Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

These sort of protests are only the beginning and Trump just stoked those flames even more with his insane speech. This country won't be right again till Trump is removed from office forcibly.
What exactly did trump say to stoke the flames?
I think he so, Rob. Hope someone doesn't report him to the secret service...I'm sure they would launch a thorough investigation into his coup plans...
LOL. You ruined it. I wanted him to reply and clearly clarify his statement before I hit him with the legal aspect.
He was saying that not all the people at the rally were white supremacists/kkk. Stated that some were there just to protest the removal of the statue. For the other side he stated some were there just to peacefully counter protest and were not comitting violence. That is not equating historical kkk violence with antifa. What about his statement was not factual? Can you show me where all the people there were white supremacists and there was not some there simply to protest the removal of the statue? If so I would gladly agree that every person there was a white supremacist piece of garbage and should of been called as such.

Evidently we live on two different planets
Evidently we live on two different planets
I asked a simple question or posed one to be exact. I simply asked you to show me that everyone there was a white supremacist. Show me that there was not some there to just protest the removal of the statue. Is that an unreasonable thing to ask in order for me to see your side of the issue? I don't have a problem listening to your side since you are willing to have a discussion and are not hiding behind memes and twitter shares. I think my request was pretty standard in a debate type discussion.

Sharing a tweet from a CNN hack makes me feel dirty but here it is. But..but...but.. they were not comitting violence and we're only countering the white supremacists....Spin me some more of your bullshit fellas.

The White House turmoil intensified as friends and relatives gathered to memorialize Heather Heyer, the woman who was struck and killed on Saturday. Susan Bro, Ms. Heyer’s mother, told worshipers that her daughter had been protesting hatred by the nationalist groups when she was killed by one of them.

“They tried to kill my child to shut her up, but guess what, you just magnified her,” Ms. Bro said.

Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, denounced “hate and bigotry” in a statement on Wednesday but made no mention of Mr. Trump or his comments — an example of the careful line that some Republican officials are treading as they hope to work with the president on a conservative agenda in the months to come.

Leaders of the Republican Jewish Coalition were more direct, calling on Mr. Trump to “provide greater moral clarity in rejecting racism, bigotry, and anti-Semitism.” They added: “There are no good Nazis and no good members of the Klan. Thankfully, in modern America, the K.K.K. and Nazis are small fringe groups that have never been welcome in the G.O.P.”

David Shulkin, the secretary of veterans affairs, delivered an emotional statement to reporters on Wednesday at Mr. Trump’s private golf club in Bedminster, N.J., where the president is vacationing. Treading carefully without chiding Mr. Trump, Mr. Shulkin said: “Well, I’m speaking out, and I’m giving my personal opinions as an American and as a Jewish American. And for me in particular, I think in learning history, that we know that staying silent on these issues is simply not acceptable.”

Paraphrasing famous words from Martin Niemöller, a German pastor and a vocal critic of Adolf Hitler, Mr. Shulkin said, “First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I wasn’t a trade unionist, so I didn’t speak out. Then they came for the Jews. I wasn’t a Jew so I didn’t speak out. Then they came for me, and there was no one to speak for me.”

Many other Jewish members of the Trump administration remained largely silent on Wednesday, even after the protesters in Charlottesville had chanted anti-Semitic slogans and demeaned the president’s Jewish son-in-law, Mr. Kushner.
Surprise, Surprise, ... NOT!

Donald Trump the neo-Nazi sympathizer has achieved what Donald Trump the president has singularly failed to do: unite the nation.

An immensely fractured country – riven by race, class, culture and politics – finds itself transfixed by one grotesque display of empathy for violent racists. These are the same violent racists whom White House aides previously called, in remarks that Trump read out loudly and very carefully: “Criminals and thugs.”

But that was so Monday. One short day later, the leader of the nation – that daily proclaims its commitment to liberty and justice for all – declared there were “very fine people” in Charlottesville, who simply joined a neo-Nazi rally to protest about a statue.


What drives Donald Trump to such extremes? Yes, we know he has a long history of racism: from his belief in the guilt of the Central Park Five to his announcement speech riff about Mexican immigrants as rapists. Yes, we know Ivana Trump said he kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches by his bedside.

But it would be an omission to leave out the driving force of his candidacy and his presidency: his visceral hatred of Barack Obama. Trump has no clear ideology and no clear purpose to his presidency, other than his obsession with overturning everything Obama stood for. His presidential campaign began with a racist lie about Obama’s birth certificate; his presidency continues to smolder with resentment about the enduring life of Obamacare.

As they say on Scandal, and in too many American homes for too long, you have to be twice as good as them to get half of what they have. How it must pain Donald Trump to know that his predecessor was twice as good at everything from inauguration crowds to legislative victories.

Let’s be honest. Trump’s sympathy for neo-Nazis is no more shocking than his pussy-grabbing boasts, his continued profiting from the presidency, his coddling of (and alleged collusion with) the Russians and his obvious obstruction of justice by firing the FBI director.

There is, amid all the random tweets and undisciplined press comments, a remarkable consistency to Donald Trump. He is the very man Hillary Clinton warned us that he would be. (Organizers postpone Google protest marches, citing ‘alt-left terrorist’ threats)