Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

can you elaborate for me brother ?
There are a lot of people here from Iran and probably other countries on the list that are not "refugees". They may have come here years ago to study or work and have green cards and have applied for permanent status. If they were out of the country when that order went into affect they could or would be denied entry.
Many immigration officers have already said they had no guidance of what to do after that ececutive order was signed. What about the Iraquis that worked with our SOF?
Steve Bannon role on National Security Council under fire -

President Donald Trump further reorganized the National Security Council on Monday after he came under sharp criticism for ousting the country's most senior intelligence and military officials as regular members of the Principals Committee -- and installing one of his top political advisers on the key panel.

On Monday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer announced that Trump will reinstate the director of the CIA as a regular Principals Committee member. But the President will keep his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, as a regular committee member -- a move that came under fire -- while the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will not be regular attendees.

That top officials are debating whether to wade into the issue of gay and transgender rights highlights the tension the new administration faces when it comes to social issues. Trump campaigned on an economic message, but he is under pressure from the social conservatives who propelled him into office to implement their top priorities.

The issue of gay rights is particularly fraught for Vice President Pence, who as governor of Indiana signed a controversial measure expanding religious liberties in a way that gay rights groups said opened the door to legalized discrimination. A national outcry over the bill led Pence and the state legislature to (weaken the measure)., White House press secretary Sean Spicer declined to comment on whether an executive order affecting gay and transgender people was under consideration.
Steve Bannon role on National Security Council under fire -

President Donald Trump further reorganized the National Security Council on Monday after he came under sharp criticism for ousting the country's most senior intelligence and military officials as regular members of the Principals Committee -- and installing one of his top political advisers on the key panel.

On Monday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer announced that Trump will reinstate the director of the CIA as a regular Principals Committee member. But the President will keep his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, as a regular committee member -- a move that came under fire -- while the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will not be regular attendees.
By all means, continue to cut and paste the Clinton News Networks articles as though they arent the half truth, totally biased and totally misleading and worthless journalistic garbage they are
By all means, continue to cut and paste the Clinton News Networks articles as though they arent the half truth, totally biased and totally misleading and worthless journalistic garbage they are
And I respect your opinion but the same can be said for most of the media right and left. I am not defending CNN or any other news outlet they are all equally incompetent and biased at times. I just pick what I want to share.
And I respect your opinion but the same can be said for most of the media right and left. I am not defending CNN or any other news outlet they are all equally incompetent and biased at times. I just pick what I want to share.
Difference is we are being bombarded with fake and or distorted news with the sole agenda being to take down the trump administration at the cost of the country. Remember the crazies that were going on about how Obama was a Muslim terrorist. Well, this is exactly like that, but now it's not a crazy far leaning radical group that's perpetrating it. It's the main stream media and the mainstream liberals.
Difference is we are being bombarded with fake and or distorted news with the sole agenda being to take down the trump administration at the cost of the country. Remember the crazies that were going on about how Obama was a Muslim terrorist. Well, this is exactly like that, but now it's not a crazy far leaning radical group that's perpetrating it. It's the main stream media and the mainstream liberals.

I agree in parts but not everything being reported is fake and you said it best it is a vicious cycle.
I agree in parts but not everything being reported is fake and you said it best it is a vicious cycle.
Have you looked at this so called Muslim ban, for instance? Some of the media is reporting that these countries trump chose are countries he has no business ties to. Fact is these countries were a list of countries that were countries the Obama administration targeted for travel restrictions. They were left over from the Obama administration. Also, both Clinton and obama put a immigration ban on entire Muslim countries themselves yet there was no outcry about that. And the so called trump ban is a temporary 90 day moratorium until they can come up with a better vetting process for refugees or immigrants coming from these particular countries. And although many on the left, including media personally, are claiming it's unconstitutional fact is its very constitutional. I can go on and on just with this one subject let alone every subject that has come up.

This whole thing is about vetting migrants and refugees coming from known terrorist countries to keep America safe. Do you have a problem with a better vetting process? Here is the difference between what trump is doing and what Clinton wanted to do. Trump wants a better vetting system and Clinton wanted to allow like 500 times more refugees in without a better process. Crazy trump.
This thread has worn me out. There's no entertainment factor left at all, and there never was much focus on reality. I'm pretty sure I lost a couple of IQ points holding out as long as I did. So (probably) my final contribution, here's what Americans think of the ban... I'm sure CNN or some other "news" outlet will make up, I mean conduct, another poll soon that disagrees.

New Rasmussen Poll Reveals Silent Majority Approves Of Immigration Ban

by Tyler Durden
Jan 30, 2017 8:25 PM

While vocal, and often violent, disaffected Hillary protesters may get a lot of media attention, a new Rasmussen poll out today reveals that the silent majority of Americans, men and women who don't have time to protest 24 hours a day because they actually go to work to provide for their families, support Trump's temporary immigration ban from 7 mostly-Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa. In fact, per the new poll, 57% of likely U.S. voters actually approve of the ban while only 33% were opposed.

full article
Is every news outlet that criticizes Trump fake news?


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