Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

He said not all the people that were there were kkk or white supremacists. He stated some were just there to protest the removal of the statue, which is a fact. Unless of course not wanting a statue removed makes you a kkk member or white supremacist by default. Bullshit propaganda confirmed. Next.
Unless it buried somewhere in the auto-spam, I haven't see @Michael Scally MD denounce any of the other racist, fascist groups that have been documented committing acts of suppression and violence.

@Michael Scally MD do you denounce or embrace BLM and Antifa?
No you certainly won't see anything like that coming from him. You also won't receive a reply from him since he has said that replying to anyone that doesn't share his views are not worth his time basically. This comment was subsequently liked by the site owner so that tells you all you need to know about the interest in discussion here.
@Jeremiahflex , will you please respond to Robs post below? I was looking forward to the retort to those inconvenient facts about BLM and the glaring double standard employed when assessing groups like BLM and white supremacists.

Their original purpose is not what you proclaim. The movement was built on a.lie. Hands up don't shoot....complete and utter lie. Never happened. They praise Assata Shakur, a person who shot and killed a New Jersey State Trooper back in 1973. She's also on the FBI's most wanted terrorism list. BLM glorifies Shakur as a hero and uses her writings and materials. They are not what you claim them to be. This is a hate group built on lies. A group pushing a false narrative embraced by the left. A group that worships a cop killer and terrorist. I can sit here all day and post fact after fact about BLM. What you perceive them to be is certainly not what they are or what they are about.

Why it not the fault of BLM when others use their name and commit dumb acts but white people and Trump are responsible when the same theory applies? If BLM is not responsible then Trump is not responsible. It's this type of hypocrisy that I find nauseating.
@Jeremiahflex , will you please respond to Robs post below? I was looking forward to the retort to those inconvenient facts about BLM and the glaring double standard employed when assessing groups like BLM and white supremacists.
It's a pattern you will notice here when I decide to get involved with people who I think are spreading falsehoods. I simply put out facts and wait for them to retort and debate what I have asked them or what I have posted. You will see that they are unable to do so on almost every single occasion. It's comical and pathetic all at the same time
No you certainly won't see anything like that coming from him. You also won't receive a reply from him since he has said that replying to anyone that doesn't share his views are not worth his time basically. This comment was subsequently liked by the site owner so that tells you all you need to know about the interest in discussion here.

I wasn't anticipating an answer and certainly not a discussion. That would require him to descend from the intellectual and moral superiority complex he's constructed on the highest peak in his mind. Mostly just wanted to point out yet another instance of double standards stemming from the left side of the isle.

Its sad, really. You would think with all that education and training he's undergone to critically assess information, that pursuing facts while staying object would be second nature to him by now. That of course is not the case in this thread, unfortunately.
It's a pattern you will notice here when I decide to get involved with people who I think are spreading falsehoods. I simply put out facts and wait for them to retort and debate what I have asked them or what I have posted. You will see that they are unable to do so on almost every single occasion. It's comical and pathetic all at the same time

I've noticed that too. There's been a few pages, here and there, with good debate but it's long been buried by the meme/twitter-bot formally known as Dr Scally and some deranged rants/attacks of big paul peppered in.

Honestly, I don't even know why I started posting again. The onslaught of blatant biased "reporting" and the double standards get under my skin I guess.