Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You're right

But the issue here is that he equated the two and that's the core of the argument
He didn't equate the two groups in historical terms. He merely stated the facts in that both sides were responsible for the violence. He equated them in terms of this "singular" instance. You, the left, and the media are extrapolating it to Trump calling the groups equal on a historical basis. White supremacists are garbage but you don't get to excuse the violence of Antifa because they are a supposed counter to white supremacists (which is a bullshit description of this particular movement). They are both garbage and in this particular instance they are both guilty of comitting and inciting violence.
Well shit man, he said we blame white people and Trump.

I'm not sure what this statement has to do with the facts presented about BLM in Robs post, which is what I asked you to respond to. Maybe I'm just not clear on who "he" and "we" are. I apologize if I'm misunderstanding your rebuttal to Robs post.

To think I would blame an entire race of people for anything that would be ridiculous and hypocrisy on my part.

Good to know we can agree on at least one thing.

I blame extremist and supremacist, and for some reason they love Trump. I wonder why.

That's the point of this particular discussion - the extremist, supremacist, fascist, violent groups. Of course we differ on which groups fit this description.

If the terms above are synonymous in this context (which many people seem to partake), then we should easily be able to agree that Antifa and BLM are virtually identical to white supremacists and KKK. Additionally, if we were to separate the listed words into separate categories based on their definitions and then file the groups listed above under the appropriately defined category, based on actual documented incidents, we would end up with the same results.

Regarding you comment about how "...they love Trump. I wonder why." Why does BLM love Obama? Why did Obama entertain a luncheon with the hate group BLM at the white house?

Also BLM purpose is to be a activist group Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people. ... The overall Black Lives Matter movement, however, is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy. Part of that is cut and paste but that's how I view them.

They can say whatever they want in their marketing but the words and actions of their members say different - they are a documented hate group that does NOTHING positive nor constructive for the African-American community. Show me what positive message they send (documented words and actions) to the people they support and the direct positive effect it's had on the AA community.

If they are against violence, then why do they commit violence? If they are against violence directed at black people, why are they not marching in Chicago?

Systemic racism? Show me actual incidents of racism - not perceived or cultivated events and certainly not fabricated ones but actual documented incidents. And to be clear, I belief these events do occur but I don't recall one on the national media recently. Systemic racism is like trying to root out the boogey man - it doesn't exist.

As Rob pointed out, the hands up don't shoot mantra that started BLM was proven to be a lie. Do you believe Michael Brown was a victim of racism?

How can you compare them to people sporting a Swastika?

Easily - whether baring a swastika or BLM t-shirt both groups represent the "hate" definition based on their words and actions. As stated above, if we had a categorized list based on the documented incidents they would all be virtually the same.


Calling for the death of white people
Calling for the death police
Killing police
Violence against those who don't share their views
Rioting, looting, destruction of property, etc
White people shouldn't speak at BLM events

The above is all documented incidents of members of BLM.

So, the question I have for you is: How can you support a racist, supremacist, fascist, violent, and murderous group like BLM?
I'm not sure what this statement has to do with the facts presented about BLM in Robs post, which is what I asked you to respond to. Maybe I'm just not clear on who "he" and "we" are. I apologize if I'm misunderstanding your rebuttal to Robs post.

Good to know we can agree on at least one thing.

That's the point of this particular discussion - the extremist, supremacist, fascist, violent groups. Of course we differ on which groups fit this description.

If the terms above are synonymous in this context (which many people seem to partake), then we should easily be able to agree that Antifa and BLM are virtually identical to white supremacists and KKK. Additionally, if we were to separate the listed words into separate categories based on their definitions and then file the groups listed above under the appropriately defined category, based on actual documented incidents, we would end up with the same results.

Regarding you comment about how "...they love Trump. I wonder why." Why does BLM love Obama? Why did Obama entertain a luncheon with the hate group BLM at the white house?

They can say whatever they want in their marketing but the words and actions of their members say different - they are a documented hate group that does NOTHING positive nor constructive for the African-American community. Show me what positive message they send (documented words and actions) to the people they support and the direct positive effect it's had on the AA community.

If they are against violence, then why do they commit violence? If they are against violence directed at black people, why are they not marching in Chicago?

Systemic racism? Show me actual incidents of racism - not perceived or cultivated events and certainly not fabricated ones but actual documented incidents. And to be clear, I belief these events do occur but I don't recall one on the national media recently. Systemic racism is like trying to root out the boogey man - it doesn't exist.

As Rob pointed out, the hands up don't shoot mantra that started BLM was proven to be a lie. Do you believe Michael Brown was a victim of racism?

Easily - whether baring a swastika or BLM t-shirt both groups represent the "hate" definition based on their words and actions. As stated above, if we had a categorized list based on the documented incidents they would all be virtually the same.


Calling for the death of white people
Calling for the death police
Killing police
Violence against those who don't share their views
Rioting, looting, destruction of property, etc
White people shouldn't speak at BLM events

The above is all documented incidents of members of BLM.

So, the question I have for you is: How can you support a racist, supremacist, fascist, violent, and murderous group like BLM?

There has been almost 2k BLM protest over the last 3 years, you think they've all been hateful terroristic displays?
White people attend BLM protest would be kinda weird to chanting about killing your own people.

Systemic racism has been debated in this thread at length not gonna get it going again also

You and people of your ilk are disgraceful. You compare veterans to Antifa? Antifa starts riots, assaults people, they carry communist flags, and these acts are comitted against all people and not just white supremacists. Those soldiers fought for freedom. Antifa shuts down free speech. Antifa carries the flags of communism. Amazing that you are a moderator on this forum.
The plot thickens..

Why Was This 'Crowd Hire' Company Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte Last Week?


Trumpracist, Trumpshit, Trumpidiot, ... Posted This Doctored Image In Their Post!!!

Sad!!! So Sad!

A widely spread photo that appears to show an anti-fascist activist beating a police officer is a doctored image.

The image showing a man wielding a club and wearing an “antifa” jacket while standing over a downed officer was widely shared after the deadly violence at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The image has been circulating for several months among those opposed to the antifa movement, which is comprised of far-left-leaning militant groups that resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

The image is actually a Getty Images photo taken during a 2009 protest of police in Athens, Greece. An antifa logo was apparently digitally added to the demonstrator’s jacket.

antifa doctored image.PNG
Trumpracist, Trumpshit, Trumpidiot, ... Posted This Doctored Image In Their Post!!!

Sad!!! So Sad!

A widely spread photo that appears to show an anti-fascist activist beating a police officer is a doctored image.

The image showing a man wielding a club and wearing an “antifa” jacket while standing over a downed officer was widely shared after the deadly violence at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The image has been circulating for several months among those opposed to the antifa movement, which is comprised of far-left-leaning militant groups that resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

The image is actually a Getty Images photo taken during a 2009 protest of police in Athens, Greece. An antifa logo was apparently digitally added to the demonstrator’s jacket.

View attachment 74668

This coming from the guy who has posted infinite propaganda,proven lies and bullshit and has never once posted a correction. I would be here all day highlighting your incorrect postings and subsequent lack of correcting them.