Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Brother ...staying clean for me was no problem when i finally kicked em in dec 2013 jan 2014.
Ive had literally hundreds of roxys morphine heronin pts in my hands and never once even had a remote desire to eat, snort or bang one.
The most difficult thing i found was trying to fill the hours i used to chase money or dope.
Thats where the gym saved me....and 7...8mg strips of suboxone taken over about 45 days walking down from a strip to a 16th per day.
Used as designed suboxone is a blessing.
Used as prescribed by the clinics 2 to 3 strips a day....u may as well go back to heroin. The withdrawl is easier from heroin. Lol
Its funny tho i never had a problem getting 200 to 300 a day when i was buying dope.
As soon as that ended it was a mf trying to make 100.
I guess its the motivation:eek:
Hmu if you find yourself struggling...sometimes a good listener is all ya need to get thru a moment.
Yea I'm actually on suboxone now and I have withdrawn from it and it was not fun. 30 days.
Brother ...staying clean for me was no problem when i finally kicked em in dec 2013 jan 2014.
Ive had literally hundreds of roxys morphine heronin pts in my hands and never once even had a remote desire to eat, snort or bang one.
The most difficult thing i found was trying to fill the hours i used to chase money or dope.
Thats where the gym saved me....and 7...8mg strips of suboxone taken over about 45 days walking down from a strip to a 16th per day.
Used as designed suboxone is a blessing.
Used as prescribed by the clinics 2 to 3 strips a day....u may as well go back to heroin. The withdrawl is easier from heroin. Lol
Its funny tho i never had a problem getting 200 to 300 a day when i was buying dope.
As soon as that ended it was a mf trying to make 100.
I guess its the motivation:eek:
Hmu if you find yourself struggling...sometimes a good listener is all ya need to get thru a moment.
I'm on suboxone now and I know how bad that shit is to come off of it. But now they put everyone on it in New Jersey. In July they are starting marijuana for opiot addiction. So maybe I'll get some bud...
Working out... juicing... all of it replaced the old bullshit. I told parole when I saw them. They asked so you like to take steroids what's that about. I said it's better then doing herion and they maxed me out. Lol. It is what it is it took going to prison for me to change.
Regarding the whole Deca/NPP topic - I always thought it was the same as the whole Test P/Cyp or Mast P/Mast E relationship, but my wife said she hates NPP, but she loves Deca. Makes me wonder if it’s more like the Tren A/Tren E relationship where people say that they experience completely different results. This will be my first run with NPP. I ran Deca before and loved the strength increase, so we’ll see how NPP treats me.

What is your wife’s protocol for Deca? NPP?

Once a week injections with Deca?

Two totally different highs, weed is nothing compared to opiates. How is this even going to work ? oh that’s right it’s not:rolleyes:
Nothing to do with the high. Everything to do with giving mind and mood altering substances to an addict. Lol. Every single person I have seen walk through the doors of NA that tested themselves with "just" smoking weed or "just" having a drink has always ended up back to where they started. Rationalization and substitution and control does not work. Lol.

Were you being sarcastic? I couldn't interpret.
Nothing to do with the high. Everything to do with giving mind and mood altering substances to an addict. Lol. Every single person I have seen walk through the doors of NA that tested themselves with "just" smoking weed or "just" having a drink has always ended up back to where they started. Rationalization and substitution and control does not work. Lol.

Were you being sarcastic? I couldn't interpret.
Yes I was mostly but sarcasm aside how is weed going to do anything for an opiate addict ? Weed high sucks compared to opiates.
Yes I was mostly but sarcasm aside how is weed going to do anything for an opiate addict ? Weed high sucks compared to opiates.
And that's the realization I've seen every addict come to after testing these waters. The mind basically says " well this sucks in comparison. And if I'm doing this I might as well do dope."
And that's the realization I've seen every addict come to after testing these waters. The mind basically says " well this sucks in comparison. And if I'm doing this I might as well do dope."

I guess I dont see the logic behind, lets get you off one drug by putting you onto another
Yeah me neither man. It's a vicious cycle

The amount of friends I lost in highschool to methadone..... unbelievable , a now its the saboxin (Sp) strips.

You are right, its a never ending vicious system. I really honestly believe throwing someone in jail for 30-40 days and let them withdrawal it out is the best way.
So there may or may not have a been a piece of stopper 5 pins ago. Can get a replacement for this order and the one before it because those may or may not had stopper bits in them too. I only draw with a 10g needle.
Don't think I've read any feedback about Titters TrenA/MastP blend so figured I'd let y'all know I got 0 PIP from it. Very smooth.