Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Morning to all my fellow firness enthusiasts and to those of you that are huge fat fucks that live out secondary internet lives with dreams of having a body women lust after (or maybe men, how would I know). Here's a PB (that's paste bin, not peanut butter or pussy bullets) for you all to flip thru while you have your coffee (or juice box if you're still a punk ass snot nosed little kid).

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Morning to all my fellow firness enthusiasts and to those of you that are huge fat fucks that live out secondary internet lives with dreams of having a body women lust after (or maybe men, how would I know). Here's a PB (that's paste bin, not peanut butter or pussy bullets) for you all to flip thru while you have your coffee (or juice box if you're still a punk ass snot nosd little kid).

Good morning TGI! I see you have the dapox tested. Will that be available soon?
This is exactly why NA was created. Our literature talks about how alcoholism is too limited of a term for us. We say clean because it encompasses everything. Alcohol is a drug. So if I were to go to an AA meeting I respect their etiquette and use terms like sober, alcoholism, and alcohol. Not clean, addiction, and drugs. Because their primary purpose is alcohol. It would blur the message. So therefore I don't know what you are. You might have been just caught up and not an addict. But of course that's a decision you have to make for yourself. If I intentionally put something in my body to make myself feel good, euphoric, or to forget then it's a relapse. If I were to tell myself it's okay if I just take this or that then that is a serious reservation and I'm going to end up in a bad spot.
N.A. Is a great thing. It helps a lot of people that are struggling to kick their habbits. Seeing as how I’ve got more than 20 years in and out of the rooms I can say that I’m pretty knowledgeable when it comes to recovery. Each persons recovery is unique unto itself. Everybody works their own program. My program may be different than yours. Basically recovery is like opinions.
My recovery is based solely on one substance because opioids are the only thing that had my life hard to manage. So as long as I’m not banging dope in my arm I’m not changing my clean date. One of my homies I grew up with tells me in his mind me banging juice is technically a relapse so he doesn’t think my clean date is accurate. On the other hand one of my tattoo artists has 10 years clean and he has been juicing the whole 10. So your clean date and what you consider a relapse is a personal opinion
Good morning TGI! I see you have the dapox tested. Will that be available soon?
I cannot attest to "soon". However, dapox, dapox/viagra/cialis blend, and primo e are all on the "to do" list. As soon as i have time and primo e gets tested, all will be available. I expect dapox 1st, then the oral blend, then primo e. Sorry i can't be more specific.
Well, she got me there. i thought she was serious. Hard to tell the mood through text sometimes. My awful joke about the bus to hell didn't help either.

You guys have no idea how much pressure i'm under to punch out A+ material on a daily basis. Sometimes the jokes just stink the place up. Good thing i wasn't on stage. They'd have hurled a beer bottle at me for that one.

All we have is a @waterbottle
I cannot attest to "soon". However, dapox, dapox/viagra/cialis blend, and primo e are all on the "to do" list. As soon as i have time and primo e gets tested, all will be available. I expect dapox 1st, then the oral blend, then primo e. Sorry i can't be more specific.
Give me enough depox and I can make U an oral blend.
N.A. Is a great thing. It helps a lot of people that are struggling to kick their habbits. Seeing as how I’ve got more than 20 years in and out of the rooms I can say that I’m pretty knowledgeable when it comes to recovery. Each persons recovery is unique unto itself. Everybody works their own program. My program may be different than yours. Basically recovery is like opinions.
My recovery is based solely on one substance because opioids are the only thing that had my life hard to manage. So as long as I’m not banging dope in my arm I’m not changing my clean date. One of my homies I grew up with tells me in his mind me banging juice is technically a relapse so he doesn’t think my clean date is accurate. On the other hand one of my tattoo artists has 10 years clean and he has been juicing the whole 10. So your clean date and what you consider a relapse is a personal opinion
Yeah it is an extremely personal process. Gear isn't really mind or mood altering and has nothing to do with instant gratification. Are we still putting something in our bodies for a desired effect? Sure. Is it causing my life to me unmanageable internally and externally? No. There is a difference for sure. Will I take Vicodin if I go to the dentist? Fuck no. Am I a martyr? Fuck no. If I snap my femur in half you bet your ass I'm taking pain meds. Lol. But the point being everyone an do as they wish and put what ever they want in their body. Not my business. I only make it my business if I hear someone telling a new comer in the rooms that they don't do this drug but they're okay still doing this drug and claiming clean time and that new comer thinking they can do the same and end up dead. Seen it many times.
Boob guy!? i have a name. You should also lighten up yourself. No one gives a shit if you drink on occasion.

