“Tren not that good for bulking”

If you can eat on TREN and it's a big IF.... I have experienced great grow on it with a lot less fat compared to nandrolone for example. The insuling sensitivity effect of tren really helps shuttling all the nutrients needed towards your muscles, especially on a caloric surplus.

Can you get fat on TREN? Surely. Can you have a shit bulking time compared to using nandrolone? Most likely.

The problem is eating, IF you have no heartburn acid reflux and appetite suppression, tren to me has being awesome.
I feel ya, for sure. However, I do believe similar results are achievable with less sides/risks.... Problem is, those methods tend to require more work :O

Taking a good GDA before your major carb meals is a great way to manipulate insulin sensitivity in your favor.

Some have found L-glutamine supplementation helps with tren-related reflux. However, the experiences are somewhat varied.

For me, the insomnia and carb-sweats from the tren make it mostly worthless for me... If I can't recover from sleeping well, and can't eat, what's the point? Obviously, experiences vary, but, I am certain I am not alone with these experiences.
It's caused by... neither.

It's caused by [link]
I like where your head is at with your comments... However, I wonder, is it fair to compare testosterone to trenbolone in this case?

"To illustrate, Tren's molar (per-mg) AR potency is 4.4X as potent as Test's (i.e., 350 mg of Tren is ~as toxic as 1.54 g testosterone weekly, not accounting for relative molecular weight/ester weights)." My concern with this comparison is knowing many users experience debilitating heartburn at even 350mg's/week of trenbolone, and I've never heard of heartburn stemming from even 1.5G/week of testosterone.

To me, this implies tren is chemically different enough from testosterone that it's causing a myriad of other effects beyond this specific and comparable toxicity (4.4x stronger).
I don't like using those meds unless I have some kind of condition that require them to be used but it must not be AAS related..if I have to use famotidine for 3 months straight because I can't use tren otherwise... Maybe is better if I don't use tren at all.

Luckily I can tolerate tren quite well so I don't need any antiacid.

Doesn't long term famotidine create B12 deficiency?
Well, you shouldn't be running potent androgens so as to induce gastric mucosal susceptibility and ulcerogenic effects more than a few weeks out of the year. Long-term use isn't something I suggested.

Yes, famotidine & H₂R antagonists used long-term can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency. And yet they are far superior to the more commonly used proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), e.g., esomeprazole (Nexium), lansoprazole (Prevacid), and omeprazole (Prilosec). PPIs work by a different mechanism (irreversibly binding to H⁺/K⁺ ATPase ["proton pump"] in parietal cells).

Using PPIs chronically for as few as 8 weeks (>= 8 weeks), upon cessation, rebound hyperacidity (hypergastrinemia) is likely, therefore PPIs should be slowly tapered.

Other long-term use considerations include risk of fractures, hypomagnesemia, C. diff.-associated diarrhea, vitamin B12 deficiency, pneumonia, acute interstitial nephritis (AIN), cutaneous & systemic lupus erythomatosus (CLE/SLE) events, dementia, & drug interactions...
I like where your head is at with your comments... However, I wonder, is it fair to compare testosterone to trenbolone in this case?

"To illustrate, Tren's molar (per-mg) AR potency is 4.4X as potent as Test's (i.e., 350 mg of Tren is ~as toxic as 1.54 g testosterone weekly, not accounting for relative molecular weight/ester weights)." My concern with this comparison is knowing many users experience debilitating heartburn at even 350mg's/week of trenbolone, and I've never heard of heartburn stemming from even 1.5G/week of testosterone.

To me, this implies tren is chemically different enough from testosterone that it's causing a myriad of other effects beyond this specific and comparable toxicity (4.4x stronger).
I have seen <1.5 g weekly testosterone cause heartburn.

It's true that this two-dimensional rough formula doesn't fully describe other effects beyond toxicity.

I could discuss many of them at length, but just being topical, I think appetite & AAS pretty much does boil down to A) the primary appetite increase, B) toxicity & C) gastric mucosal susceptibility and ulcerogenic effects.

I'd be happy to expand this out to encompass some other factor if anyone can at least identify it.
Well, you shouldn't be running potent androgens so as to induce gastric mucosal susceptibility and ulcerogenic effects more than a few weeks out of the year. Long-term use isn't something I suggested.
Well, picking up bitches at the music festival is more important than the suffering of gastric ulcers and a possible GI bleed.
@Wunderpus I should also mention that while androgens are ulcerogenic and enhance the susceptibility of gastric mucosa to the peptic action of gastric juice, estrogens are protective (females appear to be protected against both gastric hypersecretion and peptic ulcers in those periods in their lives when circulating estrogens are high). So testosterone is relatively less potent in inducing this effect on acid reflux & peptic ulcer than tren for that reason. But it still has this effect.
After 40 years of cycling, I decided to question conventional wisdom and try Tren for bulking AND tren with Deca.

