Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Not really, in the past I was able to use cocaine or methamphetamine on occasion and not touch it again for months or years, many can do the same with alcohol.
You and boob guy the same person?
You guys are crazy. Never been an alcoholic and you guys need to lighten up.
You and boob guy the same person?
You guys are crazy. Never been an alcoholic and you guys need to lighten up.

We are the same yet different...I’m not one of these hardcore 12 step guys lol, my whole point was simply alcohol is a hard drug too, not to tell someone not to drink.
You and boob guy the same person?
You guys are crazy. Never been an alcoholic and you guys need to lighten up.

Boob guy!? i have a name. You should also lighten up yourself. No one gives a shit if you drink on occasion.

People i can poke fun at and joke with in this thread:

TitaniumGear (TGI)
The Terminator

There. You've been X'd off the list.

If you didn't wanna talk to me outside of Meso, you didn't have to. But you coulda signed an autograph for RunOn, that's my little brother man, he's only six years old. We waited in the blistering cold for you for four hours and you just said, "No."

That's pretty shitty Kim, you're like his fuckin' idol.
He wants to be just like you Kim, he likes you more than I do.

@bolder that one's for you. Had the song stuck in my head, so i said, fuck it, let's go with it. :D
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Question about liver protection. We all know orals are liver toxic and it’s recommended to take this or that supplement while taking orals. Are they more liver toxic than booze is to the liver? The “several” alcoholics in my family abuse the shit out of their livers on the daily and have for many many years. Those sumbiches never worry about liver support while drinking to oblivion . So the liver must be pretty resilient...and yeah I know it can lead to cirrhosis of the liver etc...but for the guys running 2 or 3 cycles a year with orals, whats the comparison?
Question about liver protection. We all know orals are liver toxic and it’s recommended to take this or that supplement while taking orals. Are they more liver toxic than booze is to the liver? The “several” alcoholics in my family abuse the shit out of their livers on the daily and have for many many years. Those sumbiches never worry about liver support while drinking to oblivion . So the liver must be pretty resilient...and yeah I know it can lead to cirrhosis of the liver etc...but for the guys running 2 or 3 cycles a year with orals, whats the comparison?

That would require much intoxicated blood work. It also depends on the person and their unique response. Unless someone has blood work from a drunk, and another set from someone using orals, it's just gonna be anyone's guess.

The only thing i can add is to be sensible. Keep the dosages and duration within sensible limits. 100 mg of Adrol for 4 weeks, m'eh. 100 mg of Adrol for 6 months, not so m'eh. You get the idea. Common sense above all else.
That would require much intoxicated blood work. It also depends on the person and their unique response. Unless someone has blood work from a drunk, and another set from someone using orals, it's just gonna be anyone's guess.

The only thing i can add is to be sensible. Keep the dosages and duration within sensible limits. 100 mg of Adrol for 4 weeks, m'eh. 100 mg of Adrol for 6 months, not so m'eh. You get the idea. Common sense above all else.
Thanks. Makes sense. I was wondering because you can’t talk about orals without hearing scary shit about liver damage yet drinking must do some as well and nobody sweats it. Thanks!
Thanks. Makes sense. I was wondering because you can’t talk about orals without hearing scary shit about liver damage yet drinking must do some as well and nobody sweats it. Thanks!

i think the toxicity thing is probably a bit overblown, but of course there will always be potential risk.

The biggest difference is, unlike people that get hammered every day, or close to it. You're only taxing your liver with orals for a short, limited duration, then giving it time to recover. That's not the case with daily drinkers.
Boob guy!? i have a name. You should also lighten up yourself. No one gives a shit if you drink on occasion.

People i can poke fun at and joke with in this thread:

TitaniumGear (TGI)
The Terminator

There. You've been X'd off the list.

If you didn't wanna talk to me outside of Meso, you didn't have to. But you coulda signed an autograph for RunOn, that's my little brother man, he's only six years old. We waited in the blistering cold for you for four hours and you just said, "No."

That's pretty shitty Kim, you're like his fuckin' idol.
He wants to be just like you Kim, he likes you more than I do.

