Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The Washington Post had earlier reported that investigators were scrutinizing separate meetings that Kushner held with Russians in December — first with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak and then with Sergey Gorkov, the head of a state-owned Russian development bank. At the time of that report it was not clear that the FBI was investigating Kushner’s business dealings.

The officials who described the financial focus of the investigation spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

At the December meeting with Kislyak, (Kushner suggested establishing a secure communications line)between Trump officials and the Kremlin at a Russian diplomatic facility, according to U.S. officials who reviewed intelligence reports describing Kislyak’s account.

The White House has said the subsequent meeting with the banker was a pre-inauguration diplomatic encounter, unrelated to business matters. The Russian bank, (Vnesheconombank), which has been the subject of U.S. sanctions following Russia’s annexation of Crimea, has said the session was held for business reasons because of Kushner’s role as head of his family’s real estate company. The meeting occurred as Kushner’s company had been seeking financing for its troubled $1.8 billion purchase of an office building on Fifth Avenue in New York, and it could raise questions about whether Kushner’s personal financial interests were colliding with his impending role as a public official.

The greatest threat to Trump and his presidency, say administration officials and outside advisers, comes from his own conduct and obsessive behavior after he took office. While congressional and FBI investigations may prove Trump or his team broke laws before he took office, his advisers say they’re more worried that the things he’s done since the inauguration may have left him exposed to obstruction of justice or other charges.


Aides have tried to change the subject, with little luck. Advisers have tried to buck up the president by telling him to be patient, agreeing that it is a “witch hunt” and urging him to just let it play out — and reassuring him “eventually you will be cleared,” in the words of one.

But none of that has changed Trump’s response.

“The frustration he feels is he fully well knows there was no collusion with Russia. And yet he’s been on the hot seat about it for six months,” said Barry Bennett, a top campaign aide who continues to have ties to the White House. “He’s been told, you’re not under investigation, and yet he still wakes up every day to read he’s under investigation. It’s really hard to be accused of being a traitor and take your lawyer’s advice to shut up and not talk about it.”

Two people close to Trump note that his is an obsessive personality — whether about businessmen who wronged him over the years, his years-long and fruitless quest to prove President Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States, to reporters who have written negative stories about him. One transition official said Trump lashed out at reporters over old stories within a day of winning the election in November.
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when I look at certain people like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump I really do not see human beings. I see an animal parody of
I see corporate whores, and their agenda is to disenfranchise millions.

It cracks me up. A few republicans get shot and its s big fucking deal. Personally I couldn't care less. They heartless souls and the world would be a better place without them.

You reap what you sow. Sow bad seed and you get you ass shot at baseball practice.

The Washington Post had earlier reported that investigators were scrutinizing separate meetings that Kushner held with Russians in December — first with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak and then with Sergey Gorkov, the head of a state-owned Russian development bank. At the time of that report it was not clear that the FBI was investigating Kushner’s business dealings.

The officials who described the financial focus of the investigation spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

At the December meeting with Kislyak, (Kushner suggested establishing a secure communications line)between Trump officials and the Kremlin at a Russian diplomatic facility, according to U.S. officials who reviewed intelligence reports describing Kislyak’s account.

The White House has said the subsequent meeting with the banker was a pre-inauguration diplomatic encounter, unrelated to business matters. The Russian bank, (Vnesheconombank), which has been the subject of U.S. sanctions following Russia’s annexation of Crimea, has said the session was held for business reasons because of Kushner’s role as head of his family’s real estate company. The meeting occurred as Kushner’s company had been seeking financing for its troubled $1.8 billion purchase of an office building on Fifth Avenue in New York, and it could raise questions about whether Kushner’s personal financial interests were colliding with his impending role as a public official.

802448ffb77e1b89449d6643d8d13d2e.jpg I'm
I see corporate whores, and their agenda is to disenfranchise millions.

It cracks me up. A few republicans get shot and its s big fucking deal. Personally I couldn't care less. They heartless souls and the world would be a better place without them.

You reap what you sow. Sow bad seed and you get you ass shot at baseball practice.
The democrats are no better Paul. Not one of them. Giant pieces of self serving shit on both sides of the aisle- Obama spent his 8 years essentially handing the country to the banks through bailouts, a fraudulent government takeover of aig to funnel about 15 trillion their way and pressure on the Fed to give them all free money so they could but their own stock and we could pretend the economy was doing well.

I haven't seen you say Hillary would have been a better president so I haven't responded- but she would not have been. Less annoying while doing more damage guaranteed.
[Trumpzarro ...]

(CNN)Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein issued a statement Thursday night warning Americans not to "accept as true" stories based on "anonymous officials."

"Americans should exercise caution before accepting as true any stories attributed to anonymous 'officials,' particularly when they do not identify the country -- let alone the branch or agency of government -- with which the alleged sources supposedly are affiliated. Americans should be skeptical about anonymous allegations. The Department of Justice has a long-established policy to neither confirm nor deny such allegations," Rosenstein's full statement read.

Rosenstein did not explain why he issued the statement. But it was released shortly after The Washington Post reported -- citing unnamed US officials familiar with the matter -- that the business dealings of President Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, are being investigated by Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller, who has been investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election and the Trump administration's potential ties to Russia.

Trump’s inability to restrain himself under pressure is nothing new. We saw him dig deeper and deeper when it came to attacking the Hispanic judge in the Trump University case or insulting the Gold Star family of Army Capt. Humayun Khan. Now, however, his obsessive attacks take on legal meaning — perhaps instances of obstruction of justice in and of themselves, or, at the very least, powerful evidence that Trump would have tried just about anything to throw the FBI off the trail.

Trump likely will become more unhinged as headlines dog him day after day, a parade of witnesses troop in to talk to the special counsel and the investigation metastasizes. First we had collusion allegations, then obstruction allegations and now reportedly financial crimes (allegedly committed by multiple individuals, including Jared Kushner). We don’t know whether these activities, not the purported collusion with the Russians during the campaign, were the source of Trump — and Kushner’s — angst about letting Comey proceed with his investigation. At any rate, the noose will tighten, especially as the prosecutorial team demands financial records that Trump has so far concealed from view. If ordered to comply with document subpoenas, will he comply as Richard Nixon was obliged to do after the Supreme Court’s ruling on the tapes — or will he defy the order of one of those so-called judges and finally take his ball and stomp off for good?