Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You poor thing :(

Trumpster desperation ... Trumpsters are pointing to anything that might give them hope their leader is not a terminally deranged socio/psycho-path. But, Trumpsters do not possess any reasoning abilities, just blind obedience.

I know of nobody that uses the Consumer Confidence Index to aid in investing. Nobody!!! And, FWIW the Index is a worthless pile of crap. Don't take my word for it, Barry Ritzholtz is a respected analyst who states the same.

Consumer Confidence, The World’s Most Useless Economic Statistic
Consumer Confidence, The World’s Most Useless Economic Statistic - The Big Picture

This is for the Trumpsters that cite this measure ...

CNN:Trump administration could mean new life for Clinton Foundation probe

By Evan Perez, CNN Justice Correspondent
Updated 1352 GMT (2152 HKT) November 11, 2016

Washington (CNN)The FBI has spent more than a year looking into the Clinton Foundation without getting beyond the starting gates. That could soon change.

Investigators at the FBI's New York office, who unsuccessfully argued for months that they should be allowed to open a full-blown investigation of the foundation, could find a more friendly audience in a Donald Trump administration Justice Department.
The President-elect railed during the closing weeks of the campaign against the relationship between foundation donors and Hillary Clinton's work in government as "corrupt."

He promised there would more investigations of the Clintons if he were elected.
Soon, top officials he appoints at the Justice Department will have the power make that happen.
And the FBI investigators may have more ammunition to make their case with stolen emails from Clinton aides released in recent weeks by WikiLeaks.
The emails showed internal fights over the foundation between Chelsea Clinton and a top aide to her father, Doug Band, who helped run the foundation. Chelsea Clinton, according to the emails, was concerned about possible conflicts of interest and problems related to Bill Clinton's paid speech-making business, dubbed "Bill Clinton Inc." The dispute prompted the foundation to conduct an internal audit of its activities. Band hit back at Chelsea Clinton, according to the emails, suggesting she used the foundation to pay for her wedding.
Rudy Giuliani, considered a contender for attorney general or other top cabinet post, according to people familiar with Trump transition planning, said Thursday that the new president will have to make a decision on what to do about his promises to hire a special prosecutor to investigate matters related to Clinton.
"It's been a tradition in our politics to put things behind us," Giuliani said on CNN's "New Day." "On the other hand, you have to look at how bad was it? Because suppose somebody comes along a year from now and is alleged to have stolen $50,000 from a charity -- and (Clinton) was never investigated for hundreds of millions."
Messages left with the Clinton Foundation seeking comment were not returned.

Career prosecutors at the Justice Department's criminal division and the public integrity section, as well as lawyers at the FBI, reviewed the requests earlier this year from FBI investigators to launch a full probe of the Clinton Foundation, according to law enforcement officials briefed on the discussions. The agents were told that they didn't have enough evidence to use more overt investigative methods, including seeking subpoenas, to open a full probe, the officials said. They were also told they could continue to gather information and revisit their requests if they found more evidence.
The genesis of the FBI efforts date, in part, to allegations published in the 2015 book "Clinton Cash" by conservative writer Peter Schweizer.
Agents were unhappy at being told they didn't have enough evidence, and that fed some of the tensions over Clinton-related matters inside the FBI in recent months between the New York field office and FBI headquarters, law enforcement officials say.

Trump repeatedly referred to the WikiLeaks emails -- in particular the issues raised by Band -- as proof that investigators should take a deeper look.
"Mr. Band called the arrangement unorthodox. The rest of us call it outright corrupt," Trump told an October campaign rally. "In fact, the Clinton Foundation even hired a law firm to find out if their pay to play scheme would jeopardize their charitable status with the IRS."
Trying to use the stolen emails released by WikiLeaks to try to build probable cause for further investigation could present legal hurdles for the FBI and the Justice Department.
At least some of the emails are labeled as "attorney-client privileged," meaning they have the legal protection of confidential communications between lawyer and client.
And then there's the fact the US government has declared that the emails were stolen by Russian intelligence in a cyber-hack of the email account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Earlier this year, prosecutors in Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara's office used revelations from the Panama Papers, stolen and leaked legal documents from a law firm in that country that helped the rich create offshore financial shelters, as cause to issue subpoenas to individuals and firms named in the documents. Other lawyers at Justice Department headquarters debated whether the stolen materials could be used predicates for an investigation.
CNN's Dan Merica contributed to this report.
Donald Trump administration could mean new life for Clinton Foundation probe -

Comey was Clinton's major accomplice blocking ALL related investigations.
Comey had ENOUGH time to investigate and determined there's no evidence to investigate Trump himself.
About time to change places.

