Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Supposedly the fbi investigated the whole trump russia thing for almost a year and even they have said there is no link found. Time to move on. There is no there there. It's all liberal rhetoric and media hype just like the comey firing. Jesus, how many times does the liberal radical media need to be caught lying before liberals get it through their heads this is all made up? Shit, the whole story just 2 days ago was that deputy attorney general rosenstein was going to quit over comey firing. All those sources the liberal media claimed to have? All the top liberal outlets? And it turned out to be more fake news.
Nixon probably didn't know about the Watergate break in when it happened. He did obstruct the investigation though, and that is why he resigned. Trump is doing the same thing.
Nixon probably didn't know about the Watergate break in when it happened. He did obstruct the investigation though, and that is why he resigned. Trump is doing the same thing.
You dont know shit paul. You are just another media fed dribble brain spouting off and regurgitating stupidity.
It a gram a day shot straight up your mothers ass. Hopefully none of it dribbles into her vag or we will have another one of you running around.
Listen now don't assume that simply because your mother and father taught you how to suck cock and take cum up the ass , others enjoy it.

1 gram a day of pcp. Maybe trump will let you suck his dick in the oval office. After you swear your allegiance to him first. That makes your mouth water right?
It means shit genetics. It means your arms look scrawny and flabby as fuck. With arms that horrible you should leave all the bodybuildin forums you're on and start working at something you can actually succeed in.
I say with cum dripping out your ass and running down both legs you should get that undercontrol first and then rather than mesorx you might enjoy
Listen now don't assume that simply because your mother and father taught you how to suck cock and take cum up the ass , others enjoy it.

1 gram a day of pcp. Maybe trump will let you suck his dick in the oval office. After you swear your allegiance to him first. That makes your mouth water right?
Wow bro if your going to come back at me atleast gry not to sound like a 14 year old highschooler while you are doin it.
What did I say about trump supporters not taking things well?
I took it just fine you loser. I made a comment not directed to anyone and you called me stupid lol. Whats that about liberal cucks always starting fights than cant finish with men they cant handle face to face. Go line up with antifa if you got a problem with him. Let me know first so i can fent a uhaul.

Strike one was the Lester Holt interview in which President Trump alleged (confessed?) that he fired former FBI director James B. Comey with the Russia investigation in mind and asked about his own legal status while discussing Comey’s job with him. Then came the tweet in which the president threatened the former FBI director and suggested conversations were being recorded. That was strike two.

Now we have former director of national intelligence James Clapper telling NBC’s Andrea Mitchell in an interview that he never exonerated Trump of collusion, as Trump claimed.


Former White House adviser Peter Wehner remarks, “The problem for Republicans is that given who Trump is — given that his problems are temperamental and characterological and therefore won’t be cured — I think it’s quite likely that at some point many of them will be forced to break with him; that his actions will be so transgressive, so problematic, so embarrassing and so unpopular that it’ll become in their self-interest to distance themselves from a president who clearly is not a well man.” We don’t know when that will be. One imagines that they cannot function in this mode for very long. “What we’re seeing can be compared to the metaphor of the frog in the water that begins at a tepid temperature but get hotter and hotter and eventually boils the frog to death,” Wehner observes. “Right now Republicans are in the water, it’s beginning to boil, and if they don’t jump soon, this will have a very bad ending for them.”


Action needs to be taken before too much damage is done to the republic. The GOP is lost, but the country can be protected.