Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Reporters crowded into a Singapore auditorium Tuesday, expecting President Trump to walk out and announce (the results of his historic meeting) with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Suddenly, two huge screens on either side of the empty podium came to life. Soaring music boomed over the speakers, and the reporters were bombarded with a montage portraying North Korea as some sort of paradise.

Golden sunrises. Gleaming skylines and high-speed trains. Children skipping through Kim Il Sung square in Pyongyang, North Korean flags waving between images of Egyptian pyramids, the Taj Mahal and the Lincoln Memorial.

In a split-screen shot, Kim Jong Un waved to an adoring crowd while President Trump stood beside him with his thumb in the air. The pair appeared over and over again, like running mates in a campaign video.

The film went on like this for several minutes, with brief interludes of missiles, soldiers and warships interrupting the fanfare. Some journalists, unable to understand the Korean-language narration, assumed they were watching one of Pyongyang's infamous propaganda films. “What country are we in?” asked a reporter from the filing center.

But then the video looped, playing this time in English. And then Trump walked onto the stage and explained that the film was not North Korean propaganda.

It had been made in America, by or on the orders of his White House, for the benefit of Kim.

“I hope you liked it,” Trump told the reporters. “I thought it was good. I thought it was interesting enough to show. ... And I think he loved it.”

Reporters crowded into a Singapore auditorium Tuesday, expecting President Trump to walk out and announce (the results of his historic meeting) with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Suddenly, two huge screens on either side of the empty podium came to life. Soaring music boomed over the speakers, and the reporters were bombarded with a montage portraying North Korea as some sort of paradise.

Golden sunrises. Gleaming skylines and high-speed trains. Children skipping through Kim Il Sung square in Pyongyang, North Korean flags waving between images of Egyptian pyramids, the Taj Mahal and the Lincoln Memorial.

In a split-screen shot, Kim Jong Un waved to an adoring crowd while President Trump stood beside him with his thumb in the air. The pair appeared over and over again, like running mates in a campaign video.

The film went on like this for several minutes, with brief interludes of missiles, soldiers and warships interrupting the fanfare. Some journalists, unable to understand the Korean-language narration, assumed they were watching one of Pyongyang's infamous propaganda films. “What country are we in?” asked a reporter from the filing center.

But then the video looped, playing this time in English. And then Trump walked onto the stage and explained that the film was not North Korean propaganda.

It had been made in America, by or on the orders of his White House, for the benefit of Kim.

“I hope you liked it,” Trump told the reporters. “I thought it was good. I thought it was interesting enough to show. ... And I think he loved it.”

What a sack of shit. You know that douche is going to say it was the best deal ever.
Our President conveys legitimacy on the mass murdering head of a gulag nation in exchange for recycled platitudes, alienates our closest allies, praises the world’s autocrats and our homegrown white supremacists, jeopardizes our economy with threats of a trade war, /1

commits atrocious human rights violations at our border, lets his family profit to the tune of tens of millions from outside businesses while they serve in the White House on nepotistic appointments (and seek to deprive those with pre-existing conditions of healthcare), freely /2

accepts emoluments, trashes the government ethics program, and subverts our justice system. We’ve spent tens of millions of tax dollars on his visits to his properties, where he frequently golfs and always promotes his businesses. His cabinet emulates his behavior /3

as the infection seeps ever deeper into institutions intended to protect democracy and resist corruption. Our diplomatic agency has been gutted and our longstanding military alliances have been frayed. Serious questions have arisen as to the influence of Trump’s /4

finances on his policy decisions in specific instances, but the majority in Congress looks the other way and prefers to investigate his investigators and his vanquished political rival. Our high court upholds a state’s effort to deprive our most vulnerable citizens /5

of the most basic right guaranteed by a republic — the right to vote — while consistently preventing states from putting an end to the mass slaughter of school kids and others. Allies of our president are concerned that his alleged “lawyer,” who acts more like a business /6

associate than a legal representative, may “flip” (something that can only happen among criminals), so they have openly challenged the legitimacy of any potential inquiry into criminality beyond the scope of foreign election interference, such as money laundering. Meanwhile, /7

no one is seriously looking into the effect of foreign inference on the last election or the extent to which vote tallies or registration records may have been affected (we simply don’t know), and even less is being done to safeguard the next election against the /8

inevitable attack. Some respectable types dismissively paint those who emphasize the seriousness of the threat to our republic as alarmists. Trump’s enablers, in and out of government, titter or tsk about his many gaffs but normalize his behavior more every day. The /9

situation is bad.


