Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Ruh-Roh Rudy

While on his “rogue” tour of Europe seeking conspiracy theories to aid Trump’s reelection and impeachment defense, Rudy Giuliani blew the “no quid pro quo” defense out of the water.

From Ukraine, where he refused to admit he was after admitting he was there, Rudy tweeted, “The conversation about corruption in Ukraine was based on compelling evidence of criminal conduct by then VP Biden, in 2016, that has not been resolved and until it is will be a major obstacle … to the US assisting Ukraine with its anti-corruption reforms.”

In case you’re a Republican, let me point out where he blew up your defense. He said if Biden’s “criminal conduct” isn’t resolved, then it will be a “major obstacle” to the U.S. assisting Ukraine with anti-corruption reforms. He’s demanding a quid pro quo for made-up dirt on Joe Biden.

First, there is no evidence that Joe Biden, or even Hunter, engaged in any corruption. If Rudy has evidence of that then he should reveal it. Second, it doesn’t help the argument that Trump didn’t seek election help from a foreign nation while his private goon is skulking across foreign nations seeking election help. And, he’s doing during the impeachment inquiry. Third, during the conservation Rudy is referring to, Trump never said the word “corruption.”

Seriously, if Rudy Giuliani is your knight in shining armor you’re depending on to save you, you’re pretty much fucked. Maybe, better proof than Trump’s rant about flushing toilets that he isn’t all there mentally is his continued reliance on Rudy Giuliani.

While asked if he was in Ukraine by The Blaze’s Eric Bolling, who may or may not have been fired from Fox News for sending pics to staffers of his penis, Rudy said, “I am not here to…I don’t have to defend myself.”

Traveling while producing a documentary for a right-wing network that’s not Fox News, Rudy wouldn’t confirm he’s in Ukraine, but several Ukrainian conspiracy theorists tweeted photos of them hanging out with the former mayor. He also met with pro-Russian Ukrainians who support that nation’s annexation of Crimea. And, he met with the prosecutor the entire western world considered corrupt. Rudy calling for investigations into corruption while hanging out with corrupt people is kinda like Donald Trump promising to drain the swamp. If these guys were looking for Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman’s killer, they’d hire O.J. to conduct the investigation.

Part of the Republicans’ defense against impeachment are conspiracy theories. They are trying to build a case that Joe Biden is corrupt and that Ukraine meddled in our 2016 election, neither of which has any evidence to support it.

Some Republicans who aren’t totally insane are not happy with Rudy’s “meddling” in Ukraine. Dan Eberhart, a prominent Republican donor and Trump supporter, said, “The fact that Giuliani is back in Ukraine is like a murder suspect returning to the crime scene to live-stream themselves moon dancing.”

This is Trump and Giuliani’s narcissism. They’re refusing to admit they did something wrong, so they’re defending themselves by doubling down, doing it again and tweeting out photos of it. It’d be like Eric Bolling texting, “I never sent anyone any wiener pics” in a text with a wiener pic.

These people are idiots. The man in charge of Trump’s Ukraine mission conducts a call with Trump on a cell phone in a Russian hot spot for spies, Rudy won’t say he’s in Ukraine while the people he’s meeting in that nation are tweeting out photos of it, they tell us there’s no quid pro quo while demanding a quid pro quo, and Devin Nunes is sitting on a panel investigation this scam after he participated in it.

When Scooby and the gang pull off the mask of this monster, the villain will be Trump…or Devin Nunes…or Rudy Giuliani…or…

Trump Toilet

Donald Trump panders to a very racist, stupid base of supporters. It’s why he makes racist comments while being reluctant to criticize racists. When tiki-torch Nazis marched in Charlottesville, it would have been very presidential to criticize Nazis. For Donald Trump, his first instinct was to attack the people protesting Nazis. If you support Donald Trump, he’s afraid criticizing Nazis will make you upset. Fact.

The one positive in this for Trump is since he’s talking to people who aren’t well informed and are also the least educated in this nation, he doesn’t need to be that informed himself or educated on what he’s talking about. He can even lie to his supporters and get away with it, which he does on a daily basis.

