Trt question


New Member
Hello everyone I have recently joined these forms in order to further my knowledge on trt. after years of steroid abuse my levels are not what it once was and after a year of struggling with low test and virtually no libido i've committed to trt

almost a month ago I started my regimen of 60mg of test c E3d, no ai or hcg. after about A week i felt more bloodflow and sensation but still no drive or libido whatsoever. my mood has improved a lot I'm sleeping better, more energy, can keep up a conversation. but I'm worried about my libido. I've read the sticky on here for the time for the effectiveness on trt and it shows 3 weeks until sexual desire returns, but I have none of that and its worrying me. I took a bloodiest a few days ago and the results are

tt: 841 349-1149

estradiol 23.8 7.6-42.6

lh/fsh .1

Also Iv been running ralo for about a month due to some gyno that developed over the period of having low t, could that be affecting libido in any way? Should I be adding hcg?
Add HCG for what, gynecomastia!
With a TT level of 800ng/dl your libido "worries" are NOT related to TESTOSTERONE!

What's clear, you need to cease the experiment and seek the advice of a HCP bc you have no idea what your doing.
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Yea well good luck but at least your "mineral panel is normal".

Try a brain scan next!
Dude, I'm on the same dose as you but my Dr. prescribed me HCG and AI. What were your natural Test levels before TRT? When you're first on TRT its very exciting and you notice every little physical and emotion improvement but that rapid change does slow down and it takes some time to get fine tuned. Im also on about 1 month and these last 3-4 days I'm hard as a hell every morning. Just be patient, keep getting your bloods done. Thats the only way to prove whats going on.