Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Hi @T-Bagger this is Tren in 3 weeks, I’m gonna fuck you up. See you in a little bit!

Enjoy this part of your cycle while it lasts the 5-6 week point is when I’m reminded that Tren has side effects. The first few weeks I’m always like “sweet, I got this”.

3-4 weeks I start seeing the strength gains. The nonstop constantly getting stronger. Also the heart burn, omfg the heart burn lol
This would be my dilemma then - I’m doing it for cut. @Roger rabbit gave the cycle of running Tren/Mast/Var & Cyp. Tren & Var for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. On the 2 weeks off, run NPP along with the Test & Mast. If I’m not feeling much from Tren at 2 weeks, will I ever really get the full benefits from it?
This would be my dilemma then - I’m doing it for cut. @Roger rabbit gave the cycle of running Tren/Mast/Var & Cyp. Tren & Var for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. On the 2 weeks off, run NPP along with the Test & Mast. If I’m not feeling much from Tren at 2 weeks, will I ever really get the full benefits from it?

Thats a solid cut dosage. If you are doing 2 on 2 off, I am assuming you will still see the benefits. I think the issue is, you will see less benefits with less bad sides, but that is not a bad thing
Thats a solid cut dosage. If you are doing 2 on 2 off, I am assuming you will still see the benefits. I think the issue is, you will see less benefits with less bad sides, but that is not a bad thing
That’s what I’m looking for - less sides, but I figured I would at least be raging and sweating like a pig or SOMETHING.
That’s what I’m looking for - less sides, but I figured I would at least be raging and sweating like a pig or SOMETHING.

I can’t provide anything but educated guesses. I am assuming 2 weeks on gives you cutting effect and probably small gains.

You are staying out of the zone of getting all the tren effects. I say give it another couple of weeks and see how it treats you.

If it doesn’t work out you can just do a full cycle of tren seeing how you are running ace
This would be my dilemma then - I’m doing it for cut. @Roger rabbit gave the cycle of running Tren/Mast/Var & Cyp. Tren & Var for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. On the 2 weeks off, run NPP along with the Test & Mast. If I’m not feeling much from Tren at 2 weeks, will I ever really get the full benefits from it?

Yea, just because you don’t feel it doesn’t mean it isn’t working. But with that being said, I was considering running a similar protocol and at least during the first “on Tren” portion, I was going to stretch it to 3 weeks, the 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on. That was purely from past experience with Tren where the side effects were manageable.

Think about extending Tren one extra week. That’s a far superior compound to NPP especially for cutting.
Yea, just because you don’t feel it doesn’t mean it isn’t working. But with that being said, I was considering running a similar protocol and at least during the first “on Tren” portion, I was going to stretch it to 3 weeks, the 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on. That was purely from past experience with Tren where the side effects were manageable.

Think about extending Tren one extra week. That’s a far superior compound to NPP especially for cutting.
I’ve considered going to 3. Wondering if I should do 2 weeks off, 3 on of Tren?
I was thinking it wouldn’t take more than a week to be noticed.

The first thing I notice is profuse sweating during workouts. Like beads of sweat just pour out of my bald head. I want to say that’s 3 to 4 weeks in.

The uncomfortable side effects of Tren are aggregate and build over time. The biggest being that Tren interrupts your sleep cycke so you don’t get your deep sleep. Then you’re tired during the day, so irritable, then you drink coffee or take stims and that’s when I realize I have a short fuse. That’s all around 5 to 6 weeks for me. The first few weeks are a breeze though. That’s when you’ll get cocky and want to bump the dose up. Just enjoy no sides and know it’s working!

