Your Top 5 Fav Steroids

So basically just stick with the tren e, there isn’t a huge noticeable difference in results? I’m not sure I understand what your saying halo does exactly. Could you explain in your experience running a cycle of it does exactly.
Halo boosts power and aggression
1) Test, long ester (c, e, sust.)
2) Test Prop
3) Anadrol

Test makes me feel like the best version of myself. If I had found it before all the recreational drugs/stupid sh*t I did when I was younger I would have left all that behind sooner.

Anadrol gives me a strength boost and almost zero sides at 50 - 100 mg dosing. Best oral out there imho.

Never tried halo, but ya'll are making a case for it's use as a pwo now and then - I am assuming that it's not a daily driver lol.
This is just for fun thread to see what steroids you guys like the most. Maybe we will see some interesting choices or rare stuff. No judgement, no fighting, no drama. Just your list of steroids that makes you excited to run it again. Let's get going.

*Please list only steroids, not some other drugs such as hgh, insulin, sarms and etc...

My top 5 steroids:
1. Testosterone C/E
2. Dbol
3. Equipoise
4. Anavar
5. Primobolan

1. Test no ester
2. Tren no ester
3. Mtren
4. Stanolone (pure DHT in case you are wondering ;))
5. Proviron
1) Test, long ester (c, e, sust.)
2) Test Prop
3) Anadrol

Test makes me feel like the best version of myself. If I had found it before all the recreational drugs/stupid sh*t I did when I was younger I would have left all that behind sooner.

Anadrol gives me a strength boost and almost zero sides at 50 - 100 mg dosing. Best oral out there imho.

Never tried halo, but ya'll are making a case for it's use as a pwo now and then - I am assuming that it's not a daily driver lol.
Testosterone is the answer for most depression disorders in men. Especially if over 30years of age.
3. Anadrol
4. Test
5. Test
more test = bigger guy
guys arent big on low test and deca or tren
thats just a meme
we make testosterone, our body recognizes testosterone, our muscles are signaled by testosterone

take test, and you wont get mood or mystery side effects
every other steroid is known for a weird side effect people get
just control your estrogen and youre golden

whoever started this "I tried a gram and just got more sides" theme ruined thousands of lifters growth.

its just common sense, ask someone who doesnt know shit about steroids and ask how to get big, theyll say something like "make your testosterone levels 100,000,000!"
its just common sense, ask someone who doesnt know shit about steroids and ask how to get big, theyll say something like "make your testosterone levels 100,000,000!"

Which would be in adequation with what you just said before, so why would it come from someone "who doesn't know anything about steroids" ?
more test = bigger guy
guys arent big on low test and deca or tren
thats just a meme
we make testosterone, our body recognizes testosterone, our muscles are signaled by testosterone

take test, and you wont get mood or mystery side effects
every other steroid is known for a weird side effect people get
just control your estrogen and youre golden

whoever started this "I tried a gram and just got more sides" theme ruined thousands of lifters growth.

its just common sense, ask someone who doesnt know shit about steroids and ask how to get big, theyll say something like "make your testosterone levels 100,000,000!"
Out of curiosity and for the sake of discussion, as I love Testostetone myself. What dosage and for how long would you suggest/recommend for a guy who wants to get big and muscular by general standards, but not huge or bodybuilding standards. Let's keep in mind long term sustainability and health too.
Out of curiosity and for the sake of discussion, as I love Testostetone myself. What dosage and for how long would you suggest/recommend for a guy who wants to get big and muscular by general standards, but not huge or bodybuilding standards. Let's keep in mind long term sustainability and health too.
1500mg for 6 months. Tapering up from 750mg.
Dial in your testosterone dose to your A.I dose.

guys make their blasts 300mg-750mg testosterone for years for no reason,
there really isn't a hell of a lot of difference between 500mg and 750mg. Especially on bloodwork.

instead of doing an extra cc or two of what works, they just add other compounds like deca to experience side effects or add orals to crush their cholesterol, when they couldve just kept it simple.

For example, I think doing a first cycle of 500mg and then 750mg for cycle 2 is a complete waste of time.

Most people are not getting big from 500 test 300 deca... 300 test 300 tren.. 600 test 50 anadrol. 600 test 450 eq.. 400 test 300 primo 200mg masteron

all of this depends on how you respond to testosterone, there are smaller guys that respond well and can get 1500mg blood levels on just 750mg.

my point is , if you want more testosterone, dont hold yourself back by some arbitrary numbers of milligrams, go off feeling, blood work and side effects.

going from 500mg to 750mg isnt "50% more gains"
just like its not, "50% more damaging"
or "50% more pumps"
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1500mg for 6 months. Tapering up from 750mg.
Dial in your testosterone dose to your A.I dose.

guys make their blasts 300mg-750mg testosterone for years for no reason,
there really isn't a hell of a lot of difference between 500mg and 750mg. Especially on bloodwork.

instead of doing an extra cc or two of what works, they just add other compounds like deca to experience side effects or add orals to crush their cholesterol, when they couldve just kept it simple.

For example, I think doing a first cycle of 500mg and then 750mg for cycle 2 is a complete waste of time.

Most people are not getting big from 500 test 300 deca... 300 test 300 tren.. 600 test 50 anadrol. 600 test 450 eq.. 400 test 300 primo 200mg masteron

all of this depends on how you respond to testosterone, there are smaller guys that respond well and can get 1500mg blood levels on just 750mg.

my point is , if you want more testosterone, dont hold yourself back by some arbitrary numbers of milligrams, go off feeling, blood work and side effects.

going from 500mg to 750mg isnt "50% more gains"
just like its not, "50% more damaging"
or "50% more pumps"
All right, what's your stance on the cruise dose. Let's assume he finished this cycle successfully and now he needs to maintain gains, assuming he needs to cruise for at least 3-4 months. Or do you think he should come off for some time?
All right, what's your stance on the cruise dose. Let's assume he finished this cycle successfully and now he needs to maintain gains, assuming he needs to cruise for at least 3-4 months. Or do you think he should come off for some time?
I think going under 500mg would be naive. keeps your metabolism up, less likely to lose muscle, keeps you feeling good , puts calories towards muscle rather than fat.. (I think it keeps your receptors upregulated/upregulating)

We have so much information now, the blood tests to get, what is normal and what isn't, medications to control every variable.

Theres Ezetimibe/statins for cholesterol,
nebivolol/ARBs for blood pressure and reducing the odds of cardiac problems. nattokinease for blood clotting,
Astragalus for kidneys (huge one)

I think if you're trying to get huge, you go down to 500mg when life gets in the way and you use that time to completely deload and let your joints and tendons recover.

Is there a big difference on bloodwork between a 250mg and 500mg cruise? how about 1g? I don't know, thats why if someone cares about their health they get bloodwork, maybe for someone theres no difference between 500mg and 750mg. but I think the main thing we care about, since everything else is controlled, is HDL.

if you want HDL to recover i think you need to go down to a legit TRT dose and chill. the muscle comes back quick anyway

i think we just need to get bloodwork and do our own risk management, we had these guidelines about milligrams and weeks and PCTs and etc, that all was good up until probably 2016-2018,

now we have a lot more info and don't have to rush these 12 or 16 week cycles into a clomid/nolva PCT and wait 4 months until we can do it again for the "receptors"

With testosterone, I don't feel guilty about running some strange foreign hormone, trying to make the most of X weeks on tren while my body deteriorates, like the clock is ticking. i dont worry about how my mood is day to day, wondering if my mood is due to my life circumstances or if its coming from something else I'm taking,
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