Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

He didn't equate the two groups in historical terms. He merely stated the facts in that both sides were responsible for the violence. He equated them in terms of this "singular" instance. You, the left, and the media are extrapolating it to Trump calling the groups equal on a historical basis. White supremacists are garbage but you don't get to excuse the violence of Antifa because they are a supposed counter to white supremacists (which is a bullshit description of this particular movement). They are both garbage and in this particular instance they are both guilty of comitting and inciting violence.

I prefaced stating that violence is not acceptable in any form
And trump DID equate them...
he even stated there are "fine" people on both sides... [emoji849][emoji15][emoji15][emoji15]
I prefaced stating that violence is not acceptable in any form
And trump DID equate them...
he even stated there are "fine" people on both sides... [emoji849][emoji15][emoji15][emoji15]
He was saying that not all the people at the rally were white supremacists/kkk. Stated that some were there just to protest the removal of the statue. For the other side he stated some were there just to peacefully counter protest and were not comitting violence. That is not equating historical kkk violence with antifa. What about his statement was not factual? Can you show me where all the people there were white supremacists and there was not some there simply to protest the removal of the statue? If so I would gladly agree that every person there was a white supremacist piece of garbage and should of been called as such.
Americans Demand That Offensive Symbol of Racism Be Removed from Public Property
Americans Demand That Offensive Symbol of Racism Be Removed from Public Property

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A growing chorus of Americans is demanding that an offensive symbol of racism be removed from public property.

Creating outrage since it was first installed at a historic landmark in January, the symbol, a figure of a man standing six feet two and weighing approximately two hundred and fifty pounds, has emerged as one of the most despised objects in the country.

Now, less than seven months after the figure’s installation, calls for its removal have spread from home to abroad, with many of the nation’s allies wondering what possessed Americans to put such an odious figure in such a visible position.

Large protests broke out this week in New York City, where the offensive symbol was briefly on display.

“Every time I see [the racist symbol] on TV, I want to change the channel,” one protester said. “I can’t stand looking at it.”

“This symbol is a part of America’s dark, ugly past,” another protester said, echoing the opinions of many. “It has no business being here in 2017.”

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s personal lawyer on Wednesday forwarded an email to conservative journalists, government officials and friends that echoed secessionist Civil War propaganda and declared that the group Black Lives Matter “has been totally infiltrated by terrorist groups.”

The email forwarded by John Dowd, who is leading the president’s legal team, painted the Confederate general Robert E. Lee in glowing terms and equated the South’s rebellion to that of the American Revolution against England. Its subject line — “The Information that Validates President Trump on Charlottesville” — was a reference to comments Mr. Trump made earlier this week in the aftermath of protests in the Virginia college town.

“You cannot be against General Lee and be for General Washington,” the email reads, “there literally is no difference between the two men.”


The email’s author, Jerome Almon, runs several websites alleging government conspiracies and arguing that the F.B.I. has been infiltrated by Islamic terrorists. He once unsuccessfully sued the State Department for $900 million over claims of discrimination.

Mr. Almon’s email said that Black Lives Matter, a group that formed to protest the use of force by police against African-Americans, is being directed by terrorists. Mr. Almon blamed the group for deadly violence against police last year in Texas and Louisiana.

The email’s comparison of secessionists to the nation’s Founding Fathers echoes an early Confederate rallying cry, said Judith Giesberg, a Villanova University historian and editor of The Journal of the Civil War Era. Washington’s face appeared on Confederate money, she said, and secessionists were eager to place their rebellion in the context of the American Revolution.
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These sort of protests are only the beginning and Trump just stoked those flames even more with his insane speech. This country won't be right again till Trump is removed from office forcibly.
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There has been almost 2k BLM protest over the last 3 years, you think they've all been hateful terroristic displays?
White people attend BLM protest would be kinda weird to chanting about killing your own people.

Systemic racism has been debated in this thread at length not gonna get it going again also

You just refuse to have a honest debate, huh. You completely and intentionally ignored almost every point I made or question asked. And the ones you did respond to was with utter nonsense. If we can't have honesty and forthcoming debate, whats the point?

So what you're saying is that the total number of BLM protests reaches some arbitrary milestone and that means they're absolved of being racists, fascists, violent, or murderous? Ridiculous.

I wonder if that Australian organization handing out peace prizes to liberal causes would have still awarded BLM their prize had they been in Ferguson while it was being burned to the ground by all those "peaceful" BLM protesters. The award was purely political as is the founder of the organization.

Yes, white people attend BLM rallies. Whether or not they're aware of the desire by some to see them dead is irrelevant to the fact that BLM has called for the death of white people. Additionally, the white people that attend the rallies are instructed not to speak only support as needed (tools, pawns).

Now, I would appreciate an honest forthcoming response to the question below:

Are the following statements about BLM true or false:

Calling for the death of white people
Calling for the death police
Killing police
Violence against those who don't share their views
Rioting, looting, destruction of property, etc
White people shouldn't speak at BLM events

A good friend of my daughter's, who attends UVA, had dinner with us not too long ago. During a discussion on the pope I made a comment about how strongly his political leanings resembled communism. Her friend was clearly upset by my comments and I backed off thinking at the time she didn't "look" catholic. But later I realized she was upset because I was disparaging communism. It makes me a little sad. We are not the future; our kids are. And they are making the same stupid mistakes we made.