Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Yea I still never been to one...i heard that they can be cool as a motherfucker...now that I'm dead fuckin serious about being sober and can have fun not being high I might fuck with it soon
There is/was one in Key West that is fucking incredible. 3 days at a KOA campground. A few thousand addicts. World class speakers. It's amazing. Went 4 years in a row but the hurricane (Matthew I think) wrecked the campground. I'm sure it's back up now.
That’s because cocaine is the best drug ever, hands down. No sleepnfor 3 days and still the most productive mother fucker in the room lol
not me. I can't function or concentrate. Then i can't sleep. Not worth it for me. Same with booze. Not worth losing the time it takes to recover from it.
Drink in is a relapse my friend at least in my eyes...i would never let you claim you are sober in the na group that I run...claiming you are sober is disrespectful to all that addicts not taking drugs or alcohol...your are not sober brother
I'm sorry, I didn't explain that correctly, I mean sober off of what I was addicted to. Of course I do not consider myself sober as I drink alcohol but I abstain from benzos and opiates.

I'm not trying to re-define the word sober
I'm sorry, I didn't explain that correctly, I mean sober off of what I was addicted to. Of course I do not consider myself sober as I drink alcohol but I abstain from benzos and opiates.

I'm not trying to re-define the word sober
They are one in the same...u are abstaining from nothing...please take ur shit over to the Canadian ladyboy venom thread
I'm sorry, I didn't explain that correctly, I mean I’m a bag of dicks . Of course I do not consider myself a thief as I stole gear but I abstain from vaginas and women in general.

I’m glad you are finally admitting things to yourself. It’s important to your self-esteem yo understand your identity. This is healthy. This is good.
Anyone here familiar with Sarasota, Fl? Flying in tomorrow and looking for best beach restaurants. Kid friendly too...