Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

James Murdoch, the CEO of Twenty-First Century Fox (FOXA), circulated an email which said that in the wake of the recent events in Charlottesville, Va., he would be making a $1 million donation to the Anti-Defamation League.

“[W]hat we watched this last week in Charlottesville and the reaction to it by the President of the United States concern all of us as Americans and free people,” Murdoch said in a note seen by Yahoo Finance.

On August 11 and 12, protestors including white supremacists and neo-Nazis descended on Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. The event turned violent, leading to the 19 injuries and the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer.

President Donald Trump continues to be publicly criticized by business leaders, policymakers and many others for his ambiguous comments in which he does not clearly condemn the hate groups that attended the rally. He maintains that “both sides” were to blame.

“I can’t even believe I have to write this: standing up to Nazis is essential; there are no good Nazis. Or Klansmen, or terrorists,” Murdoch said in his note. “Democrats, Republicans, and others must all agree on this, and it compromises nothing for them to do so.”

In his note, he said that he and his wife Kathryn do not often talk about their charitable activities.

But in this case I wanted to tell you and encourage you to be generous too,” he said. “Many of you are supporters of the Anti-Defamation League already – now is a great time to give more.”

Murdoch is the younger son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, the former Chairman and CEO of News Corporation and current Chairman and acting CEO of Fox News.
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That's a stupid tween on many levels
Violence is never the answer

Furthermore I'd rather have a trump blocked and incapable of having his agenda move forward than a Pence, perhaps if possible even more extreme than trump, who instead will be able to ...
This just again shows the bias in the media and the hypocrisy of the left. Where is the outrage from the media? If this was a Republican congressman all hell would be unleashed. You are right, it's fine if people don't want Trump in office but to express publicly you hope for his assassination is over the line. I'm sure the media or the Democrats will disavow this behavior. I don't expect them to hold themselves or the left to the same standard they propose on the Republicans.
But enough, I can't say more on this argument. We are free for now - fortunately - to have different perspectives
but most of what you said is not true. Trump did not defend the nazis-neo nazis-white supremacist. No one can post where he did. They just keep saying it hoping it will stick. These are the same people that have been talking impeachment long before he became president. If that doesn't say it all i don't know what will. It was the vagina grabbing. That didn't work so they made up this russia thing. That didn't work and now they are making up the nazi thing, etc, etc. It will be one thing after another. But hey... if someone can quote where trump defended the white supremacist I'm all ears.

DEFENDERS of President Donald Trump offer two arguments in his favour—that he is a businessman who will curb the excesses of the state; and that he will help America stand tall again by demolishing the politically correct taboos of left-leaning, establishment elites. From the start, these arguments looked like wishful thinking. After Mr Trump’s press conference in New York on August 15th they lie in ruins.

The unscripted remarks were his third attempt to deal with violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend (see article). In them the president stepped back from Monday’s—scripted—condemnation of the white supremacists who had marched to protest against the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, a Confederate general, and fought with counter-demonstrators, including some from the left. In New York, as his new chief of staff looked on dejected, Mr Trump let rip, stressing once again that there was blame “on both sides”. He left no doubt which of those sides lies closer to his heart.

Mr Trump is not a white supremacist. He repeated his criticism of neo-Nazis and spoke out against the murder of Heather Heyer (see our Obituary). Even so, his unsteady response contains a terrible message for Americans. Far from being the saviour of the Republic, their president is politically inept, morally barren and temperamentally unfit for office.

Dear Trump Voter: I told you so.

For years, conservatives including yours truly warned you against Donald Trump. Writing at The Daily Caller in August 2015, I warned about Trump’s dangerous worldview. On CNN in 2015, I said: “If Hillary Clinton paid somebody to try to destroy the Republican brand, they would do exactly what Donald Trump has done.” In May 2016, I warned: “Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama cannot destroy the conservative brand. Donald Trump can. Donald Trump can redefine what it means to be a Republican and what it means to be in a conservative. In a way, Trump is more dangerous to conservatism than Obama and Hillary because he is posing as a conservative.”

Heck, I even wrote a book about it.

Not only did you not heed our warnings (I wasn’t alone; see Jonah Goldberg, Erick Erickson, Dana Loesch, Ben Shapiro, et al.), you called us cucks and cuckservatives and RINOs… all for speaking out against a billionaire casino magnate who donated to Nancy Pelosi and invited Hillary Clinton to his (third) wedding. You then helped elevate the alt-right in stature (Richard Spencer), and the alt-right adjacent into the White House (Steve Bannon, Seb Gorka, and Steve Miller).


Now look, I realize that a lot of good Republicans voted for someone other than Trump in the GOP primary. Further, I realize that Trump lost the popular vote in the general election. So I don’t want to paint with too broad a brush when I say that you were warned about this man—and you ignored our warnings. We were right; you were wrong.

The masses, it turns out, sometimes are asses. Sometimes the people who actually pay close attention to politics know more than the disgruntled populists and nationalists who are willing to gamble on the future of this great republic—and on the reputation of a conservative philosophy that goes from Aristotle to Burke to Buckley—in order to boost a reality show host. You elected your guy, and look where it got us.

Congratulations, or something.