There's a reason conventional wisdom is so damned... well, conventional.

Growing like a mutha' fucka' but after 4 weeks, I don't think I'll do it again.
I’ve done this recently. I use tren a periodically during the off-season anyways to coincide with my IGF1LR3 cycles. With tren A introduced 2 weeks into the LR3 for a total of 4 weeks let’s me use the Lr3 longer and still feel it.

Nandrolone only 1050mg per week was actually my base the last half of my previous (only/first) offseason with 2.2mg injectable Estradiol Valerate to keep My E2 at the range I prefer of like 60-80 pg/ml. Otherwise the Nandrolone only had be too low in e2. I actually had a 20pg/ml on this cycle before I increased my dose of injectable estradiol to 2.2mg per week from 1.4mg. So 1.4 mg estradiol valerate and 1050 Deca only gave me a 20 e2. I Implemented the tren on top of the Deca with my LR3 cycles I mentioned above.

And then as I switched from off-season to prep phase I stayed on the 1050mg Deca/2.2mg Estradiol Valerate for the first 6 weeks or so of the diet. It worked great for me and I didn’t notice a difference in my appearance really when I switched to Tren/ 2.2mg EV.

I added testosterone at 420mg per week the last 2 weeks of the prep and I didn’t notice a difference either. I dropped the injectable E when I added the test.

So essentially I used Deca and tren together. Deca during a cut and Tren in the off-season too. It worked for me but I’ll have to do another round with different compounds to see how much different it goes.
So I am on a bulk and went from nandrolone to tren. I still feel exceptionally hungry at 250mg a week. This is something that was a little more unexpected.
So if tren doesn’t kill your appetite, then it’s a good and maybe even preferable option for bulking? In my experience, tren did not decrease my appetite, if anything it made me more hungry.
I tried a ton of NPP, Ment on 2 different "bulking cycles" I made serious gains from both especially the Ment and then I first tried Tren after I ran out of other shit since I had It lying around.

Tren was up there If not better for me while "bulking" I put on exceptional size and got stupid strong and was able to see my shoulders "pop" more, I'd say I'm around 15% BF.. If you're ok with being out of breath constantly among plenty of other things then I guess why not.. As far as appetite goes I've always been a shitty eater, I prefer to drink my calories/protein through milk mostly.. So It's never a problem, other than shitting myself occasionally.

Maybe an important question to ask yourself Is "Can this be more optimal for me?" When I ask myself that question I think It really can be.. I'm just limited on money and decided to go with the 2 compounds that blew me up from prior experience with my budget lol.

That's also why I guess your own personal experience becomes invaluable. After 4 years of trying different things I keep going in the direction of EQ.. So that's definitely something I'll experiment with in the near future.

I walk around in public both times I've been on Tren and I literally only wear sweaters and occasionally big T-Shirts and random people tell me I'm fucking jacked and massive.. Worth noting maybe :p
I dislike the endo/meso/ectomorph classification of body types, but I would think if you have a propensity to add fat tissue more easily (former chubby kids) a cycle with trenbolone in the background could help insulin sensitivity while adding calories.

Something along the lines of moderate test, low tren (150mg week) and whatever anabolic of choice you prefer (nandrolone/EQ/primo).
I dislike the endo/meso/ectomorph classification of body types, but I would think if you have a propensity to add fat tissue more easily (former chubby kids) a cycle with trenbolone in the background could help insulin sensitivity while adding calories.

Something along the lines of moderate test, low tren (150mg week) and whatever anabolic of choice you prefer (nandrolone/EQ/primo).
I completely agree.

"Therapeutic dose" of tren for nutrient partitioning up to 200mg max a week
+ Another AAS for Anabolism.(my choice is mast).

My next cycle would be 450 test, 150 tren, 600 mast

When I say therapeutic I mean an safer/appropriate dose lol
I completely agree.

"Therapeutic dose" of tren for nutrient partitioning up to 200mg max a week
+ Another AAS for Anabolism.(my choice is mast).

My next cycle would be 450 test, 150 tren, 600 mast

When I say therapeutic I mean an safer/appropriate dose lol

You like masteron as an anchor for growth in the off-season?
You like masteron as an anchor for growth in the off-season?
So far I have. Since I don't compete(unsure if I will). Maybe I'll do one or two for the experience.

Masteron may be my main growth promoter

Testosterone increases my platelets too much. Always afraid of a clot. I try it again next growth cycle.

325 test, 150 tren 400 mast 12.5mg aromasin every 3 days


600 test 150 tren, 400 mast
12.5mg of aromasin every other day or 25mg every 3-4 days.

I really don't know. I think I may want more of a break and do conditioning. I feel like I grew too fast and I feel uncomfortable out in my professional work.. we will see how I feel 2 months into the cruise lol