When a Muslim shoots up a nightclub in Orlando, Trump can immediately scream it supports the argument for his Muslim ban, despite the fact that specific Muslim was born in New York. Trump did the same thing after another ISIS-inspired terrorist killed eight in New York City with a truck, though this terrorist was born in Russia, a nation not on Trump’s travel ban list. Naturally, he used the 2015 killing of 14 in San Bernardino to support his Muslim ban, though one of those killers was born in the U.S. and the other in Pakistan, another nation not on the list of bad nations. The facts don’t matter when you’re playing to a base xenophobic and Islamophobic base.

As a candidate, Trump called for a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States until “our country’s representatives can figure out what’s going on.” He said, “Islam hates us.” He talked about surveillance and even shutting down mosques in the United States.

Naturally, whenever a mass shooter is white and publishes a hate manifesto echoing Trump’s rhetoric shortly before shooting up a mosque, synagogue, Walmart, or garlic festival, Donald takes his time in issuing a statement, and he rarely addresses the gun aspect or the fact he inspired the killer. He rarely identifies such attacks as terrorism. So, when a Saudi national killed three on an American naval base this past week, it was another great opportunity for Trump to scream about Muslims and promote his travel ban, xenophobia, and generic bigotry. What did he talk about? Toilets.

A member of the Saudi Air Force was training in Pensacola (We train a lot of our allies’ military personnel in the U.S.) when he went on a shooting rampage that killed three and injured eight others. Being from Saudi Arabia, a nation that has financially invested in Trump and Jared Kushner, and the first nation Trump visited as president where he was the recipient of a sword dance, Trump was very understanding of the Saudi reaction to the shooting.

Trump tweeted, “The King said that the Saudi people are greatly angered by the barbaric actions of the shooter, and that this person in no way shape or form represents the feelings of the Saudi people who love the American people.” Trump also had a slow and defensive response after a Washington Post journalist was killed at the Saudi consulate in Turkey last year.

Florida’s Republican Governor and Trump acolyte said, “Obviously, the government of Saudi Arabia needs to make things better for these victims. They’re going to owe a debt here.” The Republican answer is to take a check and sweep it all under the rug.

If President Obama had responded to a terrorist attack committed by a man from Saudi Arabia, conservatives would have said he was apologizing for Islam. With Trump, they’re fine that he spent less time discussing the shooting on Friday and more time talking about toilets.

On an issue that should resonate as well with his supporters as energy-saving lightbulbs, the remote being across the room, and the missing single sock, Trump lit into low-flush toilets. He railed, “People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once.”

First off, if you’re flushing 10 to 15 times, chew your food. Trump included faucets and showers into his rant saying, “We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms, where you turn the faucet on — in areas where there’s tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it — you turn on the faucet, you don’t get any water.” Suggesting that states should be regulated differently, he said, “But for the most part, you have many states where they have so much water that it comes down — it’s called rain — that they don’t know, they don’t know what to do with it.” In case you didn’t know the water coming down from the sky is rain, then you’re probably also wondering why world leaders are laughing at Trump.

Trump said the federal Environmental Protection Agency was looking at the issue at his suggestion. The truth is, and Trump may not even know this, is that because of a 2018 law, Congress is already mandated to look into any water regulations passed before 2012. This includes “specifications for tank-type toilets, lavatory faucets and faucet accessories, showerheads, flushing urinals, and weather-based irrigation controllers,” and before you blame Obama because you have to flush a lot, all those regulations were passed in the early 90s.

Hating Muslims was a big winner for Trump in 2016. Maybe stubborn turds will save the day in 2020.

“Neoliberal democracy. Instead of citizens, it produces consumers. Instead of communities, it produces shopping malls. The net result is an atomized society of disengaged individuals who feel demoralized and socially powerless.

In sum, neoliberalism is the immediate and foremost enemy of genuine participatory democracy, not just in the United States but across the planet, and will be for the foreseeable future.”

― Noam Chomsky