Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trumptards & Satire Do Not Mix ... LMAO

WTFU ...

It’s a case of being careful what you wish for.

Critics left, right and center panned President Trump for his initial refusal to denounce the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, (one of whom) allegedly drove his car into counter-demonstrators, killing one and injuring 19. When Trump finally gave a canned and grudging disavowal of white supremacists, he was urged anew to say more, to be presidential, to bring the nation together.

Well, late Tuesday, Trump said more and told the nation what he really thought. It was downright ugly.

There, from Trump Tower in New York, was the president of the United States declaring that those protesting against Nazis were . . . the same as Nazis. “You had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent, and nobody wants to say that,” said Trump.

Nobody wants to say that because there is — and there can be — no moral equivalence between Nazis and those who oppose Nazis. But Trump saw them as equal. He said the anti-Nazi demonstrators didn’t have a permit and “were very, very violent.” Trump maintained that those marching with the white supremacists have been treated “absolutely unfairly” by the press, and there “were very fine people, on both sides.”

Trump was not done with his apology for white supremacists. He went on to endorse the cause that brought these racists, David Duke among them, to Charlottesville: the Confederacy. “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups,” the president said. “But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists, by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue, Robert E. Lee.”

Right. The man who led an army against the United States. “So this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson’s coming down,” Trump went on. “I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after?”

Thus did Trump, after putting Nazis on the same moral plane as anti-Nazis, put the father of our country and the author of the Declaration of Independence on the same moral plane as two men who made war on America. Duke and white-nationalist leader Richard Spencer applauded Trump’s performance.


Asked about the culpability of the “alt-right” in the Charlottesville attack, Trump replied: “Okay, what about the alt-left that came charging them?”

Political violence, by anybody, is wrong. But to equate neo-Nazis with those who oppose them is, even for our alt-right president, a new low.
What does this have to do with the Trump Timeline. Nothing at all. Same as 99.9% of the posts from the most prolific tweet re-poster here.

Happy Anniversary, SPLC Hate Factory!

Christopher Manion

Five years ago today domestic terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins II entered the HQ of the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. He planned to kill all fifteen FRC employees, he said, “because the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified them as a “hate group” due to their traditional marriage views.”

Corkins also intended to stuff Chik-Fil-a sandwiches into the mouths of his dead victims. His attack was thwarted when he was tackled by security guard Leo Johnson – after Corkins had shot him!

“While Corkins was responsible for the shooting, he had been given a license to perpetrate this act of violence by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center which has systematically and recklessly labeled every organization with which they disagree as a ‘hate group,'” said FRC President Tony Perkins.

Sure enough, the SPLC also inspired the first terrorist attack in the United States under President Trump, when terrorist James T. Hodgkinson, 66, opened fire on Republican members of Congress on an Alexandria, Virginia baseball field. Like Corkins, Hodgkinson was also a fan of the abundantly-funded “poverty center” that has some $250 million in the bank.

Apparently, the SPCL haters aren’t spending that dough to end poverty: they’re using it to spread hate.

And while I'm at it...

Lincoln Memorial Vandalized With Red Spray Paint

Just goes to show, not all snowflakes are completely uneducated.

And since both the following are labeled racists by the SPLC, I figure they deserve a post as well..

Rioting Socialists in Charlottsville

Thomas DiLorenzo
The LMS (Lying Media Scum) insist on calling the rioting in Charlottsville a conflict between “left and right,” but in reality the rioters were mostly car-carrying left-wing socialists. As for the neo-Nazis (assuming they were not all FBI plants), let’s remember that “Nazi” is short for National Socialism as in National Socialist German Workers’ Party. The 1920s era “25 Point Program” of the Nazi Party is very similar to the Communist Manifesto, and also to various Black Lives Matter Web publications and the agenda of Democratic Socialists of America in terms of domestic policy. Take away the anti-Semitism of the “25 Point Program” and there is very little difference in these platforms. They are all thoroughly collectivist.

The violent “Antifa” criminals who were well represented in Charlottsville are also hard-left socialists. And then of course there were all the social justice cupcakes from UVA, good little brainwashed cultural Marxists all.

UPDATE: Patrick M.writes: “To read or listen to only FOX, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, et al, these ‘anti-fascist’ rioters are nothing more than average, decent, every-day AMERICANS who are simply fighting back the forces of EVIL WHITE SOUTHERN BIGOTS and their NEO-NAZI bethren who want to DRAG US BACK TO SLAVERY and either perpetually OPPRESS or (better yet) DRIVE OUT every MINORITY, thereby creating a WHITES ONLY nation! . . .

. . . And, as a final spit in their [Southerners’] face, they get to watch as gutless politicians allow all of their cultural and historical vestiges to be removed by those who demand that we honor and revere THEIR heroes who were ALL a collection of Leftist, anti-democratic, socialist, Marxist, and communist loyalists.

