Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

DOJ Demands 1.3 Million IP Addresses Of Visitors To Antifa Website Used To Coordinate Riots


Police separate pro-choice and pro-life protesters. Photo: Eugene Hyland


Police separate loyalist protesters from a republican parade in Belfast city centre this afternoon. Photograph

Could Police Have Prevented Bloodshed in Charlottesville?
Around 30 Klan members marched, while about 1,000 counter-protesters showed up.
Could Police Have Prevented Bloodshed in Charlottesville?

Protesters blame Charlottesville police for not stopping violence
He said officers stood idly by as counterprotesters "attacked participants of the rally" before riot police broke up the crowds.
"Instead of maintaining law and order," Kessler said, "the police purposefully created the catastrophe that led to a melee in the streets of Charlottesville and the death of a counterprotester."
Protesters in Charlottesville blame police for violence - CNN

Trumplunatics ...

Democrats are forever wringing their hands about something they just read a book about, and then last week they got to talk about the parade of certified lunatics in Charlottesville protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. As if that were something of lasting significance.

It is more than sad that we have a president whom lunatics look up to as a hero and who tried not to offend them in his statement of semi-condemnation on Saturday that he then, without apology, had to redo on Monday. His cluelessness is a national embarrassment. And it was an ugly, ugly day.

But let us, good people, not grant significance to crazy people. This is a gang of freaks that social media gives the power to unite — in a nation of 323 million, you can Google the secret words and get 700 sociopaths to come to Charlottesville. This is not a meaningful phenomenon. You could also get 700 people who are getting messages from Lucifer through their dental fillings or 700 apocalyptic Episcopalians who know the world will end on Thursday.

The young Teutons who converged are actors in a fantasy, men who got kicked out of Civil War reenactments for overenthusiasm. Maybe we create a special place for them in a wilderness canyon out West where they could goose step and “Sieg Heil,” express their whiteness, feel über Alles, feast on knockwurst, light each other’s Pupser, the whole schmegeggy. Mr. Angry Eyebrows can chopper in and visit them there with his sidekick, Mr. Mask. In 2020, assuming the White House allows an election, let’s get a president who is civil and has a sense of humor. Now go enjoy your breakfast.
Here's an alternative view point that is actually fact based rather than emotion based and biased.

Trump didn't jump off at the mouth. Waited before giving his opinion. Trump denounced racism and violence.

Obama jumped off at the mouth every time and subsequently was on the wrong side of things every time. Trump defended the guilty and attacked law enforcement every time. Maybe he should have waited before putting his foot in his mouth.

Antifa and black lives matter are two hate groups and are just as much terrorist groups as any white supremacist group. Antifa and blm have been reigning terror for many months now. I'm suprised it's taken white supremacist groups this long to come out.

Heres probably the biggest kicker. The democrat party or leaders in the party have endorsed and or marched along side these racist terrorist groups just as they always have throughout history. The republican party has denounced antifa, blm and white supremacy groups. The republican party have not endorsed violence or racism.

Every article that has attacked trump for this white supremacy march or any in the past have done so for a political agenda to anger the weak minded folks that listen to them. It's kind of like the dog whistle talking point. Saying dog whistle gives them the ability to make up any old bullshit they want and feed it to the feeble minded. A democrat will come out and do or say something racist and the liberal media will make excuses. A republican will come out and say something like "god bless america" and democrats will say "thats dog whistle for white americans only".
Sorry, i meant to say "obama defended the guilty and attacked law enforcement every time". Not trump.

TUESDAY WAS a great day for David Duke and racists everywhere. The president of the United States all but declared that he has their backs.

When a white supremacist stands accused of running his car into a crowd of protesters, (killing one and injuring 19), Americans of goodwill mourn and demand justice. When this is done in the context of a rally where swastikas are borne and racist and anti-Semitic epithets hurled, the only morally justifiable reaction is disgust. When the nation’s leader does not understand this, the nation can only weep.


That car in Charlottesville did not kill orwound just the 20 bodies it struck. It damaged the nation. Mr. Trump not only failed to help the country heal, he made the wound wider and deeper.