Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Shit for brains if trump ever owed you money, you would be fortunate to be paid 50 cents on the dollar.

Now I don't give a fuck if you are a complete fucking delusional moron, just don't take those who know better down the shitter with you.

I appreciate the double reply my highly cerebral friend.

I know quite well how trump behaves when borrowing money.

On the flip side. It's priceless knowing how he makes you feel daily as our president. Now that alone is worth the price of admission.
I appreciate the double reply my highly cerebral friend.

I know quite well how trump behaves when borrowing money.

On the flip side. It's priceless knowing how he makes you feel daily as our president. Now that alone is worth the price of admission.
I'm being kind to you and your cretin trump spluge.
You forget @Xlgx the last laugh will be when you see YOUR president waving after resigning the office of president and being wisked off to Marlago where a jet is waiting to wisk him out of the country to a nation with no extradition treaty with the USA.

I would be offended at the implication that I am somehow on a 6th grade level, and then I realize you are just guessing at what that playground looked and sounded like... I'm sure whatever relative was molesting you couldn't spare your sweat on the farm for anything so cumbersome as school, could they hoss? No matter- you fill the role of village idiot like heath fills a custom tailored suit. Enjoy.
Better, not great, but better.


Washington (CNN)Congressional investigators are examining whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions had an additional private meeting with Russia's ambassador during the presidential campaign, according to Republican and Democratic Hill sources and intelligence officials briefed on the investigation.

Investigators on the Hill are requesting additional information, including schedules from Sessions, a source with knowledge tells CNN. They are focusing on whether such a meeting took place April 27, 2016, at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC, where then-candidate Donald Trump was delivering his first major foreign policy address. Prior to the speech, then-Sen. Sessions and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak attended a small VIP reception with organizers, diplomats and others.

In addition to congressional investigators, the FBI is seeking to determine the extent of interactions the Trump campaign team may have had with Russia's ambassador during the event as part of its broader counterintelligence investigation of Russian interference in the election. The FBI is looking into whether there was an additional private meeting at the Mayflower the same day, sources said. Neither Hill nor FBI investigators have yet concluded whether a private meeting took place -- and acknowledge that it is possible any additional meeting was incidental.
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Shut up stupid. No one cares what you say. Never have, never will.
Go lick your join date. It's all you got.

Eat shit and bark at the moon noob cocksucker. You and your dumbass friends are the only ones who bring up my join date?

What it means is that I have seen numerous sniveling ignorant cunts like you.

Nice knowing you. :)
You got balls cocksucker. I mean stupid degenerate cocksucker. Go home dipshit.

Eat shit and bark at the moon noob cocksucker. You and your dumbass friends are the only ones who bring up my join date?

What it means is that I have seen numerous sniveling ignorant cunts like you.

Nice knowing you. :)

@Big_paul , Here we go again ... LMAO ....

@Mrhat39 POS has been here all ~275 posts in just less than a year and @Mrhat39 POS is speaking for Meso wrt to you!!! Poor little "snowflake." We have seen this before and it does not end well. I will enjoy the takedown.
@Big_paul , Here we go again ... LMAO ....

@Mrhat39 POS has been here all ~275 posts in just less than a year and @Mrhat39 POS is speaking for Meso wrt to you!!! Poor little "snowflake." We have seen this before and it does not end well. I will enjoy the takedown.
I'm sick of these douche bags. We need a system like:

Junior member
Pay no mind.
Eat shit and bark at the moon noob cocksucker. You and your dumbass friends are the only ones who bring up my join date?

What it means is that I have seen numerous sniveling ignorant cunts like you.

Nice knowing you. :)
There's nothing more pathetic, then a grown man trying to piggyback, onto someone else's conversation trying to look cool.
Mind your own business, and you won't come out looking so stupid next time.

There's nothing more pathetic, then a grown man trying to piggyback, onto someone else's conversation trying to look cool.
Mind your own business, and you won't come out looking so stupid next time.

Piggy back? Piggyback implies you were here before right?

Fucktard just fall back into the oblivion you were shit out of.
@Big_paul , Here we go again ... LMAO ....

@Mrhat39 POS has been here all ~275 posts in just less than a year and @Mrhat39 POS is speaking for Meso wrt to you!!! Poor little "snowflake." We have seen this before and it does not end well. I will enjoy the takedown.
I don't have time for the take down, so it will be short lived.

It's just amusing to see how much Trump has gotten in your head.

You spend countless hours posting anti Trump propaganda, and yet you don't see how funny it is.

Just be thankful that witch Hillary didn't get in, that would have been a disaster.

But I don't waste much time arguing over politics. You make it so easy, I just couldn't keep from it this time.

I don't have time for the take down, so it will be short lived.

It's just amusing to see how much Trump has gotten in your head.

You spend countless hours posting anti Trump propaganda, and yet you don't see how funny it is.

Just be thankful that witch Hillary didn't get in, that would have been a disaster.

But I don't waste much time arguing over politics. You make it so easy, I just couldn't keep from it this time.

I mean it. Crawl back up the ass you were squeezed out of.

If I have failed to mention the contributions you have made to Mesorx please enlighten us.
Piggy back? Piggyback implies you were here before right?

Fucktard just fall back into the oblivion you were shit out of.
It means, you have nothing to offer, so you try to look like brutus's sidekick. Just makes you look like a loser. But that's not new for you. At least you still have your join date. Maybe you could get it put on a t-shirt.

It means, you have nothing to offer, so you try to look like brutus's sidekick. Just makes you look like a loser. But that's not new for you. At least you still have your join date. Maybe you could get it put on a t-shirt.

@Mrhat39 stand what have you done for Mesorx?

I'm not going to let you off the hook. Give us one example where you have made Mesorx a better board.

So far you suck trumps cock, roll over and spit it into your significant others mouth.