Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

So there may or may not have a been a piece of stopper 5 pins ago. Can get a replacement for this order and the one before it because those may or may not had stopper bits in them too. I only draw with a 10g needle.
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You retard. Those are the new bio rhythmic stoppers. Pop the cap, swab with alcohol, cut a slit in you ass cheek, and insert the vial (upside down) into the open wound. Super glue it shut and your body nurses the vial like a baby suckling the teet.
Nothing to do with the high. Everything to do with giving mind and mood altering substances to an addict. Lol. Every single person I have seen walk through the doors of NA that tested themselves with "just" smoking weed or "just" having a drink has always ended up back to where they started. Rationalization and substitution and control does not work. Lol.

Were you being sarcastic? I couldn't interpret.
I was addicted to opiates/benzos and I drink socially, sometimes multiple times per week and haven't relapsed. Although I'm the exception not the rule, it takes a ton of discipline to stay sober. For me it's easiest to stay sober when you have motivation, for example staying out of jail, money, health, homelessness, significant other and numerous other things.
I was addicted to opiates/benzos and I drink socially, sometimes multiple times per week and haven't relapsed. Although I'm the exception not the rule, it takes a ton of discipline to stay sober. For me it's easiest to stay sober when you have motivation, for example staying out of jail, money, health, homelessness, significant other and numerous other things.
Yea my fucking hero:rolleyes:
I was addicted to opiates/benzos and I drink socially, sometimes multiple times per week and haven't relapsed. Although I'm the exception not the rule, it takes a ton of discipline to stay sober. For me it's easiest to stay sober when you have motivation, for example staying out of jail, money, health, homelessness, significant other and numerous other things (FREE GEAR).
So there may or may not have a been a piece of stopper 5 pins ago. Can get a replacement for this order and the one before it because those may or may not had stopper bits in them too. I only draw with a 10g needle.
View attachment 108634
Lol, if this is a shot at me, look, it was a 20g, and that shit was crumbling like an old cookie.
Pretty damn simple; because with one drug you’re more likely to have a more stable/normal life so you can get your shit together so you can eventually go off and stay off.
I’ve only seen drugs like suboxine help 1 or 2 people max. I understand the idea behind it but I don’t think anyone can stop any addictive drug by replacing it with another.
The only reason I ever stopped was because I made the decision myself to. I did the suboxine just to go back to the Oxys and xans.
If I was ever out of anything I’d always try replacing it with something else until I had what I wanted again.
In the end I personally believe to pull away from anything it has to be done by will power. Treatment centers are great and can give tools that can be used in doing so. I chose (or was made to choose) to lay on a thin mat in the cold ass jail floor while detoxing though :(

I just see replacing a drug with another drug as being a crutch to stand on. You’ll never be able to fully walk until your mind is set to.
Just my opinion.
I was addicted to opiates/benzos and I drink socially, sometimes multiple times per week and haven't relapsed. Although I'm the exception not the rule, it takes a ton of discipline to stay sober. For me it's easiest to stay sober when you have motivation, for example staying out of jail, money, health, homelessness, significant other and numerous other things.

Hey, I don’t go to your house and shit on the floor, don’t come to our thread!

Fucking weaslecunt
Yea I'm actually on suboxone now and I have withdrawn from it and it was not fun. 30 days.
I'm on suboxone now and I know how bad that shit is to come off of it. But now they put everyone on it in New Jersey. In July they are starting marijuana for opiot addiction. So maybe I'll get some bud...
Working out... juicing... all of it replaced the old bullshit. I told parole when I saw them. They asked so you like to take steroids what's that about. I said it's better then doing herion and they maxed me out. Lol. It is what it is it took going to prison for me to change.

You are the second person I've seen mention getting busted for juice.. since when do they test for steroids.. I've never seen this. Not in NY at least
I’ve only seen drugs like suboxine help 1 or 2 people max. I understand the idea behind it but I don’t think anyone can stop any addictive drug by replacing it with another.
The only reason I ever stopped was because I made the decision myself to. I did the suboxine just to go back to the Oxys and xans.
If I was ever out of anything I’d always try replacing it with something else until I had what I wanted again.
In the end I personally believe to pull away from anything it has to be done by will power. Treatment centers are great and can give tools that can be used in doing so. I chose (or was made to choose) to lay on a thin mat in the cold ass jail floor while detoxing though :(

I just see replacing a drug with another drug as being a crutch to stand on. You’ll never be able to fully walk until your mind is set to.
Just my opinion.

I’ve seen it help a few people I know and myself personally. Sure it’s replacing a short acting opioid with a long acting one, but for those that are basically to the point of using to not get sick it’s a better alternative. More likely to live a productive life vs short acting opioids where it’s all about either getting opioids or getting sick cause you couldn’t find any etc.
Thank god roxy’s are So hard to come by now I’m hearing about less and less deaths lately. But I get calls twice a day to see if I can get blues mind you I’m not a drug dealer at all well except maybe cialis’s to old Jamaican guys nor do I do drugs or ever have .But dudes willing to pay $30 a pill it’s heart breaking.
I’ve seen it help a few people I know and myself personally. Sure it’s replacing a short acting opioid with a long acting one, but for those that are basically to the point of using to not get sick it’s a better alternative. More likely to live a productive life vs short acting opioids where it’s all about either getting opioids or getting sick cause you couldn’t find any etc.
I get what you’re saying man 100%!! The reason I couldn’t stop myself was because of the sickness I had to endure. When you get that sick no amount of money is too much for a pill (in my case) just to not feel that way.
Instead of finding help, mainly because I didn’t want it I had to go through the sickness in jail at the same time withdrawaling from nicotine and caffeine. It was brutal! Lol.
Once it passed and some time went by was when I’d decided that it wasn’t worth it, plus being in jail facing felony possession charges was an eye opener as well lol.
That was over 7 yrs ago and in the past and where I intend to keep it!