Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Your example of wishing people dead on a daily basis is not equivalent to my point. Allow me to clarify.

I sit here and see two people predominantly trash any republican and claim to have the moral high ground on any issue. I see them constantly berate Trump for inciting violence, for hate speech, well basically for being a rotten human. I'm told all day long that voting for Trump was ignorant and that I must be racist or lack morals. Now these same two asshats are condoning attacks and attempted murders against people who don't share their views. They are both frauds plain and simple yet again their actions are not questioned but defended.

Imagine if I was to say "Man, if only Dylan Roof was a better shot more black people would of died at the church. Watch out because I hope more is coming". Would that be the same as wishing a random guy cutting me off in traffic dead? Would people not object to that statement? I think we know the answer. If I was to say 9/11 was a great day and if only the had one more plane would that be the equivalent on wishing my neighbor dead for letting his weeds grow through my fence? No, it wouldnt. It certainly wouldn't fly here either.

The main point of this is that these 2 clowns are the Reverend who preaches about adultery at every sermon only to be caught cheating with 20 prostitutes. The guy who lectures you about honesty and integrity only to find out he was arrested for passing bad checks.

Wish anyone dead, I really don't care. My issue is when it comes from two people who are nothing but frauds and nobody calls then out on it, especially people on the left. If I see someone making racist or ignorant comments I have and will continue to call them out regardless of political view. I have done this many times here and I have yet to see any left leaning person do the same.

For the record I'm not on my period. I do however have poison ivy on most of my body as well as my junk. If someone would like to wish me dead it would probably be a blessing.
I will say I am a left leaning fellow (although the left is basically the right these days) who speaks out against the same shit when I see it. You can see my latest waste of breath throughout the 5% racist thread.

A solid point that I guess my own prejudice has blinded me to the logic of... when I look at certain people like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump I really do not see human beings. I see an animal parody of one- and for the record when I look at Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Barak Obama and any other neo liberal pile of shit who is beholden to corporations and lives to enhance the upward flow of money and the downward flow of misery I feel the same way. They are not fellow human beings- and no matter what someone does or says to them or about them I will never take offense to it. They wouldn't waste time thinking about Me, so I don't waste one iota of mental energy caring about anything that happens to them. I hope the worst. Sorry.

I also don't run around pretending to take the moral high ground. I attack people who support Hillary just like I attack anyone who supports trump. They are both revolting piles of shit who are every problem this country has in human form. Fuck em.
[CYA ... Donnie Doo-Doo's VP Lawyering UP ...]

Vice President Mike Pence has hired outside legal counsel to help with both congressional committee inquiries and the special counsel investigation into possible collusion between President Trump’s campaign and Russia.

The vice president’s office said Thursday that Pence has retained Richard Cullen, a Richmond-based attorney and chairman of McGuire Woods who previously served as a U.S. attorney in Eastern District of Virginia.

Pence’s decision comes less than a month after (Trump hired his own private attorney), Marc E. Kasowitz, to help navigate the investigations related to the Russia probe, and a day after the Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now widening his investigation (to examine whether the president attempted to obstruct justice).

“I can confirm that the Vice President has retained Richard Cullen of McGuire Woods to assist him in responding to inquiries by the special counsel,” said Jarrod Agen, a Pence spokesman, in an email statement. “The Vice President is focused entirely on his duties and promoting the President’s agenda and looks forward to a swift conclusion of this matter.”

Cullen will not be paid with taxpayer funds, an aide said. Cullen referred questions to the vice president’s office.
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If you and i were in the same room...ya know what fuck it. I can just erase your stupid ass from my life permanently and never have to hear another psychotic rant.
This is what would happen. I would split your head like a mellon and put you down for a long nap.
Your example of wishing people dead on a daily basis is not equivalent to my point. Allow me to clarify.

I sit here and see two people predominantly trash any republican and claim to have the moral high ground on any issue. I see them constantly berate Trump for inciting violence, for hate speech, well basically for being a rotten human. I'm told all day long that voting for Trump was ignorant and that I must be racist or lack morals. Now these same two asshats are condoning attacks and attempted murders against people who don't share their views. They are both frauds plain and simple yet again their actions are not questioned but defended.

Imagine if I was to say "Man, if only Dylan Roof was a better shot more black people would of died at the church. Watch out because I hope more is coming". Would that be the same as wishing a random guy cutting me off in traffic dead? Would people not object to that statement? I think we know the answer. If I was to say 9/11 was a great day and if only the had one more plane would that be the equivalent on wishing my neighbor dead for letting his weeds grow through my fence? No, it wouldnt. It certainly wouldn't fly here either.

The main point of this is that these 2 clowns are the Reverend who preaches about adultery at every sermon only to be caught cheating with 20 prostitutes. The guy who lectures you about honesty and integrity only to find out he was arrested for passing bad checks.

Wish anyone dead, I really don't care. My issue is when it comes from two people who are nothing but frauds and nobody calls then out on it, especially people on the left. If I see someone making racist or ignorant comments I have and will continue to call them out regardless of political view. I have done this many times here and I have yet to see any left leaning person do the same.

For the record I'm not on my period. I do however have poison ivy on most of my body as well as my junk. If someone would like to wish me dead it would probably be a blessing.
Long winded and full of shit.