Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

So you buy that Biden, a total moron that didn't campaign at all, somehow got 81M votes straight up? Crushed Obama, the previous record holder, while winning a record low 16.7% of the counties. Bro the ballots got stuffed and we got fucked. Period. Don't try to sell me on Biden being some kind of transformational figure, he is not. He is decrepit old man with zero brain cells left. The ultimate puppet.

Guaranteed he will not finish out his first term in office. His health will not allow it. He's been protected by the media and has not had any vetting.

We got fucked!

First of all, I voted Biden only because I couldn’t vote Bernie. Biden is centrist shill. The only thing you should actually be thinking about here is that trump is such a failure that Biden a “decrepit old man” with “zero brain cells” was elected.

He received so many votes because of who we had in office the last 4 years. We had a authoritarian nut job as a president that lit fire under a lot of asses to go vote. We Democrat voters don’t vote as much as republicans. Also, don’t leave out the fact Trump hit record voting counts as well. Clearly more people voted all around this time.

Every stupid Trump lawsuit about vote fraud has been shut down by judges and even Barr said there wasn’t any evidence for voter fraud.

So, again, you believe things, with LITERALLY, no evidence. Your beliefs resemble the same ones as flat earth people, people that believe our politicians are lizards, dinosaur fossils being a government conspiracy, the “NWO” controlled by Jews.

All similar nutty stuff.

Nashville RV bomber Anthony Quinn Warner was “heavily into conspiracy theories” about 5G networks — and thought he’d be “hailed a hero” for targeting a huge AT&T network, according to a report.

The 63-year-old loner — who died in his massive Christmas Day suicide blast — may have turned against the telecommunications industry after the 2011 death of his father, who worked for a company that later merged with AT&T, a source close to the investigation told the Daily Mail.

He was believed to be “heavily into conspiracy theories,” especially over fears that 5G networks were killing people, the source said.

“The unofficial motive thus far is the suspect believed 5G was the root of all deaths in the region and he’d be hailed a hero,” the source told the outlet.

“We are waiting on the digital footprint that should finally provide us with some answers,” the source explained following a raid of Warner’s home in Antioch, a suburb of Nashville.