All in the name of ‘Diversity,’ ‘Tolerance,’ ‘Healing Wounds,’ and ‘Bringing us together,’ of course. That plan is working SO well, isn’t it?”

Sure to follow is a cartoon about Trump and Putin...
Take Them All Down ...

Statues dedicated to Confederate heroes were swiftly removed across Baltimore in the small hours of Wednesday morning, just days after violence broke out over the removal of a similar monument in neighboring Virginia.

Beginning soon after midnight on Wednesday, a crew, which included a large crane and a contingent of police officers, began making rounds of the city’s parks and public squares, tearing the monuments from their pedestals and carting them out of town.

Statues dedicated to Confederate heroes were swiftly removed across Baltimore in the small hours of Wednesday morning, just days after violence broke out over the removal of a similar monument in neighboring Virginia.

Beginning soon after midnight on Wednesday, a crew, which included a large crane and a contingent of police officers, began making rounds of the city’s parks and public squares, tearing the monuments from their pedestals and carting them out of town.


By 3:30 a.m., three of the city’s four monuments had been removed. They included the Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson Monument, a double equestrian statue of the Confederate generals erected in 1948; the Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument, erected in 1903; and the Roger B. Taney Monument, erected in 1887.

Taney was a Supreme Court chief justice and Maryland native who wrote the landmark 1857 decision in the Dred Scott case, ruling that even free blacks had no claim to citizenship in the United States. Although Taney was never part of the Confederacy, the court’s decision was celebrated by supporters of slavery.

The fourth statue, the Confederate Women’s Monument, was dedicated in 1917.
@Jeremiahflex , will you please respond to Robs post below? I was looking forward to the retort to those inconvenient facts about BLM and the glaring double standard employed when assessing groups like BLM and white supremacists.

Well shit man, he said we blame white people and Trump. To think I would blame an entire race of people for anything that would be ridiculous and hypocrisy on my part. I blame extremist and supremacist, and for some reason they love Trump. I wonder why. Also BLM purpose is to be a activist group Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people. ... The overall Black Lives Matter movement, however, is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy. Part of that is cut and paste but that's how I view them. How can you compare them to people sporting a Swastika?
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By December of 1866, the Civil War was over, but the conflict that would define the nature of the United States of America was not close to finished. Encouraged by President Andrew Johnson, a Democrat sympathetic to their aims, the former Confederate states had eagerly subjected the newly freed slaves to the Black Codes, laws confining them to inferior status and second-class citizenship, denying them votes, citizenship and even freedom of movement, while armed groups of whites attacked them with impunity. In vetoing the Civil Rights Act of 1866, Johnson insisted that the law protecting the freedmen’s rights was in fact “made to operate in favor of the colored against the white race.”

In a rebuke to Johnson, his party fared poorly in the November 1866 election, and the newly strengthened Republicans vowed to protect the freedmen's rights. Before the new Congress took office, the former slave and abolitionist orator Frederick Douglass urged the Republican Party to defy the president by protecting the fundamental rights of black Americans and shielding them from the violence of the former Confederates.

“Whatever may be tolerated in monarchical and despotic governments,” Douglass wrote in his 1866 essay for The Atlantic, “no republic is safe that tolerates a privileged class, or denies to any of its citizens equal rights and equal means to maintain them.”

The choice before Republicans in that era was between accepting the efforts of a rogue president to allow the subjugation of a group of Americans based on race, or to continue striving for a more perfect union by thwarting him. — Adam Serwer
Well shit man, he said we blame white people and Trump. To think I would blame an entire race of people for anything that would be ridiculous and hypocrisy on my part. I blame extremist and supremacist, and for some reason they love Trump. I wonder why. Also BLM purpose is to be a activist group Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people. ... The overall Black Lives Matter movement, however, is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy. Part of that is cut and paste but that's how I view them. How can you compare them to people sporting a Swastika?
Curious as to why an ati violence anti racism group such as black lives matter, why they would get so angry and violent when someone would say, or hold up a sign that says all lives matter. I mean, heck with showing all those videos of blm violence and racist chants. I think that says it all.
So let me get a his clear
My question to trump supporters is the following:

Are you stating that neo-nazi, kkk, white supremacists demonstrators are equatable to anti-neo-nazi/anti-kkk/anti-white supremacist demonstrators ?
So let me get a his clear
My question to trump supporters is the following:

Are you stating that neo-nazi, kkk, white supremacists demonstrators are equatable to anti-neo-nazi/anti-kkk/anti-white supremacist demonstrators ?
No, but we're talking about blm and antifa here. Stalin was anti nazi. Are you saying you are on stalins side?
Curious as to why an ati violence anti racism group such as black lives matter, why they would get so angry and violent when someone would say, or hold up a sign that says all lives matter. I mean, heck with showing all those videos of blm violence and racist chants. I think that says it all.
You guys always say that the media is brain washing us but really you're the ones being brainwashed. BLM has had dozens and dozens of peaceful protest around the country standing with all types of people with no racist chanting of the sort. Edit:Remember there is an agenda keeping us seperated.