Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Learn from North Korea
TheMoneyIllusion » Learn from North Korea

Surely Trump’s top aides can do better than this:

Before he abruptly ended Tuesday’s White House press briefing, Press Secretary Sean Spicer had been (unusually fulsome in his praise) of his displeased boss, President Trump. The president’s trip “truly was an extraordinary week for America and our people,” Spicer said, and the Saudi Arabia leg “was a historic turning point that people will be talking about for years to come,” in which Trump single-handedly “united the civilized world in the fight against terrorism and extremism.”

“We’ve never seen before at this point in a presidency such sweeping reassurance of American interests and the inauguration of a foreign policy strategy designed to bring back the world from growing dangers and perpetual disasters brought on by years of failed leadership,” Spicer said. And Trump’s interactions with German Chancellor Angela Merkel that upended 50 years of close U.S.-European relations? “I think the relationship that the president has had with Merkel, he would describe as fairly unbelievable,” Spicer said. “They get along very well.”​

And (Gary Cohn):

Over the weekend, White House National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn — who was the second-in-command at Goldman Sachs before joining the White House — declared the president’s economic development deal with Saudi Arabia to be unlike anything he had seen in his 30 years in business.​

And Hope Hicks:

“President Trump has a magnetic personality and exudes positive energy, which is infectious to those around him,” the statement said. “He has an unparalleled ability to communicate with people, whether he is speaking to a room of three or an arena of 30,000. He has built great relationships throughout his life and treats everyone with respect. He is brilliant with a great sense of humor . . . and an amazing ability to make people feel special and aspire to be more than even they thought possible.”​

I think it’s a lack of motivation. Insufficiently effusive supporters of North Korea’s leader are executed with anti-aircraft guns. Trump merely screams at aides who refuse to treat him like the Sun King.

PS. And people wonder why Trump is unable to fill government positions:

Donald Trump is struggling to find new staff to work for him because everyone thinks he is “crazy”, a senior member of the US President’s Republican Party has said.

Michael Steele said potential White House employees were put off by an environment in which aides are “flying by the seat of their pants”.

“The talent pool is shrinking, because who wants to sign up for crazy?” added Mr Steele, who served as chairman of the Republican National Committee between 2009 and 2011.​

Wasn’t Trump going to get the best people? No wonder they haven’t even developed a tax proposal for Congress to consider.

PS. Today Trump bragged about the progress of “our tax bill”:

Our tax bill is moving along in Congress and I believe it’s doing very well.​

Matt Yglesias has some fun with this claim:

The thing about this is there is, literally, no tax bill.

  • No tax bill has been introduced to the US House of Representatives.
  • No tax bill has been introduced to the US Senate.
  • The White House has not released a tax plan that is detailed enough for experts to assess its economic or fiscal impact.
Indeed, just a week ago, Trump’s Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney explained that what most experts saw as a $2 trillion accounting mistake in the White House budget was actually deliberate.

Another Yglesias post explains why Trump makes so many false statements, and also explains why he doesn’t like people who have integrity

PPS. FWIW, the Paris Accord was mostly symbolic. But withdrawing is bad symbolism.
If she was after money she could.have left him at any point and been very wealthy. Then again women usually gravitate to power or wealth. Normally gold diggers stay just long enough to earn the payday and then make a quick exit.

If I was a good looking woman I'd be such a rich whore .... [emoji12]
I never think this kind of stuff should be done. The difference is here you have a celebrity photographer and celebrity comedienne doing it and other celebrities backing her up albiet most have now jumped ship. With #44 there were a bunch of unknown dumb fucks (and Ted Nugent who is a known dumb fuck imo) doing the effigies, etc. Ted only had words no images. Not that it makes it right but hardly does it equal him holding 44's bloody head.
So yes I did care and I thought #44 was the worst president since Carter (who I voted for).
Holy shit no idea why i thought we were the same age.
The Abortion Battlefield
The Abortion Battlefield

If anyone thought that Donald Trump’s manifold inconsistencies might more or less randomly offer women some protection from the Mike Pence wing of the Republican Party—after all, Trump once said of himself, “I’m very pro-choice”—they were wrong. Trump, who was once in thrall to his resident misogynist Steve Bannon, remains dependent on Pence, his omnipresent minder, and women’s reproductive rights are in his sights.

Women have always been subject to male domination, sometimes almost completely. Even in as enlightened a country as the United States, men created the laws under which women lived well into the twentieth century, and they ensured that women had an inferior status. ...

Not surprisingly, controlling sexuality and reproduction was central to keeping women in their place. For most of the country’s history, motherhood was considered women’s highest calling. They were expected to submit to their husbands sexually, and marital rape did not become a crime in all states until 1993. Abortion was illegal in most of the country for most of its history. Desperate women would take various folk remedies to end a pregnancy, try to end it themselves with some contrived implement, or find an illegal abortionist—all risky. There are no reliable figures for how many women died from illegal abortions but almost certainly there were many.