People i can poke fun at and joke with in this thread:

TitaniumGear (TGI)
The Terminator

There. You've been X'd off the list.

If you didn't wanna talk to me outside of Meso, you didn't have to. But you coulda signed an autograph for RunOn, that's my little brother man, he's only six years old. We waited in the blistering cold for you for four hours and you just said, "No."

That's pretty shitty Kim, you're like his fuckin' idol.
He wants to be just like you Kim, he likes you more than I do.

@bolder that one's for you. Had the song stuck in my head, so i said, fuck it, let's go with it. :D
Always making fun of the fat kid:(
Give me enough depox and I can make U an oral blend.
you didn't say no homo. Email me. ;)

Yeah it is an extremely personal process. Gear isn't really mind or mood altering and has nothing to do with instant gratification. Are we still putting something in our bodies for a desired effect? Sure. Is it causing my life to me unmanageable internally and externally? No. There is a difference for sure. Will I take Vicodin if I go to the dentist? Fuck no. Am I a martyr? Fuck no. If I snap my femur in half you bet your ass I'm taking pain meds. Lol. But the point being everyone an do as they wish and put what ever they want in their body. Not my business. I only make it my business if I hear someone telling a new comer in the rooms that they don't do this drug but they're okay still doing this drug and claiming clean time and that new comer thinking they can do the same and end up dead. Seen it many times.
Pain meds for snapped femur. Lmao. I pull mine out every few days just to hit kids at walmart with it.
I never really did them, just made some money where I could see fit. sold phetnoyl , oxy, perc, Vicodin’s, opanas, Xanax.

Hell even the druggies get hard up and that shit is just as good as cash lol
I used to pin roxys and dilaudid pretty serious for a number of years back in the day.

Never was into pills. Coke back in the day and booze. But the coke renders me useless and booze makes me useless for 2 or 3 days now...i can't do shit in moderation.
I liked cocaine too. Except, it always made my peepee stay soft with the ladies :(
Coke is the best drug ever for the first line or two. Then ur just tryna chase. At least for me.
Hate coke... shit sucks... meth is better.
3 days of strait up Charlie sheen "I have one speed... Go" mode. Charlie sheen could afford it. Meth on the other hand dirt cheap and keeps you going. Strait up made by Hitler's army. Probably why they got so far.
And meth is a horrible drugs I'm just fucking around. Fyi
I cannot attest to "soon". However, dapox, dapox/viagra/cialis blend, and primo e are all on the "to do" list. As soon as i have time and primo e gets tested, all will be available. I expect dapox 1st, then the oral blend, then primo e. Sorry i can't be more specific.
Thanks for the info!! Cant wait to get that blend!!
I'm sorry, I didn't explain that correctly, I mean sober off of what I was addicted to. Of course I do not consider myself sober as I drink alcohol but I abstain from benzos and opiates.

I'm not trying to re-define the word sober
Did you ever go back to your dealer and demand a refund because the pills you took had pieces of cotton on them from the bottle?
Did you ever go back to your dealer and demand a refund because the pills you took had pieces of cotton on them from the bottle?
Morning TGI and everyone else..I saw that Mr.superGod (I did get her to sign the autograph for me)