Let's play a game:
When it all gets uncovered and Clintons/other-Dems go to jail you'll wear a dunce cap for a full year

2 reasons Comey was fired
1. Comey never provided Trump w assurance of loyalty
2. FBI's Russia probe was accelerating

Comey had his chance, his time is up
he couldn't find any proof that "Russian hacking changed the election outcome" (because they didn't)
Trump walked away mostly unharmed

Now it's time for Clintons to be scrutinized
their time is now

they are freaking out as Comey:
1 blocked all Clinton foundation investigations
2 Pushed "Trump-Russia" probe to the limit
3 conveniently leaked info to Fake News media

Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now


Current and former FBI officials are contradicting President Trump's statement that former FBI Director James Comey asked to meet with the president to request to keep his job, according to a new NBC News report.

In an interview with NBC's Lester Holt that aired Thursday, Trump said Comey had requested a dinner with him during which he asked to stay on as the FBI head. Trump also said Comey told him three times — twice over the phone and once at their dinner meeting — that he was not the subject of any FBI investigations.

“We had a very nice dinner at the White House very early on. I think he [Comey] asked for the dinner. And he wanted to stay on as the FBI head,” Trump said in the interview. "And I said, ‘You know, consider, we’ll see what happens.' But we had a very nice dinner, and at that time, he told me, ‘You are not under investigation,' which I knew anyway.”
FBI officials contradicted Trump's claims, saying the dinner meeting was requested by the White House, and a former senior FBI official said Comey would have never told the president he was not under investigation.

"[Comey] tried to stay away from it [the Russian-ties investigation]," a former official close with Comey told NBC. "He would say, 'look sir, I really can't get into it, and you don't want me to."

A current FBI official also confirmed to NBC that Comey did not request the one-on-one dinner.

"The president is not correct," the former official continued. "The White House called him out of the blue. Comey didn't want to do it. He didn't even want the rank and file at the FBI to know about it."

"He's still the commander in chief. He's your boss. How do you say no?" the official added.

The two officials also commented on a New York Times report that Trump pressed Comey to promise his loyalty to the president, saying that while they could not confirm the story, Comey's refusal to pledge loyalty to Trump sounded in line with how the expect Comey would have responded.

The former official said, "That is exactly how I would expect the director to answer."

Current and former FBI officials are contradicting President Trump's statement that former FBI Director James Comey asked to meet with the president to request to keep his job, according to a new NBC News report.

In an interview with NBC's Lester Holt that aired Thursday, Trump said Comey had requested a dinner with him during which he asked to stay on as the FBI head. Trump also said Comey told him three times — twice over the phone and once at their dinner meeting — that he was not the subject of any FBI investigations.

“We had a very nice dinner at the White House very early on. I think he [Comey] asked for the dinner. And he wanted to stay on as the FBI head,” Trump said in the interview. "And I said, ‘You know, consider, we’ll see what happens.' But we had a very nice dinner, and at that time, he told me, ‘You are not under investigation,' which I knew anyway.”
FBI officials contradicted Trump's claims, saying the dinner meeting was requested by the White House, and a former senior FBI official said Comey would have never told the president he was not under investigation.

"[Comey] tried to stay away from it [the Russian-ties investigation]," a former official close with Comey told NBC. "He would say, 'look sir, I really can't get into it, and you don't want me to."

A current FBI official also confirmed to NBC that Comey did not request the one-on-one dinner.

"The president is not correct," the former official continued. "The White House called him out of the blue. Comey didn't want to do it. He didn't even want the rank and file at the FBI to know about it."

"He's still the commander in chief. He's your boss. How do you say no?" the official added.

The two officials also commented on a New York Times report that Trump pressed Comey to promise his loyalty to the president, saying that while they could not confirm the story, Comey's refusal to pledge loyalty to Trump sounded in line with how the expect Comey would have responded.

