Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump really owns you, don't he...

Hillary can take money from the Chinese all day long, but the Russians can't even tweet, without you getting hot and bothered.

If you were capable of critical thought, if you had intelligence that beckoned you to investigate past internet news sources you would be bothered by Trump as well. Ignorance is bliss in this day and age- that's why there is so much happy white trash.
If you were capable of critical thought, if you had intelligence that beckoned you to investigate past internet news sources you would be bothered by Trump as well. Ignorance is bliss in this day and age- that's why there is so much happy white trash.
Oh go win another spelling bee.
If you were capable of critical thought, if you had intelligence that beckoned you to investigate past internet news sources you would be bothered by Trump as well. Ignorance is bliss in this day and age- that's why there is so much happy white trash.

[Trumplings can not help themselves ...]

Donald Trump Is BS, Says Expert in BS
Donald Trump Is BS, Says Expert in BS

Harry G. Frankfurt is a professor emeritus of philosophy at Princeton University and the author of On Bullshit.

Donald Trump provides a robust example of someone who is, with respect to matters particularly relevant to the exercise of high political authority, neither well-informed nor especially intelligent. Moreover, even apart from these rather egregious cognitive deficiencies, much of what Trump has said during his presidential campaign has been—to put it mildly—quite unconvincing. This goes not only for his sometimes boorishly insulting characterizations of the personalities, behaviors and even the physical features of others, but also for his bizarrely self-congratulatory claims concerning his own capacities, plans and intentions.

It is generally easy to identify which of Trump’s assertions are, in one way or another, unworthy of belief. What is somewhat more difficult to establish is whether his unmistakably dubious statements are deliberate lies or whether they are just bullshit.


It is disturbing to find an important political figure who indulges freely both in lies and in bullshit. What is perhaps even more deeply disturbing is to discover an important segment of our population responding to so incorrigibly dishonest a person with such pervasively enthusiastic acceptance.
I imagine barry soetoro instead. You know, just to keep things fair
[Trumplings can not help themselves ...]

Donald Trump Is BS, Says Expert in BS
Donald Trump Is BS, Says Expert in BS

Harry G. Frankfurt is a professor emeritus of philosophy at Princeton University and the author of On Bullshit.

Donald Trump provides a robust example of someone who is, with respect to matters particularly relevant to the exercise of high political authority, neither well-informed nor especially intelligent. Moreover, even apart from these rather egregious cognitive deficiencies, much of what Trump has said during his presidential campaign has been—to put it mildly—quite unconvincing. This goes not only for his sometimes boorishly insulting characterizations of the personalities, behaviors and even the physical features of others, but also for his bizarrely self-congratulatory claims concerning his own capacities, plans and intentions.

It is generally easy to identify which of Trump’s assertions are, in one way or another, unworthy of belief. What is somewhat more difficult to establish is whether his unmistakably dubious statements are deliberate lies or whether they are just bullshit.


It is disturbing to find an important political figure who indulges freely both in lies and in bullshit. What is perhaps even more deeply disturbing is to discover an important segment of our population responding to so incorrigibly dishonest a person with such pervasively enthusiastic acceptance.
Kinda funny, your biggest supporter, spends most of his time, bragging about sticking his tongue in butt of every dead corpse he finds. You know how to pick the winners....

There is absolutely no proof of the russia thing. The video you keeping bringing up was debunked. The russia thing is a whacky conspiracy that has no teeth so as it stands it's not much difference between this and the obama being a muslim born in kenya thing.
Give it time. So far all he is doing is obstruct the investigation. If he had nothing to hide, I would think he would do everything in his power to get to the bottom of things.

Once upon a time, a child was born into wealth and wanted for nothing, but he was possessed by bottomless, endless, grating, grasping wanting, and wanted more, and got it, and more after that, and always more.

He was a pair of ragged orange claws upon the ocean floor, forever scuttling, pinching, reaching for more, a carrion crab, a lobster and a boiling lobster pot in one, a termite, a tyrant over his own little empires.

He got a boost at the beginning from the wealth handed him and then moved among grifters and mobsters who cut him slack as long as he was useful, or maybe there’s slack in arenas where people live by personal loyalty until they betray, and not by rules, and certainly not by the law or the book.

So for seven decades, he fed his appetites and exercised his license to lie, cheat, steal, and stiff working people of their wages, made messes, left them behind, grabbed more baubles, and left them in ruin.

He was supposed to be a great maker of things, but he was mostly a breaker.

He acquired buildings and women and enterprises and treated them all alike, promoting and deserting them, running into bankruptcies and divorces, treading on lawsuits the way a lumberjack of old walked across the logs floating on their way to the mill, but as long as he moved in his underworld of dealmakers the rules were wobbly and the enforcement was wobblier and he could stay afloat.

But his appetite was endless, and he wanted more, and he gambled to become the most powerful man in the world, and won, careless of what he wished for.

Thinking of him, I think of Pushkin’s telling of the old fairytale of The Fisherman and the Golden Fish.
Give it time. So far all he is doing is obstruct the investigation. If he had nothing to hide, I would think he would do everything in his power to get to the bottom of things.
Remember, obama obstructed justice multiple times. Even used the power of the pen to obstruct the fast and furious investigation. Atleast in trumps case there has been an investigation and now, something that should have happened under obama but never did, we have a special council.