Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Well, this certainly beats endless blocked twitter reposts. Lol
Lmfao I just started posting a couple days ago and i have to say some of these guys parents need to ensure there children get their daily doses of lithium. I get a mad bypolar vibe in here lol.
Lmfao I just started posting a couple days ago and i have to say some of these guys parents need to ensure there children get their daily doses of lithium. I get a mad bypolar vibe in here lol
Seriously? Listen pal if you are going to have a psychotic break every step of the way to trumps impeachment, I have one word, benzos
Don't you put me on ignore :( don't you go there. I feel I have an obligation to humanity to at least try to correct your wrong thinking.
Bp you know I'd never do that. As much as we bash each other, at the end of the day I'd go have a few beers with you.
Bp you know I'd never do that. As much as we bash each other, at the end of the day I'd go have a few beers with you.
I'm down, but I will have to go with a soda. I can't drink anymore. It would be a good idea to have a lawyer on retainer if I do.
Seriously? Listen pal if you are going to have a psychotic break every step of the way to trumps impeachment, I have one word, benzos
Impeachment i laugh so hard all the million times ive heard claims of trumps impeachment immanant lol. All simpletons hear these so called impeachable offences and are so stupid that they dont even realize he cant be impeach for said offence. Ive litterally heard about a thousand different claims with hoards of retards ( yep yep we got him this time ) lol only for the retards to find out no crime no time lol. There is a new one every week its so priceless. I cant stop laughing at these people but, at the same time its scary that people can be so foolish and naive. Its sad actually.

Its like I swear mr garrison was right that we are the result of a retarded fish frog fucking a retarded monkey pig
All 4 of those bankrupt companies went bankrupt because of the cities they were located. Imagine trying to not go bankrupt in a city like chichago i dare yah lol.
Littleflabbyarmspaul finally ran home to his mother. Word around town is she is a hooker meme. No wonder the walking forgot arm day meme known as @Big_paul gets triggered so bad.
Im Going to copy your arm pic and start circulating as a meme about forgetting arm day lol.
The hell are you talking about? Pretty sure you never went to any Trump rallies so which way does Obama use? The cool calm collected, lie to you while smiling the whole time way? Id prefer someone not afraid to say what's on their mind to the one who pisses down my back and tells me it's raining.
Trump gets caught in lies daily man, not sure what you're talking about. Also he contradicts himself regularly. All politician's feed you lies, sometimes with a spoon, sometimes with a fork

President Trump’s overhauled campaign website looks a lot like the original: the resident in a suit and red tie, embedded tweets pillorying #FakeNews, and “Make America Great Again” hats for sale in every color (plus camo, of course). But what really stands out is what’s missing: the entire archive of content published on the site prior to January.

The Trump campaign didn’t respond to WIRED’s request for comment, but it’s hard not to see the move as a ham-fisted way of obscuring the president’s most controversial campaign promises, particularly his vow in a press release to ban Muslims from entering the country. But the web doesn’t work that way. Even when you’re president, the internet never forgets.