Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Remember, obama obstructed justice multiple times. Even used the power of the pen to obstruct the fast and furious investigation. Atleast in trumps case there has been an investigation and now, something that should have happened under obama but never did, we have a special council.
Too much Rush Limbaugh brother.
If you want to know why drug companies raise their prices to obscene levels, just take a look at the morally grotesque $98 million compensation package that was granted to the chairman of Mylan, the maker of EpiPen. Something is very, very wrong when drug companies like Mylan value their profits more than the lives of their customers. It is time to enact prescription drug policies that work for everyone, not just the executives of the big drug companies. That includes allowing patients, pharmacists and wholesalers to buy low-cost prescription drugs from Canada and other countries and requiring Medicare to use its bulk purchasing power to negotiate better deals with big Pharma.

The chairman of the company behind the EpiPen made $98 million in 2016
Oh go win another spelling bee.
Book must be a 4 letter word to you. Psssst- that's why your life sucks and you are angry. It isn't Isis and it isn't immigrants- you just don't measure up with the rest of the thinking population. It's why you work for us... and why we don't pay you shit. Stop blaming black lives matter for your own shortcomings and failures, ok?
Absolute UUR
Shit for brains if trump ever owed you money, you would be fortunate to be paid 50 cents on the dollar.

Now I don't give a fuck if you are a complete fucking delusional moron, just don't take those who know better down the shitter with you.
Her career over, maybe she'll end up on meso retweeting every twitter post. Oh wait, someone's got that covered.
How many times are they gonna use this supposed "source says" tactic considering every single time it turns out to be wrong? I wonder if it's the same source every time, lol.
How many times are you going to deny reality? Your president has no clue what it means to lead this country. He panders to the ass wipes who were ignorant enough to elect him in the first place. That is not a survival strategy.
How many times are they gonna use this supposed "source says" tactic considering every single time it turns out to be wrong? I wonder if it's the same source every time, lol.
The infamous 38%.
How many times are you going to deny reality? Your president has no clue what it means to lead this country. He panders to the ass wipes who were ignorant enough to elect him in the first place. That is not a survival strategy.
And you still believe the media that has been proven to lie to you over and over again.
Book must be a 4 letter word to you. Psssst- that's why your life sucks and you are angry. It isn't Isis and it isn't immigrants- you just don't measure up with the rest of the thinking population. It's why you work for us... and why we don't pay you shit. Stop blaming black lives matter for your own shortcomings and failures, ok?
You disappoint me Brutus. I was expecting something more on the lines, of one of your open mouth kissing with a maggot infested corpse storys. But you are getting a little older, and those stories were getting a bit boring. It's good to see you have branched out a little bit with some 6th grade playground comebacks. I'm sure your spelling bee buddies would be glad, to see you're not trying to be an internet tough guy anymore. All fun stuff can't last forever.
I'm see you around brutus.

And you still believe the media that has been proven to lie to you over and over again.
No I believe you have been lied to by right wingers so often you would not recognize the truth if it jumped up and shit in your face.
You disappoint me Brutus. I was expecting something more on the lines, of one of your open mouth kissing with a maggot infested corpse storys. But you are getting a little older, and those stories were getting a bit boring. It's good to see you have branched out a little bit with some 6th grade playground comebacks. I'm sure your spelling bee buddies would be glad, to see you're not trying to be an internet tough guy anymore. All fun stuff can't last forever.
I'm see you around brutus.


I would be offended at the implication that I am somehow on a 6th grade level, and then I realize you are just guessing at what that playground looked and sounded like... I'm sure whatever relative was molesting you couldn't spare your sweat on the farm for anything so cumbersome as school, could they hoss? No matter- you fill the role of village idiot like heath fills a custom tailored suit. Enjoy.