Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Morning TGI and everyone else..I saw that Mr.superGod (I did get her to sign the autograph for me)
Why do you quote people if you're not replying to what is in the quote?

The quote feature is used to address somebody's specific comment. In your case, @El Capitan commented, you quoted that comment, so you should be directly replying to that comment.
Why do you quote people if you're not replying to what is in the quote?

The quote feature is used to address somebody's specific comment. In your case, @El Capitan commented, you quoted that comment, so you should be directly replying to that comment.
Oh shit ...I thought of it at the last minute ... and I don’t know how to respond unless I’m underneath somebody else’s response on something so I never learned if it’s possible just to put out a thought without quoting somebody...39)quote the right person :(
Oh shit ...I thought of it at the last minute ... and I don’t know how to respond unless I’m underneath somebody else’s response on something so I never learned if it’s possible just to put out a thought without quoting somebody...39)quote the right person :(
Lol huh?
Yeah it is an extremely personal process. Gear isn't really mind or mood altering and has nothing to do with instant gratification. Are we still putting something in our bodies for a desired effect? Sure. Is it causing my life to me unmanageable internally and externally? No. There is a difference for sure. Will I take Vicodin if I go to the dentist? Fuck no. Am I a martyr? Fuck no. If I snap my femur in half you bet your ass I'm taking pain meds. Lol. But the point being everyone an do as they wish and put what ever they want in their body. Not my business. I only make it my business if I hear someone telling a new comer in the rooms that they don't do this drug but they're okay still doing this drug and claiming clean time and that new comer thinking they can do the same and end up dead. Seen it many times.
So you dont consider using steroids as drugs. Like you say you have this much clean time but are juicing? I'm asking this because I always felt a little weird in meetings and thinking am I really considered clean right now to na aa standards?
Really I cant get into the na thing because I still want to go to raves and trip. It's spiritual to me. I know alot of people probably are like taking drugs and listening to techno music isnt spiritual but I have had many experiences that beg to differ. Many people actually feel this way. Kind of like the shamans and Indians would do.
Sorry I dont get to talk about this much because its counterculture. But I'm trying to not use herion coke or drugs like them. But hallucinogens and a little bass I cant see myself staying away from. And I do not want to go back to that life again and I'm about to leave the place I'm at. So na might be helpful but I can't get past that part.
Oh shit ...I thought of it at the last minute ... and I don’t know how to respond unless I’m underneath somebody else’s response on something so I never learned if it’s possible just to put out a thought without quoting somebody...39)quote the right person :(

Scroll to the bottom of whatever page you are on and you will see a text box. Click in it and start typing. No need to tag someone then.
So you dont consider using steroids as drugs. Like you say you have this much clean time but are juicing? I'm asking this because I always felt a little weird in meetings and thinking am I really considered clean right now to na aa standards?
Really I cant get into the na thing because I still want to go to raves and trip. It's spiritual to me. I know alot of people probably are like taking drugs and listening to techno music isnt spiritual but I have had many experiences that beg to differ. Many people actually feel this way. Kind of like the shamans and Indians would do.
Sorry I dont get to talk about this much because its counterculture. But I'm trying to not use herion coke or drugs like them. But hallucinogens and a little bass I cant see myself staying away from. And I do not want to go back to that life again and I'm about to leave the place I'm at. So na might be helpful but I can't get past that part.
So things like Tren I rarely run because that shit does affect me mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. When I start thinking my girl is cheating on me for no fuckin reason other than Tren I gotta take a look at it ya know. Yes of course steroids are drugs and I'm not going to justify that. But I have to play the tape forward. I'm not gonna drain my bank account and put a gun to someone's head for another vial. It's not affecting me in ways that narcotics or alcohol does. Once I start banging dope I CANT STOP. I have to be stopped and need help.

When I take a daily inventory I'm not hurting anyone on gear. I keep my character defects in check and work on them everyday.

As far as psychedelics go that is my only reservation. See I'm the opposite of wanting to go to a club and vibe. I was a psychedelic pioneer back in college. I took LSD for the sole purpose of ego deflation and to learn more about myself and everything around me. BUT I know if I were to do that now one thing would lead to the next. Gotta play the tape all the way through.

Step work is where it's at man.

