation with some valuable info like blood work on tgi gear. Way to buzz kill it.

Kidding thanks for your contribution.
What did I do?
Fair question. And text doesn’t always interpret well.

Put ten men in a room with one engaging lady. Two will be assholes, and two others will claim she’s an angel no matter what. The other six will be shades of grey. Lady’s fault? Probably not. But it is predictable behavior.

Also probably no way to avoid it. Just sayin.
Crazy pussy is the best pussy is what a buddy of mine used to say. All his girlfriend's we're next level bat shit crazy
Correct, they aren’t keepers
Bloods on the sus250 .3ml mon wed fri with a slin pin. Estrogen was 36 using his aromasin one pill e3d.... Just started second vial been cruising. Bloods were taken about 26 hours after pin.
would seem a bit over dosed. What do you normally test at for a dose of 225mg/week? Thanks for the work.
Honestly wondering if part of it is tension in my legs? Especially my inner hams and adductors.

I've had partners rub them down hard for pretty long stretches and it's way easier to pop.

Cause chicka did this thing last night...fuck. I don't know how I didn't bust cause I couldn't even think.
High E2?
Mine was just under 1,700 on 250 a week split 125x Monday and Thursday
Have you tested on a blast? It’s crazy you see dudes pulling only 2800TT ON 600mg wk/split dose but some 1500-200 on 250 a week. Ive personally got 1300 on 175mg wk/split cruise dose. Clearly some are better responders but I believe that there is an lesser or diminishing increase with doses higher and higher
Actually thinking of buying @TitaniumGear (TGI) out and just have him work for me personally. Remember I have deeep ass pockets :cool:

Don’t worry hear for you always!
Gonna be pretty spendy.
Don’t allow this corrupt corporate entity to steal your dignity TGI
Dignity intact and bills paid? Sign me up.
Bloods on the sus250 .3ml mon wed fri with a slin pin. Estrogen was 36 using his aromasin one pill e3d.... Just started second vial been cruising. Bloods were taken about 26 hours after pin.
Email me for your credit and thanks for posting.