Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Im disgusted that i ever called myself a democrat. Their daily temper tantrums and nonstop hate speeches have become normalized behavior from the left. They're not doing themselves any favors by making the party look immature and childish. Their constant cries for attention are a last ditch effort to right a sinking ship that they are responsible for crashing
He's not the potus last time I checked. Criticism comes with the territory.
Whats the potus have to do with this? The media tries to make it sound like it's trumps fualt. Like the guy was doing it for trump.
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Whats the potus have to do with this? The media tries to make it sound lime it's trumps fualt. Like the guy was doing it for trump.
Depends on what news your watching. I haven't seen any coverage trying to tie this guy to trump. Quite the opposite actually.

As the potus he is expected to condemn any kind of racially motivated violence occurring in our country. Pretty simple truthfully. Trump chose to spend his time on twitter this weekend commenting on other events that are important to him. The media questioned why he waited several days to comment.
Depends on what news your watching. I haven't seen any coverage trying to tie this guy to trump. Quite the opposite actually.

As the potus he is expected to condemn any kind of racially motivated violence occurring in our country. Pretty simple truthfully. Trump chose to spend his time on twitter this weekend commenting on other events that are important to him. The media questioned why he waited several days to comment.
If he's going to comment on every single one of them he's not going to get much done.

"The FBI is charged under the Hate Crime Statistics Act with compiling statistics on hate crimes. In its most recent report, for 2013, it counted 5,928 incidents resulting in 7,242 victims. That was a decline from 2012, in which the FBI tallied 6,573 incidents."
If he's going to comment on every single one of them he's not going to get much done.
I'm not here trying to spin a narrative of increased hate crimes since trumps election, the tie in being these gentleman were murdered protecting young Muslim women. I'd say that's worthy of a comment based on the current climate within the US. No?
I'm not here trying to spin a narrative of increased hate crimes since trumps election, the tie in being these gentleman were murdered protecting young Muslim women. I'd say that's worthy of a comment based on the current climate within the US. No?
I certainly wish he would have said something at his earliest convenience, but it's not important enough that i would really trip off of it. I think it's really just being used as one more thing to toss at him.
I certainly wish he would have said something at his earliest convenience, but it's not important enough that i would really trip off of it. I think it's really just being used as one more thing to toss at him.
No doubt it is. That's the name of the game in partisan politics.
[Fucking Idiot ...]

President Trump has made his decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the decision. Details on how the withdrawal will be executed are being worked out by a small team including EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. They're deciding on whether to initiate a full, formal withdrawal — which could take 3 years — or exit the underlying United Nations climate change treaty, which would be faster but more extreme.

Why this matters: Pulling out of Paris is the biggest thing Trump could do to unravel Obama's climate legacy. It sends a combative signal to the rest of the world that America doesn't prioritize climate change and threatens to unravel the ambition of the entire deal.

The other outliers: The only other two countries that aren't supporting the deal are Nicaragua and Syria.

How it happened: A letter from 22 Republican Senators (including Mitch McConnell) that called for a clean exit had reinforced Trump's instincts to withdraw, and the president had been telling confidants over the past week that he was going to pull out.