Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

WTFU ...

The Department of Justice has requested information on visitors to a website used to organize protests against President Trump, the Los Angeles-based Dreamhost said in ablog post published on Monday.

Dreamhost, a web hosting provider, said that it has been working with the Department of Justice for several months on the request, which believes goes too far under the Constitution.

DreamHost claimed that the complying with the request from the Justice Department would amount to handing over roughly 1.3 million visitor IP addresses to the government, in addition to contact information, email content and photos of thousands of visitors to the website, which was involved in organizing protests against Trump on Inauguration Day.

"That information could be used to identify any individuals who used this site to exercise and express political speech protected under the Constitution's First Amendment," DreamHost wrote in the blog post on Monday. "That should be enough to set alarm bells off in anyone's mind."

When contacted, the Justice Department directed The Hill to the U.S. attorney's office in D.C.

The company is currently challenging the request. A hearing on the matter is scheduled for Friday in Washington.

"In essence, the Search Warrant not only aims to identify the political dissidents of the current administration, but attempts to identify and understand what content each of these dissidents viewed on the website," the company's general counsel, Chris Ghazarian,saidin a legal argument opposing the request.
WTFU ...

Hundreds of white supremacists marched with torches in an American city Friday night. They arrived the next day brandishing weapons and armor. One white supremacist allegedly murdered an anti-racist protester in the street with his car and injured several others.

This is what really happened when you peel back all the rhetoric flying in the aftermath, and after you tune out the first reprehensible response from the President of the United States, and his subsequent update to it that was two days late and a dollar short.

Vice News, to the outlet's immense credit, was on the ground to document the events in Charlottesville this weekend. Reporter Elle Reeve even embedded, for a time, with white supremacist leader Chris Cantwell. What she found speaks for itself, but keep an eye out for the little things. Like, say, how many guns these white supremacists have.
WTFU ... Petition ...

We must always take sides.
— Elie Wiesel

What happened in Charlottesville was the inevitable result of Trump’s Administration and agenda. By fomenting hatred against — and scapegoating — people of color, Muslims, immigrants, women, the poor, and Jews, Stephen Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, and Stephen Miller empowered the white supremacist alt-right who took over the streets of Charlottesville with torches, guns, and pipes, chanting anti-Jew hatred, beating people of color, and killing Heather Heyer.

These three men, all members of President Trump’s inner circle, have championed the antisemitic, racist, neo-Nazi movement that chanted “Jews will not replace us,” gave the Nazi salute, and stoked the deadly violence in Charlottesville this past weekend.

And the President, in his words and actions, has made clear where he stands.

None of us are safe while these toxic men remain in positions of power, driving a resurgence of white nationalism in America.

While several Members of Congress came out to offer prayers and call out hatred, racism, and domestic terrorism, it is not enough. We call on every Member of Congress to demand the immediate removal of all White House staff who espouse white nationalism in words and policy.

If our Members of Congress don’t take substantive action now, we will hold them accountable for enabling the Trump Administration’s immoral agenda.

Much of the frenzied media coverage of what CNN dubbed “48 hours of turmoil for the Trump White House” has overlooked one rather crucial point: Trump doesn’t like being forced to denounce racism for the very simple reason that he himself is, and always has been, a racist.

Consider the first time the president’s name appeared on the front page of the New York Times, more than 40 years ago. “Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City,” read the headline of the A1 piece on Oct. 16, 1973, which pointed out how Richard Nixon’s Department of Justice had sued the Trump family’s real estate company in federal court over alleged violations of the Fair Housing Act.

“The government contended that Trump Management had refused to rent or negotiate rentals ‘because of race and color,’” the Times revealed. “It also charged that the company had required different rental terms and conditions because of race and that it had misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available.” (Trump later settled with the government without accepting responsibility.)

