Am I really out to the loop?!?!


New Member
Okay, I'm having an argument with a person about pinning AAS. I've always known that AAS is pinned intramuscular. I've also always known that pinning subcutaneously that you don't get the same results or it's pretty much a complete waste. I know that HGH, HCG and other peptides are pinned subcutaneously. Am I missing something here because he just seems like an idiot to me. This is his argument.

"I’m not trying to argue with you. You can subq test or any steroid. You’re out of the loop

Subcutaneous (SubQ) testosterone injections are becoming more popular than intramuscular (IM) injections for several reasons:
SubQ injections have a lower risk of injecting testosterone oil into a blood vessel.
SubQ injections are usually less painful because they use smaller gauge needles and the testosterone is often compounded in a thinner oil.
Ease of use
SubQ injections into the thigh or abdomen are easier to self-administer than IM injections into the glute or hip.
Muscle damage
SubQ injections cause less muscle damage and scar tissue.
Testosterone release
SubQ injections release testosterone more slowly, which can lead to fewer spikes in estrogen, DHT, and hematocrit.
SubQ injections are more tolerable, with lower self-reported scores for pain and anxiety before, during, and after the injection"
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