Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump has Exceeded Himself in Stupidity
Trump has Exceeded Himself in Stupidity | Heather's Homilies

The recent meeting of the G7 in Sicily saw Donald Trump lose what little respect other world leaders had left for him. Today’s announcement that he was withdrawing the US from the Paris Climate Accord was in effect his confirmation that he was resigning as world leader.

In his first speech to Congress on 28 March Trump said:

My administration wants to work with members in both parties … to promote clean air and clear water …

Before and since he’s spoken multiple times about how much he “loves the environment”. He just doesn’t want to put any effort into protecting it.

When Trump put out his budget wish list recently, his disdain for the environment was clear despite his words. Any and all spending relating to environmental protection was slashed. He’s now shown his hand. The decision to withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Agreement takes his unsuitability to be president to a new level.

His speech outlining why he made the decision he did shows a lack of understanding of not just the environmental issues, but the surrounding economic, diplomatic and political ones too.

This announcement has been coming for some time. Trump has been listening to arguments from both sides about what to do and that’s good. It seems that listening isn’t the same as understanding though.
Trump has Exceeded Himself in Stupidity
Trump has Exceeded Himself in Stupidity | Heather's Homilies

The recent meeting of the G7 in Sicily saw Donald Trump lose what little respect other world leaders had left for him. Today’s announcement that he was withdrawing the US from the Paris Climate Accord was in effect his confirmation that he was resigning as world leader.

In his first speech to Congress on 28 March Trump said:

My administration wants to work with members in both parties … to promote clean air and clear water …

Before and since he’s spoken multiple times about how much he “loves the environment”. He just doesn’t want to put any effort into protecting it.

When Trump put out his budget wish list recently, his disdain for the environment was clear despite his words. Any and all spending relating to environmental protection was slashed. He’s now shown his hand. The decision to withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Agreement takes his unsuitability to be president to a new level.

His speech outlining why he made the decision he did shows a lack of understanding of not just the environmental issues, but the surrounding economic, diplomatic and political ones too.

This announcement has been coming for some time. Trump has been listening to arguments from both sides about what to do and that’s good. It seems that listening isn’t the same as understanding though.

Taking Distrust of Science Seriously

We live at a time of unprecedented scientific and technological progress, and, yet, there is widespread confusion and concern about the impacts of scientific and technological advances on human health and the environment.

Among the highly contested issues are genetically modified (GM) crops, vaccines, endocrine‐disrupting chemicals, pesticides, cell phone electromagnetic emissions, salt intake, obesity, smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes, particulate air pollution, hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) to extract natural gas, and climate change. It is fair to say that, on many issues, this confusion is not limited to the lay public but also affects government agencies, professional organizations, and the scientific community.

One of the dangers of such widespread and persisting confusion about these issues is that it contributes to an increasing public distrust of science, since scientists are seemingly incapable of resolving these controversies.

During the past 5–10 years, much has been written about “distrust of science” and its root causes, with journalists, scientists, physicians, psychologists, and sociologists all contributing to this discussion. While this work contains valuable insights and perspectives on the problem, many authors make sweeping generalizations and lump together disparate questions that involve different methodologies and types of evidence.

Reading this literature, it is striking how many commentators conflate controversies about vaccines and autism, GM crops, pesticides, and climate change, as if these were all instances of a single phenomenon. The failure to properly distinguish between these different controversies—and the science pertaining to them—has encouraged a tendency to emphasize the “scientific consensus”, and to assert that “in the end, science, if not individual scientists, tend to get it right”.

Kabat GC. Taking distrust of science seriously. EMBO reports.
“Consider this, if the Paris agreement was so good for us all, so widely supported, and so vital to our planet’s survival – why wasn’t it a treaty, agreed to by the Senate, and set in stone. If President Obama had done that, we would not be discussing withdrawal. But he knew he couldn’t get a treaty through the Senate, so now another part of his legacy will be reversed.” Stuart Varney— Varney & Co.
Obama BLASTS Trump on Paris Agreement, Immediately Regrets It! It's not about Climate, it's about America First! • Swamp Drain

I think a lot of people are under the impression the exit from the Paris agreement is for good due to it being a giant boondoggle expressly designed to rip off tax payers. But that isn't so. The part about the boondoggle for ripping off tax payers is true, but the permanent exit is very likely false.

Trump said:
Therefore, in order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord -- (applause) -- thank you, thank you -- but begin negotiations to reenter either the Paris Accord or a really entirely new transaction on terms that are fair to the United States, its businesses, its workers, its people, its taxpayers.

I think a lot of people are under the impression the exit from the Paris agreement is for good due to it being a giant boondoggle expressly designed to rip off tax payers. But that isn't so. The part about the boondoggle for ripping off tax payers is true, but the permanent exit is very likely false.

Can't have that kind of sane reasoning. Gotta listen to Chicken Little on hear endlessly posting fake news. Lol
My view of Trump has gotten to the point where I now believe that corrupt cunt-faced bitch would of been the preferable choice four our country.

I never would of believed I would of graduated to the point of viewing Hilary in any remote sense of a favorable light, but his disregard for the Paris Agreement along with anything that resembling basic common sense has left me in awe.

Global warming isn't some tree-hugging hippie bullshit. Anyone with any half-assed grasp of science can see that this shit is real and needed to be addressed yesterday.

Godspeed, generations of tomorrow. Godspeed.

Never found her funny, not once. Can't remember the last time I've heard her name before all the beheading stuff, but be honest do you care about what she did or is it just because she did it to your Lord a savior Trump? Did you care when they had Obama hanging from a rope, or when people just wished his daughter be raped on her birthday?
My view of Trump has gotten to the point where I now believe that corrupt cunt-faced bitch would of been the preferable choice four our country.