Over the next four decades, Trump burnished his reputation as a bigot: he was accused of ordering “all the black [employees] off the floor” of his Atlantic City casinos during his visits; claimed “laziness is a trait in blacks” and “not anything they can control”; requested Jews “in yarmulkes” replace his black accountants; told Bryan Gumbel that “a well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market”; demanded the death penalty for a group of black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a jogger in Central Park (and, despite their later exoneration with the use of DNA evidence, has continued to insist they are guilty); suggested a Native American tribe “don’t look like Indians to me”; mocked Chinese and Japanese trade negotiators by doing an impression of them in broken English; described undocumented Mexican immigrants as “rapists”; compared Syrian refugees to “snakes”; defended two supporters who assaulted a homeless Latino man as “very passionate” people “who love this country”; pledged to ban a quarter of humanity from entering the United States; proposed a database to track American Muslims that he himself refused to distinguish from the Nazi registration of German Jews; implied Jewish donors “want to control” politicians and are all sly negotiators; heaped praise on the “amazing reputation” of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who has blamed America’s problems on a “Jewish mafia”; referred to a black supporter at a campaign rally as “my African-American”; suggested the grieving Muslim mother of a slain U.S. army officer “maybe … wasn’t allowed” to speak in public about her son; accused an American-born Hispanic judge of being “a Mexican”; retweeted anti-Semitic and anti-black memes, white supremacists, and even a quote from Benito Mussolini; kept a book of Hitler’s collected speeches next to his bed; declined to condemn both David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan; and spent five years leading a “birther” movement that was bent on smearing and delegitimizing the first black president of the United States, who Trump also accused of being the founder of ISIS.

Oh and remember: we knew all of this before he was elected president of the United States of America.
WTFU ...

Hundreds of white supremacists marched with torches in an American city Friday night. They arrived the next day brandishing weapons and armor. One white supremacist allegedly murdered an anti-racist protester in the street with his car and injured several others.

This is what really happened when you peel back all the rhetoric flying in the aftermath, and after you tune out the first reprehensible response from the President of the United States, and his subsequent update to it that was two days late and a dollar short.

Vice News, to the outlet's immense credit, was on the ground to document the events in Charlottesville this weekend. Reporter Elle Reeve even embedded, for a time, with white supremacist leader Chris Cantwell. What she found speaks for itself, but keep an eye out for the little things. Like, say, how many guns these white supremacists have.

Here's an alternative view point that is actually fact based rather than emotion based and biased.

Trump didn't jump off at the mouth. Waited before giving his opinion. Trump denounced racism and violence.

Obama jumped off at the mouth every time and subsequently was on the wrong side of things every time. Trump defended the guilty and attacked law enforcement every time. Maybe he should have waited before putting his foot in his mouth.

Antifa and black lives matter are two hate groups and are just as much terrorist groups as any white supremacist group. Antifa and blm have been reigning terror for many months now. I'm suprised it's taken white supremacist groups this long to come out.

Heres probably the biggest kicker. The democrat party or leaders in the party have endorsed and or marched along side these racist terrorist groups just as they always have throughout history. The republican party has denounced antifa, blm and white supremacy groups. The republican party have not endorsed violence or racism.

Every article that has attacked trump for this white supremacy march or any in the past have done so for a political agenda to anger the weak minded folks that listen to them. It's kind of like the dog whistle talking point. Saying dog whistle gives them the ability to make up any old bullshit they want and feed it to the feeble minded. A democrat will come out and do or say something racist and the liberal media will make excuses. A republican will come out and say something like "god bless america" and democrats will say "thats dog whistle for white americans only".

Several news accounts have confirmed that Mueller has indeed begun to examine Trump’s real-estate deals and other business dealings, including some that have no obvious link to Russia. But this is hardly wayward. It would be impossible to gain a full understanding of the various points of contact between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign without scrutinizing many of the deals that Trump has made in the past decade.

Trump-branded buildings in Toronto and the SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan were developed in association with people who have connections to the Kremlin. Other real-estate partners of the Trump Organization—in Brazil, India, Indonesia, and elsewhere—are now caught up in corruption probes, and, collectively, they suggest that the company had a pattern of working with partners who exploited their proximity to political power.

One foreign deal, a stalled 2011 plan to build a Trump Tower in Batumi, a city on the Black Sea in the Republic of Georgia, has not received much journalistic attention. But the deal, for which Trump was reportedly paid a million dollars, involved unorthodox financial practices that several experts described to me as “red flags” for bank fraud and money laundering; moreover, it intertwined his company with a Kazakh oligarch who has direct links to Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin.

As a result, Putin and his security services have access to information that could put them in a position to blackmail Trump. (Sekulow said that “the Georgia real-estate deal is something we would consider out of scope,” adding, “Georgia is not Russia.”)
I doubt he can swim lmao. Also you indirectly let me know you think Trump is Jesus haha
How exactly does my statement indirectly indicate " I believe he is jesus"? A proper indirect description would be that I was mocking you and other leftists lack of objectivity and blind partisanship. I guess me using the 'walk on water" example I gave to mock you must indirectly mean I think Trump is jesus...... Wow.
Trump just called out Antifa and the violence from the leftists groups in Charlottesville. Said both groups were responsible for the violence. 100% factual. Let's now see the spin and the narrative from the liberal media. You will know when it comes once Scally starts circulating the propaganda shortly.