Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

No, but we're talking about blm and antifa here. Stalin was anti nazi. Are you saying you are on stalins side?

Stalin has nothing to do with this conversation
Plus I am not a anti-whatever

Don't hijack the question

Undoubtably violence in any way is not acceptable

That being said , anti-nazi demonstrators were there because there were pro-nazi demonstrators

For white nationalists, neo-Nazis, the “alt-right” and others in that camp, violence is an end in itself. The ideology that they adhere to not only calls for the violent elimination of any group that falls outside of their narrow conception of normalcy, but also sees violence as the ultimate goal

Antifascists are focused on a singular goal as described by their movement name: opposing fascism.
You guys always say that the media is brain washing us but really you're the ones being brainwashed. BLM has had dozens and dozens of peaceful protest around the country standing with all types of people with no racist chanting of the sort. Edit:Remember there is an agenda keeping us seperated.
Quite a bit of footage out there of them throwing shit, burning shit, breaking shit, chanting violent and racist rhetoric, etc, etc. You call it peaceful and i call bullshit. Guess we'll have to disagree. Fact is, though, throughout history and including the present, democrats have sided with these violent hate groups including the kkk and all tue way up until today where trump has denounced racism and including white supremacist on many occassions. I think it's time for some self reflection.
Stalin has nothing to do with this conversation
Plus I am not a anti-whatever

Don't hijack the question

Undoubtably violence in any way is not acceptable

That being said , anti-nazi demonstrators were there because there were pro-nazi demonstrators

For white nationalists, neo-Nazis, the “alt-right” and others in that camp, violence is an end in itself. The ideology that they adhere to not only calls for the violent elimination of any group that falls outside of their narrow conception of normalcy, but also sees violence as the ultimate goal

Antifascists are focused on a singular goal as described by their movement name: opposing fascism.
Not hijacking, just showing how your question was a loaded question. The republican party, including donald trump has denounced white supremacist groups on multiple occassions. But you don't have to be for one racist group just to denounce another.
Not hijacking, just showing how your question was a loaded question. The republican party, including donald trump has denounced white supremacist groups on multiple occassions. But you don't have to be for one racist group just to denounce another.

You're right

But the issue here is that he equated the two and that's the core of the argument

Consider where we are.

The President of the United States has spent the last 24 hours creating some sort of moral equivalency between hate-mongers and those there to protest hate. In doing so, he has handed these white supremacists and neo-Nazis exactly what they want: Cover for their hate-filled rhetoric. Make no mistake: For the bigots and supremacists who gathered in Charlottesville, what Trump said on Saturday and again yesterday marks a major win, a success in their efforts to push their venomous views into the mainstream.

That failure of moral leadership comes on top of a series of political failures over the first six months of Trump's presidency. Health care has not been repealed or replaced. Trump's so-called "travel ban" remains largely in legal limbo. Resignations and firings of a number of top White House advisers have left questions about who is really in charge -- if anyone. An ongoing special counsel continues to investigate Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion with members of Trump's campaign., a historic low point for a president at this stage of his term.

And, at the center of it all, is Trump. A man bent on settling every score. A man who takes every slight -- real or perceived -- personally. A man unwilling to grasp the mantle of moral and political leadership the presidency grants him. A man who will not change and, worse, is so wrapped up in his bouts of personal pique that he can't see the damage he is doing to his party and, more importantly, the country.

What had been a slow-motion political collapse over these past 207 days turned into a fast-motion moral collapse on Tuesday. Which leads to this question: What now? What do Republicans -- and the rest of the country -- do now, with the sure knowledge that Trump won't change and, if he keeps on this present course, seems likely to do lasting damage to the office to which he is elected?
Elie Wiesel - Acceptance Speech [The Nobel Peace Prize 1986]

And then I explained to him how naive we were, that the world did know and remain silent. And that is why I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men or women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must – at that moment – become the center of the universe.
Trumpshit, Trumpracist, ...

President Trump’s main council of top corporate leaders appeared on the verge of disbanding on Wednesday, said people briefed on the matter, following controversial remarks from Mr. Trump on Tuesday when he equated white nationalist hate groups with the protesters opposing them.

Late Wednesday morning, Stephen A. Schwarzman, the chief executive of the Blackstone Group and one of Mr. Trump’s closest confidants in the business community, organized a conference call for members of the president’s Strategic and Policy Forum.

On the call, the chief executives of some of the largest companies in the country were debating how to proceed.

One option under serious consideration was disbanding the forum altogether.

If the forum does survive, several C.E.O.s were expected to resign from it.
Trumpshit, Trumpracist, ...

President Trump’s main council of top corporate leaders appeared on the verge of disbanding on Wednesday, said people briefed on the matter, following controversial remarks from Mr. Trump on Tuesday when he equated white nationalist hate groups with the protesters opposing them.

Late Wednesday morning, Stephen A. Schwarzman, the chief executive of the Blackstone Group and one of Mr. Trump’s closest confidants in the business community, organized a conference call for members of the president’s Strategic and Policy Forum.

On the call, the chief executives of some of the largest companies in the country were debating how to proceed.

One option under serious consideration was disbanding the forum altogether.

If the forum does survive, several C.E.O.s were expected to resign from it.

Members of President Donald Trump's Strategic and Policy Forum have agreed to disband the group, a member told CNBC, as corporate backlash mounts against the president.

The business advisory council made up of top business leaders is separate from Trump's manufacturing council, which several business leaders left this week.

The business backlash to Trump follows his tepid response to violence at a white nationalist rally over the weekend.

"The thinking was it was important to do as a group," a member told CNBC. "As a panel, not as individuals because it would have more significant impact. It makes a central point that it's not going to go forward. It's done."