I never would of believed I would of graduated to the point of viewing Hilary in any remote sense of a favorable light, but his disregard for the Paris Agreement along with anything that resembling basic common sense has left me in awe.

Global warming isn't some tree-hugging hippie bullshit. Anyone with any half-assed grasp of science can see that this shit is real and needed to be addressed yesterday.

Godspeed, generations of tomorrow. Godspeed.
This paris agreement is just another "stick it in the ass of the american tax payer" bill that needed to be stopped. Most of america is tired of being shafted by our world leaders. Maybe it would have a positive affect on our environment, maybe not, but it definitely would have fucked the american middle class. It's time for our politicians to put the working class people of "this" country first. I'm all for backing out and renegotiating in the paris agreement. I'm all for making the other countries in nato pay their fair share and I'm all for making peoples that are capable work for welfare. I'm all for putting americans before folks that want to sneak across the border and I'm all for putting americas interests first when it comes to global trading. So fuck the rhetoric. It's all bullshit.
My view of Trump has gotten to the point where I now believe that corrupt cunt-faced bitch would of been the preferable choice four our country.

I never would of believed I would of graduated to the point of viewing Hilary in any remote sense of a favorable light, but his disregard for the Paris Agreement along with anything that resembling basic common sense has left me in awe.

Global warming isn't some tree-hugging hippie bullshit. Anyone with any half-assed grasp of science can see that this shit is real and needed to be addressed yesterday.

Godspeed, generations of tomorrow. Godspeed.
Do you climate cultists all preach from the same manual? "Needed to be addressed today" I will address this comment as I find it the most comical.

In the 1960's to mid-late 1970's climate alarmists were preaching global cooling and the dire consequences. The world was going to see mass starvation from crops being destroyed or simply another ice age that would kill all mankind if we didn't act now. Every prediction was completely false. Sound familiar? Oh, but there is more.

In the late 1980's to early 2000's it was now global warming, you know since global cooling completely failed. Super storms and record rainfall were going to occur and reshape our planet unless we act immediately. Again completely false. Here are more tidbits of immediate dire action as you have called it that was previously spouted by the climate cult.

When Laurent Fabius met with Secretary of State John Kerry on May 13, 2014 to talk about world issues he said “we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos.”

In 2009, world leaders met in Copenhagen, Denmark to potentially hash out another climate treaty. That same year, the head of Canada’s Green Party wrote that there was only “hours” left to stop global warming.

“We have hours to act to avert a slow-motion tsunami that could destroy civilization as we know it,” Elizabeth May, leader of the Greens in Canada, wrote in 2009. “Earth has a long time. Humanity does not. We need to act urgently. We no longer have decades; we have hours. We mark that in Earth Hour on Saturday.”

Environmentalist write George Monbiot wrote in the UK Guardian that within “as little as 10 years, the world will be faced with a choice: arable farming either continues to feed the world’s animals or it continues to feed the world’s people. It cannot do both.” This was said in 2002.

The San Jose Mercury News reported on June 30, 1989 that a “senior environmental official at the United Nations, Noel Brown, says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000.”

These are just a very small sample of the "things that needed to be addressed immediately". The years change but the narrative remains the same. I didn't even have to post a single bullshit prediction from Al Gore, which in themselves are quite entertaining. I will end it here since I could fill hours of reading simply by posting all the failures of climate alarmists.

Pulling out of the Paris Agreement certainly isn't dire. It was a bad deal that unfortunately,from my view, will be renegotiated and made again down the road. In my experience almost every person bitching about Trump leaving the Paris Agreement have no clue what the agreement actually was.
5_MadMax.jpg water world good movie. Could happen maybe not in our life time but still could happen. Also if you haven't seen this movie take the time
Obama was such a relatable human being. Fuck it, I miss him. Screenshot_20170603-232515.jpg Screenshot_20170603-232444.jpg Screenshot_20170603-232159.jpg
Trumps interactions with people and his family make me uncomfortable.
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Melenia Trump looks good but not wife material (my opinion) I think trump really loves her, but all she wanted was them dollars
If she was after money she could.have left him at any point and been very wealthy. Then again women usually gravitate to power or wealth. Normally gold diggers stay just long enough to earn the payday and then make a quick exit.

No reason to leave him, like you said power and money. Not just money. Also there might be a prenuptial in there somewhere. Money without income dries up. Might as well keep the lifestyle.
Never found her funny, not once. Can't remember the last time I've heard her name before all the beheading stuff, but be honest do you care about what she did or is it just because she did it to your Lord a savior Trump? Did you care when they had Obama hanging from a rope, or when people just wished his daughter be raped on her birthday?
I never think this kind of stuff should be done. The difference is here you have a celebrity photographer and celebrity comedienne doing it and other celebrities backing her up albiet most have now jumped ship. With #44 there were a bunch of unknown dumb fucks (and Ted Nugent who is a known dumb fuck imo) doing the effigies, etc. Ted only had words no images. Not that it makes it right but hardly does it equal him holding 44's bloody head.
So yes I did care and I thought #44 was the worst president since Carter (who I voted for).
View attachment 70704 water world good movie. Could happen maybe not in our life time but still could happen. Also if you haven't seen this movie take the time
We adapted quite well in that movie. Lol
I thought it was a good (not great) movie and don't why it was panned so bad at the time. Probably because Costner had to make everything an "epic" after Dances With Wolves success.
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