Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Thanks for the wishes
And there are good people...lots of them in every profession and from all walks of life.
But after time and again witnessing the things i did while my friend was sick i came away sincerely troubled by the workloads put on the nurses...the lack of training or just not giving a shit by their assistants and 1 dr after another manuevering their position in order to be insulated from litigation at the expense of a dying man.
Now on the good side...i met a couple young nurse practitioners that 9understood how pain meds work and which have a synergistic effect that enhances both.
Being a former pill head ...i pretty much can tell you how they all come on when taken...how the individual will respond and when they fall away.
Except for 1 guy a nurse practitioner nobody really seemed to give a shit or understand them.
Lol yea I'm currently in a "program" I am on drugcourt. Unfortunately I got into the wrong pain medication.... I am done with that shit... well at least that's what I am saying to myself. I have had a rough experience with them. I watched my girl die. My baby mom that never did any drug when I was in prison started now she's all strung out. I lost alot and only because of my own weakness. The one thing that has kept me clean is juicing. I actually went to prison for a dirty steroid test. I was doing well till they hit me with it. Damn tren made it so noticeable. Anyways it ruined my life and I hope people who do have a problem stop. I'm from New Jersey and it's a huge problem over here.
Idk why I just said that. Herion ruined me. So be careful blues and. That other shit is no better.
But I have love for you bro and I know how it it to lose someone close to you. Just keep your head up and push forward.
Cancer is a fucked up thing. Life is weird God k ow why we have to go through this kind of shit. Just be careful with the pain meds. Especially now considering the situation.
Sorry not trying to be your therapist lol just I watch it and how it fuckes peoples lifes up on a daily basis and wish it on no one. And after losing my girl I numbed myself to the point I never grieved and it ruined me in ways I never knew.
Lol yea I'm currently in a "program" I am on drugcourt. Unfortunately I got into the wrong pain medication.... I am done with that shit... well at least that's what I am saying to myself. I have had a rough experience with them. I watched my girl die. My baby mom that never did any drug when I was in prison started now she's all strung out. I lost alot and only because of my own weakness. The one thing that has kept me clean is juicing. I actually went to prison for a dirty steroid test. I was doing well till they hit me with it. Damn tren made it so noticeable. Anyways it ruined my life and I hope people who do have a problem stop. I'm from New Jersey and it's a huge problem over here.
Idk why I just said that. Herion ruined me. So be careful blues and. That other shit is no better.
But I have love for you bro and I know how it it to lose someone close to you. Just keep your head up and push forward.
Cancer is a fucked up thing. Life is weird God k ow why we have to go through this kind of shit. Just be careful with the pain meds. Especially now considering the situation.
Sorry not trying to be your therapist lol just I watch it and how it fuckes peoples lifes up on a daily basis and wish it on no one. And after losing my girl I numbed myself to the point I never grieved and it ruined me in ways I never knew.
Brother ...staying clean for me was no problem when i finally kicked em in dec 2013 jan 2014.
Ive had literally hundreds of roxys morphine heronin pts in my hands and never once even had a remote desire to eat, snort or bang one.
The most difficult thing i found was trying to fill the hours i used to chase money or dope.
Thats where the gym saved me....and 7...8mg strips of suboxone taken over about 45 days walking down from a strip to a 16th per day.
Used as designed suboxone is a blessing.
Used as prescribed by the clinics 2 to 3 strips a day....u may as well go back to heroin. The withdrawl is easier from heroin. Lol
Its funny tho i never had a problem getting 200 to 300 a day when i was buying dope.
As soon as that ended it was a mf trying to make 100.
I guess its the motivation:eek:
Hmu if you find yourself struggling...sometimes a good listener is all ya need to get thru a moment.
Just dropping in to wish TGI good luck with going private. He helped me order for the first time and gave me useful advice regarding crypto, when he didn't need to. A+ in my book and his gear has been smooth as butter.
Also fairlife is the shit I drink a half gallon everyday

Hey i remeber you! How you been man? Cycle treating you right?
Asheville is great. Visit a couple times a year

Took a couple girls to hotsprings. Did the mineral water hot tubs. Went out to ashville and there was some sort of beer fest going on. Needles to say, I wake up in a hotel room with 2 of the same girls, plus 2 I have never seen before.

I also walked out with more beer than I started with. Do not remember a fucking thing
Took a couple girls to hotsprings. Did the mineral water hot tubs. Went out to ashville and there was some sort of beer fest going on. Needles to say, I wake up in a hotel room with 2 of the same girls, plus 2 I have never seen before.

I also walked out with more beer than I started with. Do not remember a fucking thing

Hey man sounds like it went well rather you remember or not lol. But Downtown Asheville is always a party
Took a couple girls to hotsprings. Did the mineral water hot tubs. Went out to ashville and there was some sort of beer fest going on. Needles to say, I wake up in a hotel room with 2 of the same girls, plus 2 I have never seen before.

I also walked out with more beer than I started with. Do not remember a fucking thing
But was your pee stream straight or like a sprinkler when you woke up and took the first one of the day?
Yes but I was referring to the dehydrated packaged meals, they come in buckets. Anything from mountain house is good except the beef stroganoff. That shit sucks no matter who makes it.

oh gotcha. I have like 40 cans of this shit, all dehydrated fruit lol
Hey man sounds like it went well rather you remember or not lol. But Downtown Asheville is always a party

Yeah it was right in down town, by the White Duck taco place.

But was your pee stream straight or like a sprinkler when you woke up and took the first one of the day?

Well the thing is, I know I had sex with 2 of the girls that I went with. But that entire night I do not remember. No idea how I made it to the hotel or anything. I did not even know the other two bitches that were in the bed with me when I woke up. Took them back to my zipcode anyways lol
Well I was looking on the ON whey protein. 50ish for 5 pounds.
And holy shit that milk is expensive. Is it really that much better?

I have a Grocery Outlet near my house. I often find name brand protein for half of retail. Allmax, Cytosport (not really a fan of muscle milk but their straight up whey is decent), BPI, and Dymatize. Once in a while there are good deals on Ebay as well.
Yeah it was right in down town, by the White Duck taco place.

Well the thing is, I know I had sex with 2 of the girls that I went with. But that entire night I do not remember. No idea how I made it to the hotel or anything. I did not even know the other two bitches that were in the bed with me when I woke up. Took them back to my zipcode anyways lol
Sounds like a road trip. 9 hrs from me lol