Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

By the ACLU? Seriously? We're having a discussion and you're talking ACLU? That's a badge of honor not a negative.
The ACLU has certainly tangled with the government many times and won a fair share of cases. Definitely a badge of honor.
Trump is laying foundation for his eventual removal from office.

The bastard has no respect for institutions in our government. He threatened comey now. What a fucking lune.

Just in trump will not commit to spicers future? He is the guy that has to make sense of trumps incoherent rants. The best thing that could happen is to have trump fire him. Anyone who took part in this trump debacle will be tainted for the rest of their careers.
The ACLU has certainly tangled with the government many times and won a fair share of cases. Definitely a badge of honor.

Become a Freedom Fighter — Join the ACLU
Become a Freedom Fighter — Join the ACLU

People across the country are coming together to stand up for what they believe is right.

Take a stand for what you believe in. Join the ACLU today. With your help we can:
· Push back against xenophobia
· Defend free speech and the right to protest
· Fight relentless attacks on reproductive freedom

Join the ACLU & help protect our hard-won rights.

As far as the negative comment, consider the source ...


He isn't going to admit to a felony. He has stumbled into it. When you fire the guy who is leading the investigation into collusion between the trump administration and russia that is obstruction.

Trump is a man who has seldom heard the word no. It is clear no one in his cabinet can control him.

The only way he will survive this is if McConnell stonewalls the appointment of a special prosecutor, and then in 2018 it isn't out of the realm of possibiliy he may lose his seat in a nation wide landslide in favor of the dems.
Supposedly the fbi investigated the whole trump russia thing for almost a year and even they have said there is no link found. Time to move on. There is no there there. It's all liberal rhetoric and media hype just like the comey firing. Jesus, how many times does the liberal radical media need to be caught lying before liberals get it through their heads this is all made up? Shit, the whole story just 2 days ago was that deputy attorney general rosenstein was going to quit over comey firing. All those sources the liberal media claimed to have? All the top liberal outlets? And it turned out to be more fake news.
Holy fuck you anti trump guys have smoked yourselves retarded on the propaganda pipe. Lol jesus christ! Fucking guy is doing an amazing job. Media teet sucklers lmao.