@bolder that one's for you. Had the song stuck in my head, so i said, fuck it, let's go with it. :D
Was joking as well.
Boob guy!? i have a name. You should also lighten up yourself. No one gives a shit if you drink on occasion.

People i can poke fun at and joke with in this thread:

TitaniumGear (TGI)
The Terminator

There. You've been X'd off the list.

If you didn't wanna talk to me outside of Meso, you didn't have to. But you coulda signed an autograph for RunOn, that's my little brother man, he's only six years old. We waited in the blistering cold for you for four hours and you just said, "No."

That's pretty shitty Kim, you're like his fuckin' idol.
He wants to be just like you Kim, he likes you more than I do.

@bolder that one's for you. Had the song stuck in my head, so i said, fuck it, let's go with it. :D

Yes I thought it was pretty obvious no one was serious, I literally said I used to occasionally use coke and rarely meth (like I can count on my fingers how many times I’ve used it) before and during my opioid days so not one to give someone a hard time for alcohol. I just enjoy telling people that alcohol is a hard drug lol
Yes I thought it was pretty obvious no one was serious, I literally said I used to occasionally use coke and rarely meth (like I can count on my fingers how many times I’ve used it) before and during my opioid days so not one to give someone a hard time for alcohol. I just enjoy telling people that alcohol is a hard drug lol

Well, she got me there. i thought she was serious. Hard to tell the mood through text sometimes. My awful joke about the bus to hell didn't help either.

You guys have no idea how much pressure i'm under to punch out A+ material on a daily basis. Sometimes the jokes just stink the place up. Good thing i wasn't on stage. They'd have hurled a beer bottle at me for that one.
I’ve only seen drugs like suboxine help 1 or 2 people max. I understand the idea behind it but I don’t think anyone can stop any addictive drug by replacing it with another.
The only reason I ever stopped was because I made the decision myself to. I did the suboxine just to go back to the Oxys and xans.
If I was ever out of anything I’d always try replacing it with something else until I had what I wanted again.
In the end I personally believe to pull away from anything it has to be done by will power. Treatment centers are great and can give tools that can be used in doing so. I chose (or was made to choose) to lay on a thin mat in the cold ass jail floor while detoxing though :(

I just see replacing a drug with another drug as being a crutch to stand on. You’ll never be able to fully walk until your mind is set to.
Just my opinion.
I agree with you but they look at it from this standpoint. We are primitive beings. We naturally do things that we get pleasure from. Eating, sex, food. Or even steroids.( dont hurt me ) lol. So we naturally will go back to these things that make us happy. So suboxone fills that gap by giving your brain the stuff it needs. But by no means is it a cure all. I mean if you look in European countrys, I'm in America. They have places that you can go get your herion or whatever 3 times a day because they know its cheaper to just give the herion or drugs then to deal with crime rate and shit like that. And its successful. I believe one country was literally killing drug dealers and addicts which is another great method that works.... lmao. Philippines I believe anyways. If you dont wanna stop getting high your not. And it took me 16 years of fucking misery.
That's fuckin ridiculous.
Lmfaoo! I find it amusing. It's about to become recreational but it failed its first go around.
Shit idk if it will help addicts but it will help me sleep after working out. Love working out at night and smoking a little and going to bed. Great sleep.
I'm sorry, I didn't explain that correctly, I mean sober off of what I was addicted to. Of course I do not consider myself sober as I drink alcohol but I abstain from benzos and opiates.

I'm not trying to re-define the word sober
This is exactly why NA was created. Our literature talks about how alcoholism is too limited of a term for us. We say clean because it encompasses everything. Alcohol is a drug. So if I were to go to an AA meeting I respect their etiquette and use terms like sober, alcoholism, and alcohol. Not clean, addiction, and drugs. Because their primary purpose is alcohol. It would blur the message. So therefore I don't know what you are. You might have been just caught up and not an addict. But of course that's a decision you have to make for yourself. If I intentionally put something in my body to make myself feel good, euphoric, or to forget then it's a relapse. If I were to tell myself it's okay if I just take this or that then that is a serious reservation and I'm going to end up in a bad spot.