We can take this to PM if others are annoyed with this conversation.
Trenbolone or trestolone? I know they are different I've studied on them I want people on here opinion if you dont mind.
Waaaaaay different compounds. Just finished running trest. First week 50mg EOD. 2.5 weeks of 50 ED. If you have any issues managing E2. Do not run this stuff. I pulled the plug because it’s getting to be my busy season at work and I don’t go to the gym much. I also pulled the plug because my tits were not happy with what I was doing. I was up to 1mg of adex ED and nothing was stopping the sensitivity and puffiness of my nipples. Wasnt noticeable but I could tell they didn’t look right. Definitely didn’t feel right. One hell of a powerful drug. Usually at 300ish a week on Tren a by the end of the third week you start seeing and feeling a difference. By the start of the second week I had only done 175mg the first week with maybe another 100 or so for the beginning of the second. I knew there was something going on. Nips were tender and strength had gone up from the first week to the second. No sides like Tren but I also stopped after 3 weeks so it’s hard to say if that’s really the case but from what I’ve read you don’t get the crazy side like Tren. It’s crazy strong. With e2 in check and a solid 6 to 8 weeks with this stuff you’d be a beast. However consider this. I’m using simple numbers here. 1 bottle Tren a costs 50$. 1 bottle of trest a costs 100. At 50mg a day you will have spent double the money to get to the same point in time. You’d probably be in a better spot physically with the trest but not financially. If you make it yourself I think it’s worth trying just for fucks sake but to by it finished not sure I’d spend that money.
I am in recovery as well and on juice. No problem for me. Bill Wilson experimented with LSD long after he had gotten sober and started the fellowship. I'm in AA but had a long history of heroin addiction. I can't use mood/ mind altering drugs of any sort and just because Bill used LSD doesn't mean that I can in safety. Gotta look at the motives here. For Bill, I honestly believe he was trying to further the work of recovery. If I took LSD it would be simply to trip balls and have a fun introspective time. Prayer and meditation will suffice for this alcoholic/ addict.... Plus a little test
It really is hard to imagine all of us degenerates in one thread, god damn I love it.

I am Mexico bound next Thursday for cocaine and pina coladas galore. One of the last big boys trips I imagine I will go on. Wife is unnnnnnnhappppy.........
So things like Tren I rarely run because that shit does affect me mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. When I start thinking my girl is cheating on me for no fuckin reason other than Tren I gotta take a look at it ya know. Yes of course steroids are drugs and I'm not going to justify that. But I have to play the tape forward. I'm not gonna drain my bank account and put a gun to someone's head for another vial. It's not affecting me in ways that narcotics or alcohol does. Once I start banging dope I CANT STOP. I have to be stopped and need help.

When I take a daily inventory I'm not hurting anyone on gear. I keep my character defects in check and work on them everyday.

As far as psychedelics go that is my only reservation. See I'm the opposite of wanting to go to a club and vibe. I was a psychedelic pioneer back in college. I took LSD for the sole purpose of ego deflation and to learn more about myself and everything around me. BUT I know if I were to do that now one thing would lead to the next. Gotta play the tape all the way through.

Step work is where it's at man.

We can take this to PM if others are annoyed with this conversation.
Glad to know there are others in here just the way I am and doing what I need to do!!
DAMN THANK YOU...scared to ask anything around here
If you don’t know something ask bro! You might get some shit for it but you’ll also get an answer.

Or just PM @TitaniumGear (TGI) he has a tutorial for everything!
How to order
How to use BTC
How to internet
He’s truly a one stop shop! :p

But seriously though, don’t be afraid to ask. Hell, pm me if you need help with anything and I’ll try to help.
So things like Tren I rarely run because that shit does affect me mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. When I start thinking my girl is cheating on me for no fuckin reason other than Tren I gotta take a look at it ya know. Yes of course steroids are drugs and I'm not going to justify that. But I have to play the tape forward. I'm not gonna drain my bank account and put a gun to someone's head for another vial. It's not affecting me in ways that narcotics or alcohol does. Once I start banging dope I CANT STOP. I have to be stopped and need help.

When I take a daily inventory I'm not hurting anyone on gear. I keep my character defects in check and work on them everyday.

As far as psychedelics go that is my only reservation. See I'm the opposite of wanting to go to a club and vibe. I was a psychedelic pioneer back in college. I took LSD for the sole purpose of ego deflation and to learn more about myself and everything around me. BUT I know if I were to do that now one thing would lead to the next. Gotta play the tape all the way through.

Step work is where it's at man.

We can take this to PM if others are annoyed with this conversation.
Thanks God Tren doesn't really effect me in that way. Just makes it impossible to eat and a little sweating/night sweats.