Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

The first thing I notice is profuse sweating during workouts. Like beads of sweat just pour out of my bald head. I want to say that’s 3 to 4 weeks in.

The uncomfortable side effects of Tren are aggregate and build over time. The biggest being that Tren interrupts your sleep cycke so you don’t get your deep sleep. Then you’re tired during the day, so irritable, then you drink coffee or take stims and that’s when I realize I have a short fuse. That’s all around 5 to 6 weeks for me. The first few weeks are a breeze though. That’s when you’ll get cocky and want to bump the dose up. Just enjoy no sides and know it’s working!
Definitely sweating a lot more during my workouts. When I was going at it natty I didn’t hardly sweat.
This would be my dilemma then - I’m doing it for cut. @Roger rabbit gave the cycle of running Tren/Mast/Var & Cyp. Tren & Var for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. On the 2 weeks off, run NPP along with the Test & Mast. If I’m not feeling much from Tren at 2 weeks, will I ever really get the full benefits from it?

Tren is excellent for a cut and I absolutely love the instability of emotions that come with tren. Tren A will begin to work at two to three weeks but the true magic of tren doesn’t start to shine til around week five. I’m not sure your going to see the tren body in all of its glory running it two weeks on and two off.

Edit: If you’re not seeing bad sides by week 2, chances are you aren’t going to have many problems running tren.
Also, not sure if you guys have access to your own a/c controls (some people don’t who live in certain situations), but I always sleep with temp at 65F, no sweats for me. Stayed a night at my gf’s and sweated like a pig after breaking off in them sweet walls. Cold air deff helps.
Also I’m on mobile so I can’t be asked to quote, but you guys kept mentioning heartburn. 20g glutamine/day and 2 tums 2x daily cured mine. @Roger rabbit is the goat.

*edit: not to put words into his mouth, the tums were my idea for obvious reasons. The glutamine was his suggestion.
For acid indigestion I’ve been using OTC Pepcid and 5gr glutamine twice s day. Seems to keep it at bay nicely
Sorry boys haven't been posting in a week or so. Been super tied up at work. Last bit of tax season is killing me. Just been on long enough each evening to stay caught up with things. Hopefully yall haven't been missing my weekend-ly lady pics too bad (Yes i'll try and make up for them. Lol) Anyways got bloods pulled today. Hopefully get results back tomorrow or Monday and I'll get them posted up on here.
Edit: If you’re not seeing bad sides by week 2, chances are you aren’t going to have many problems running tren.
This is only the beginning of week 2, so I may start experiencing something yet. I just look for all the sides everyone describes. At the very least, I just want to sweat non stop lol.
This is only the beginning of week 2, so I may start experiencing something yet. I just look for all the sides everyone describes. At the very least, I just want to sweat non stop lol.

My only sides were heartburn man. I never got the sweats from tren. And the insatiable hungry that only several different women could fix
This is only the beginning of week 2, so I may start experiencing something yet. I just look for all the sides everyone describes. At the very least, I just want to sweat non stop lol.

I guess want I am trying to say is, don’t look for the sides, look for the gains

Don’t try and judge if it’s working based on if you are getting sides. The sides effect everyone differently at different dosages
My only sides were heartburn man. I never got the sweats from tren. And the insatiable hungry that only several different women could fix

I guess want I am trying to say is, don’t look for the sides, look for the gains

Don’t try and judge if it’s working based on if you are getting sides. The sides effect everyone differently at different dosages
No heartburn, thank God because I already take OTC stuff for that and have for years.

The horniness hasn’t fully kicked in either, though I can feel it starting, so that worries me as well.
This is only the beginning of week 2, so I may start experiencing something yet. I just look for all the sides everyone describes. At the very least, I just want to sweat non stop lol.

I don’t get the sweats. I get a little insomnia but that doesn’t bother me much since I just play on my phone while I’m awake. I’m normally a very level headed guy but I do tend to snap a bit here and there. But the desire to screw anything that resembles a hole is real. Fantasies of sex constantly run through my head. And if your like me you will truly believe that every female you walk past is dreaming about giving themselves up to you.
I don’t get the sweats. I get a little insomnia but that doesn’t bother me much since I just play on my phone while I’m awake. I’m normally a very level headed guy but I do tend to snap a bit here and there. But the desire to screw anything that resembles a hole is real. Fantasies of sex constantly run through my head. And if your like me you will truly believe that every female you walk past is dreaming about giving themselves up to you.

Bro, that’s because when you inject tits tren every woman does want you.
Saw that in your log. I meant to ask you if you just started with that number or tried 10gs first?
Rabbit said 10gs works for a lot of people and suggested I could either start at 10 and see if it helped but if I lifted instensely a lot then I might as well jump to 20. So I just started st 2.
I don’t get the sweats. I get a little insomnia but that doesn’t bother me much since I just play on my phone while I’m awake. I’m normally a very level headed guy but I do tend to snap a bit here and there. But the desire to screw anything that resembles a hole is real. Fantasies of sex constantly run through my head. And if your like me you will truly believe that every female you walk past is dreaming about giving themselves up to you.
I have asshole tendencies so Tren was something I kind of feared. The wife said the other day “if you start showing any signs of rage, you’re coming off!” Lo & behold we had an argument and she was like “I think that’s your stuff talking!” I was like, “not at all - this is normal arguing for us.” Told her when I go Chris Benoit on her ass, THEN she can blame the Tren lol.
Checkin In to tell you I found how to inject the top of my quad. Lovin’ life. Carry on!
Fuck no. I’ve tried 7 times now and all but one was fucking hell. Only injected three times, other times I immediately took the fucking needle out, replaced the tip and shot my glute lmfao.