Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Read the mother of the 23-year-old Portland stabbing victim's heartfelt letter to President Trump. (‘In the face of hate he did not hesitate to act with love’: A grieving mother’s letter to Trump)
Read the mother of the 23-year-old Portland stabbing victim's heartfelt letter to President Trump. (‘In the face of hate he did not hesitate to act with love’: A grieving mother’s letter to Trump)
Lets read the grieving mothers letters from the multiple Ft Hood victims too while we're at it.
Read the mother of the 23-year-old Portland stabbing victim's heartfelt letter to President Trump. (‘In the face of hate he did not hesitate to act with love’: A grieving mother’s letter to Trump)
So he condemned the act but it wasn't on the twitter account they wanted and it wasn't soon enough? Jesus you people seriously need to get over the loss. Wake me up when any democrat condemns the actions of Black Lives Matter or any other organized violence,riots,free speech shutdowns, or basically anything. Washington Post...what a shocker.
Read the mother of the 23-year-old Portland stabbing victim's heartfelt letter to President Trump. (‘In the face of hate he did not hesitate to act with love’: A grieving mother’s letter to Trump)
The attacker was an anti trump bernie supporter. Should bernie be condemned for this?
The attacker was an anti trump bernie supporter. Should bernie be condemned for this?
You seriously believe that the man in the Whitehouse isn't owned by putin and Russian intel. You are blinded by your haterd of expanding life giving healthcare to all America.

Maybe someday you will understand before it is you and your loved ones the gop wants to pull the plug on.

WASHINGTON—Last fall, as retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn traveled the country stumping for Donald Trump, his business partner holed up in a small Washington hotel room with the former head of Turkish military intelligence to work on a special project.

“General, hi. I’m Bijan Kian, welcome to Washington, D.C.,” Mr. Kian, the head of Mr. Flynn’s consulting firm, greeted the Turkish dignitary. “Gen. Flynn, my partner, sends his regards to you.”

The hotel room meeting was filmed as part of a documentary the Flynn Intel Group was producing for a Turkish businessman, who paid $530,000 to the lobbying shop to polish the country’s image after a botched military coup. That contract has landed Gen. Flynn in legal jeopardy.

The unfinished, never-distributed film, details of which haven’t been previously reported, appears to represent the core of the Flynn Intel Group’s work for Turkish interests.

The contract is at the heart of an expanding investigation into Mr. Flynn’s business dealings. In February the retired three-star general was forced to resign, under fire over his conflicting statements about his contacts with Russian officials before the inauguration, after 24 days as Mr. Trump’s national security adviser.

Mr. Flynn didn’t disclose to the federal government until March that his company was paid to represent Turkish interests. He is now facing military, congressional and criminal investigations into allegations that he improperly concealed his financial ties to Turkey and Russia, and into whether the ties played any role in his decisions as the president’s adviser.

Along with the money from the Turkish businessman, Mr. Flynn received $33,750 from a Russian state news network to travel to Moscow in 2015, sit next to President Vladimir Putin at a gala and give a public interview on U.S. foreign policy.
He's not the potus last time I checked. Criticism comes with the territory.
So condemning atrocities only applies to the President? So when the media and the left were calling for Trump to disavow the violence at his rallies (which of course turned out to be the left inciting and coordinating it) he didn't have to say anything because he wasn't president? Funny I seem to recall every media outlet and countless Democrats asking him to disavow or condemn. It comes with the territory of every elected official not just the President. If the guy was a Trump supporter (which the media already attempted to push that narrative) the outcry would be immense. Double standards and hypocrisy are thexpected calling cards of the Democratic party. Well that and identity politics and the demonizing of white people.

In a wide-ranging interview with PBS NewsHour’s Judy Woodruff, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper addressed Trump’s handling of classified information, and he called recent reports that the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner had requested a secret back channel to Russian government officials “curious.”

“Why all the cloak-and-dagger secrecy?” Clapper said. “If the intent was simply to reach out to establish — to make acquaintance, one wonders if there is something worse than that or more nefarious than that.”

You seriously believe that the man in the Whitehouse isn't owned by putin and Russian intel. You are blinded by your haterd of expanding life giving healthcare to all America.

Maybe someday you will understand before it is you and your loved ones the gop wants to pull the plug on.
There is absolutely no proof of the russia thing. The video you keeping bringing up was debunked. The russia thing is a whacky conspiracy that has no teeth so as it stands it's not much difference between this and the obama being a muslim born in kenya thing.