The former official said, "That is exactly how I would expect the director to answer."

CNN:Trump administration could mean new life for Clinton Foundation probe

By Evan Perez, CNN Justice Correspondent
Updated 1352 GMT (2152 HKT) November 11, 2016

Washington (CNN)The FBI has spent more than a year looking into the Clinton Foundation without getting beyond the starting gates. That could soon change.

Investigators at the FBI's New York office, who unsuccessfully argued for months that they should be allowed to open a full-blown investigation of the foundation, could find a more friendly audience in a Donald Trump administration Justice Department.
The President-elect railed during the closing weeks of the campaign against the relationship between foundation donors and Hillary Clinton's work in government as "corrupt."

He promised there would more investigations of the Clintons if he were elected.
Soon, top officials he appoints at the Justice Department will have the power make that happen.
And the FBI investigators may have more ammunition to make their case with stolen emails from Clinton aides released in recent weeks by WikiLeaks.
The emails showed internal fights over the foundation between Chelsea Clinton and a top aide to her father, Doug Band, who helped run the foundation. Chelsea Clinton, according to the emails, was concerned about possible conflicts of interest and problems related to Bill Clinton's paid speech-making business, dubbed "Bill Clinton Inc." The dispute prompted the foundation to conduct an internal audit of its activities. Band hit back at Chelsea Clinton, according to the emails, suggesting she used the foundation to pay for her wedding.
Rudy Giuliani, considered a contender for attorney general or other top cabinet post, according to people familiar with Trump transition planning, said Thursday that the new president will have to make a decision on what to do about his promises to hire a special prosecutor to investigate matters related to Clinton.
"It's been a tradition in our politics to put things behind us," Giuliani said on CNN's "New Day." "On the other hand, you have to look at how bad was it? Because suppose somebody comes along a year from now and is alleged to have stolen $50,000 from a charity -- and (Clinton) was never investigated for hundreds of millions."
Messages left with the Clinton Foundation seeking comment were not returned.

Career prosecutors at the Justice Department's criminal division and the public integrity section, as well as lawyers at the FBI, reviewed the requests earlier this year from FBI investigators to launch a full probe of the Clinton Foundation, according to law enforcement officials briefed on the discussions. The agents were told that they didn't have enough evidence to use more overt investigative methods, including seeking subpoenas, to open a full probe, the officials said. They were also told they could continue to gather information and revisit their requests if they found more evidence.
The genesis of the FBI efforts date, in part, to allegations published in the 2015 book "Clinton Cash" by conservative writer Peter Schweizer.
Agents were unhappy at being told they didn't have enough evidence, and that fed some of the tensions over Clinton-related matters inside the FBI in recent months between the New York field office and FBI headquarters, law enforcement officials say.

Trump repeatedly referred to the WikiLeaks emails -- in particular the issues raised by Band -- as proof that investigators should take a deeper look.
"Mr. Band called the arrangement unorthodox. The rest of us call it outright corrupt," Trump told an October campaign rally. "In fact, the Clinton Foundation even hired a law firm to find out if their pay to play scheme would jeopardize their charitable status with the IRS."
Trying to use the stolen emails released by WikiLeaks to try to build probable cause for further investigation could present legal hurdles for the FBI and the Justice Department.
At least some of the emails are labeled as "attorney-client privileged," meaning they have the legal protection of confidential communications between lawyer and client.
And then there's the fact the US government has declared that the emails were stolen by Russian intelligence in a cyber-hack of the email account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Earlier this year, prosecutors in Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara's office used revelations from the Panama Papers, stolen and leaked legal documents from a law firm in that country that helped the rich create offshore financial shelters, as cause to issue subpoenas to individuals and firms named in the documents. Other lawyers at Justice Department headquarters debated whether the stolen materials could be used predicates for an investigation.
CNN's Dan Merica contributed to this report.
Donald Trump administration could mean new life for Clinton Foundation probe -

Comey was Clinton's major accomplice blocking ALL related investigations.
Comey had ENOUGH time to investigate and determined there's no evidence to investigate Trump himself.
About time to change places.

Let's play a game:
When it all gets uncovered and Clintons/other-Dems go to jail you'll wear a dunce cap for a full year

Only if it matches his giant vagina costume.

